Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Special day

Nine years ago today I began this blog. I had no idea of all that was ahead of me. I had no idea the changes – all for the better – it would trigger in my marriage. I had no inkling of the friendships I’d make here. I had no idea how much I’d change.

Nick and I went from being pleasant roommates, to excited lover willing to experiment.

I went from having no one in the world to discuss my ‘weirdness’ with to having many close friends on several continents who understand me very well and share my desire to be spanked.

I was someone who rarely spoke up for herself at work, or other places. I kept things in and swallowed my anger. Through blogging – and ranting to you all when I needed to – I found my voice and I’m able to articulate pretty well when I needed to.

I went from someone who spent way too much time daydreaming with nothing to show for it. To someone who continues to spend way too much time daydreaming with six, soon to be seven book to show for it.

I’m happier, more courageous and more productive. I thank everyone who has ever come by to read, leave a comment, contributed a story to fantasy Friday, emailed me, encouraged me or who has taken time out of their real lives to travel to meet in person.

I love you guys!

This means next year with be a full decade - anyone up for an anniversary party?


  1. Congratulations on your blogiversary! You're an inspiration to many - bloggers, writers and spankos, and thank you for FF, it gave me the boost I needed.
    I'll bring along Pimms and cucumber sandwiches :)
    hugs DF

    1. Thanks DF, I'm not sure what Pimms are but be sure to bring them along to the party.

  2. Congratulations PK on your blogiversary! You are an inspiration to many of us and have introduced us to some wonderful friends. To quote one dear friend "blame PK". Thank you for your encouragement and support and for bringing us wonderful stories every Friday. This community really is amazing.

    I always enjoy visiting here and hearing from Cassie too. I'm definitely up for a party :)


    1. It was dear Bas who began blaming me - what a wonderful man. I hope it's a big party!

  3. Hi PK, oh congratulations, nine years!! You must be experts by now, lol
    Please may I come to the party, how great would it be for us all to meet
    love Jan,xx

    1. Maybe not expert, but I've got some experience anyway. A real life party would be fantastic.

  4. Congratulations on your nine year anniversary as a blogger. You have been an inspiration and a mentor to so many of us. I want to thank you for all that you've done for our little community. You have enriched all of our lives. Love the idea of getting together for a big party.


    1. I hope what you say is true, because you guys have certainly enriched mine!

  5. Congratulations PK on your 9 year blogiversary. You are an inspiration and I love reading everything especially FF and Cassie. You have encouraged me and others to stop lurking and come out, so to speak. Would be great to have a party with all like minded people together
    (((HUGS))) Lindy

    1. I do love lurkers coming out! We were all lurkers at one time and it's so exciting to realize how so many of us are now friends.

  6. Wow, PK! You should feel very proud today. What you wrote about how you have changed shows how empowering it is to have the courage to really be yourself. So many others have found their courage and happiness through you.

    The graphic in this post says it all. You have shared. You have connected. You have created. You have inspired! Congratulations and thanks!
    Ella Ever After

    1. I did love that graphic - I think it describes us all.

  7. Congratulations - Me and hundreds of others are happy you made that plunge into the unknown waters.

    I'm up for an anniversary party

    1. Thanks Sunny - that party, we could have a good one!

  8. Gosh, I still have that first email I sent you! I remember thinking that I could talk with you! I lurked for so many years. You gave me the courage to honestly be me.
    Congratulations! PK you have so much to be proud of!

    1. Minelle, you have added much out here - not the least of which are your wonderful pictures. Keep 'em coming!

  9. Hi PK,

    Congratulations on your 9 years blogging. This community wouldn't be the same without you.

    You've encourage a lot of people to start blogging and introduced us to many friends, thank you and thank you for bringing us Cassie and FF.

    Party sounds great. Count me in.


    1. It has been a wonderful community to be a part of for so long. I like that more are coming all the time, but sadly we lose a few along the way.

  10. Wow! Time sure is flying by! I've been here since the beginning and I'm grateful to call you friend! I love you and am so proud of you! Where you have taken this blog and your other blogs has been inspirational!
    I hope I'm invited to the party next year.
    ❤️ HUGS!

    1. Ahhh… Grace one of the few that have been here longer than I have been. I sure wish you were around more. I can't think of blogging without thinking of you and Eva and CeeCi and our trip to CA. It was wonderful!

  11. Congrats.....and the icing on this celebration cake, is that so many of us have you to thank for being here....
    I will be looking for my invite next year...
    hugs abby

    1. You are definitely invited! This could be a great party for sure.

  12. Congratulations, PK! May your tenth year be your best one yet.

    1. Thanks Bonnie, you know you began my career here and I'm most grateful.

  13. Happy blogiversary PK! So very happy for all your blog has helped you to achieve. Would love to attend your anniversary party! :D

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. You're definitely on the guest list! I believe blogging has helped us all.

  14. Jillie12:50 AM

    Wow - congratulations - nine years and counting - here's to another 10 years of your wonderful stories and blogs.

    1. Thanks Jillie,
      It's been quite a ride - I'll look for you at the party!

  15. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Sorry I missed your anniversary yesterday PK. Count me in for next year's party.

    Rosie xx

    1. I'll save you a seat Rosie!

  16. Anonymous10:02 AM

    We have been away..... sprry to be late at wishing you a happy # 9.

    1. Hope you had a great time! Thanks for the good wishes.

  17. Your are a favorite person of mine in blog land. Can't imagine being around here without you. Happy Anniversery

    1. You're sweet Blondie. This is a wonderful playground and I do love my friends.

  18. definitely something to celebrate! you are a wonderful presence in all of our lives :-) Hugs
