Monday, August 10, 2015


The reunion was great - we had a good turn out and everyone gets along beautifully. I love the reunion, but nothing tires me out quite as much. We're leaving early this morning for my cousins lake house - a wonderful place to rest. Several cousins are joining us and I look forward to visiting with them with out playing hostess too.

More news about Mollie. Her college roommate got a job in a school just a mile from Mollie's. She will also be a third grade teacher and they have found an apartment to share. It's a townhouse, two bedroom, a bath and a half, dishwasher, washer and dryer. They are really excited, as you can imagine. Looks like we'll be doing some moving Friday. Everything is happening so fast!

One last thing, Donna Steele has a new book coming out today. Go by her site and check it out.


  1. Happy you enjoyed your reunion and are still going to get more visiting in. Congratulations to Mollie and her friend on finding their new home so quickly. Just be sure to let the younguns lift the heavy supervise. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  2. Hi PK, glad you enjoyed the reunion and hope you have a wonderful time at the lake.

    That's wonderful that Mollie and her friend found an apartment so quickly. Good luck with the move.


  3. Hi PK glad your reunion turned out well. Enjoy the time at your cousins lake house and relax.
    Wonderful news about Mollie and her friend. Good luck with the move. Does that mean you will finally be empty nesters?
    Lindy x

  4. Sounds like good news all the way around. Enjoy the last bit of your summer and time with family.


  5. Wonderful news about Mollie and her friend finding a house.

    Happy the reunion went well. Enjoy your time at the lake.

    Will be glad to have you back, we've missed you.


  6. We just got back from a reunion too, very tiring, lol, but at least I didn't host anything. Hope you enjoy the lakehouse and cousins!

  7. So wonderfully exciting! Glad things are coming together in such a perfect way!
    Mollie and her friend will have souch fun!
    I lived with a co-teacher my age when I began teaching, it's great to share all the experiences with someone who gets it!!

  8. so glad you had fun at the reunion. enjoy your relaxing time at the lake house. So exciting about Mollie and her friend. Take care! Hugs
