Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Ella's Meme

Ella created a great meme and I really enjoyed doing this one. I'd love to hear everyone's answers.

Take a look at your walls at home. Which picture/object is your favorite and why? Bonus points if you post a picture.

Nick is a great photographer. On our first trip to the Outer Banks of NC, almost thirty-three years ago he took this great sunset from the dunes, it hangs in our living room.

What is/are your favorite perfume(s)?

I never wear any.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?  Have you ever hidden new shoes from your spouse?

Now I’m going to differ from most – I have about fifteen pair, flip-flop sandals and tennis shoes mostly. I hate shoes. I have some flats I wear on Sundays. So no, I’ve never hidden any.

Snacks - Sweet, Salty, or Both?  If you could choose 1 snack, and it magically had no calories, what would it be?

I really need both and a lot of each. I love Ruffle’s chips! So much that I rarely buy them because I’ll eat them all. I take one of each salty and sweet for the no calories – the chips and Krispy Kream donuts!

What are your favorite cut flowers?

I love irises.

Without using a real name, describe one person in your life with whom you have a hard time being patient.

I’ve mentioned him before – Mr. K one of my partners at school. We used to have real problems and then we were forced to work together. Things have improved slowly. He can still annoy me, but there are times I’m almost fond of him.

What food do you love that your spouse hates?  What food does your spouse love that is "yecch" to you?

I like mayonnaise – Miracle Whip to be precise. He would rather it not be allowed in the house. I feel the same way about mustard! Can this marriage possible last?  

What is a song you associate with meeting your honey?

Jim Croce’s Time in a Bottle, it was sung at our wedding. My mother was a little worried about that. She said, “I don’t know, that sounds like a drinking song to me.”

Do you have a favorite movie that you like to watch every few months or once a year?

I have several but I love Mama Mia for a real feel-good film.

What collection(s) do you have?  How did your collection start?  (Add a picture if you like.)

I don’t really collect anything, but I sure do manage to keep plenty of ‘stuff.’

Where would you like to go on your next vacation?  Is there somewhere else on your Bucket List?

I want to get together with blogging friends again.  Nick and I have also talked of going to the coast of Maine.

If you could only buy clothes at one store, at what store would you shop?

As I said clothes and shoes are not my thing. I mostly go for comfort, Kohl’s is fine.

What gift(s) from your spouse have been the most loved and appreciated?

Nick spotted and bought the paddle shown in my masthead when we went to CA to meet blogging friends. I love the fact that he got it for me it’s beautiful, but I can’t say it’s always appreciated!

Name one item of your spouse's clothing that you would love to throw away.

His old shoes that I keep tripping over because they are usually half way under the bed.

What is the submissive action (or inaction) of which you are most proud?

I don’t fuss – not about real things. I never raise my voice or disagree with him in public unless we are both teasing. I don’t know if this is really submission or just my nature.


  1. I always love reading these....and altho I am biased, the coast of Maine is certainly worth a visit. I was lucky enough to grow up there, and the beaches, the surf...the wonderful seafood...worth the trip.
    hugs abby

    1. It sure does look like a wonderful place and so different from our beaches. We'll get there some day.

  2. Hi PK, these are great questions and I loved your answers. The photo is beautiful and I'm a Mama Mia fan too. Glad things have improved with Mr K.


    1. Meryl Streep said she did the movie in part to embarrass her grown children, I always love that.

  3. I loved your answers! Things have a slow burn at my house with not much to post about. I think I might try these out too.

    1. I hope you will, it really helps us get to know one another.

  4. Your responses were just perfect, PK! They say a lot about you. I smiled all the way through. My favorite, though, was your mother's comment on Time in a Bottle. I actually did LOL.
    You were right about the chosen picture being really special. I love Nick's photo. Maybe we could do a post with all the pictures together. An art gallery of sorts.


    1. I bet that would be some art gallery! Mom was okay when I made her listen to the words.

  5. Love memes. Nick is a great photographer. I too love irises, they're so beautiful and well I can't wait to get together with blogging friends again either.

    Going to try this meme tomorrow or Thursday.

    1. I'm ready for another trip right now! Nick has some great pictures I may post some more some day. Looking forward to your answers.

  6. I think this shows you perfectly! Nicks picture is gorgeous!
    I love Mama Mia too! I could watch that movie all the time!
    I am hoping to join a trip with blogging friends ☺️๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. Most definitely about the trip! We are all very much alike.

  7. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Loved your answers! I love Miracle Whip and its tang. Loved Nick's photo!

    1. At least we never argued over which mayo to use - he won't uses any!

  8. Awesome answers, I always love how everybody is different!
    I am not big on shoes either. Prob have only 6 pairs. :D

    1. Comfort is the only thing I look for in shoes.

  9. Hi PK, nice answers and a lovely photo by your talented husband!
    love Jan,xx

    1. He love to take pictures and after I retire I hope we can travel to beautiful places.

  10. Love your answers, we could go shoeless, with our comfort clothes to Maine. That would be fun.

  11. Love your answers PK. Even though I have a huge collection of shoes, I do love going barefoot also...kick my shoes off as soon as I come in the house. Mama Mia is a fun movie and I love Abba. Love the pic Nick took...absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. First thing I take off is my bra! Shoes come next.

  12. Loved reading your answers PK. Nick's picture is beautiful.

    Can't resist a meme so will have to do this one.


    1. Nick has done some amazing pictures over the years. I hope you'll do this one.

  13. this looks like a fun meme. love Nicks picture and iris are my favourite flower also.
    Lindy x

    1. Aren't irises beautiful. A friend sent to me on a special occasion and I've loved them ever since.

  14. I loved all your answers! I also love blue irises and I adore mayonnaise, but we don't have Miracle Whip over here.

    I just cannot imagine ANYONE IN THE WORLD not bothering about SHOES! Shriek!!!

    Many hugs

    1. Miracle Whip is the best! I hate shoes! When you wear them you have to wear hose or something and I hate them too. High heels hurt your feet, there is NOTHING I like about shoes!

  15. great questions and answers. :-) and I think I own less shoes than you :-) Hugs
