Sunday, June 28, 2015

Three wild and crazy girls!

Well, well, well… about our beach trip. I guess you should read Minelle’s version first. Not that you should believe a word she says. Her art work – fantastic, her reporting of the facts – weak. I want to tell you all a little about our trip, but Sunny saying, ‘What happens at the beach, stays at the beach.’ is a valid point, except for the fact that I tell everything out here.

Let me see if I can cover the basic facts. Three girlfriends went to the beach together. There was a lot of talking about boys, mostly those we’d married. Most was very complimentary, with just a little good-natured griping thrown in (that was mostly Sunny and me, not Katie). There was some good eating, some drinking, a little cussing, there was some nudity, some flashing on the beach, there was drug use, and new toys to fantasize/worry about.

Are you picturing girls gone wild yet? It’s all true, I swear – though I will say that the drug use consisted of drugs for high blood pressure, and heart burn on my part. I think Sunny and Katie's drug use was equally dull. Sigh… perhaps ‘wild’ doesn’t exactly describe our actions. But it really was great. You would have thought we’d known each forever. I’d been lucky enough to meet both these ladies before, but even for the two of them there was no ‘getting to know you’. The blogs had done it for us all.

Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy and then I give you a few facts I learned.

First fact Katie is probably the sweetest of us, then again she has to be – she still has a child at home and her dear husband will spank for real should she ever need it. Sunny and I, well… we’re sweet in our own more sarcastic way as we are certainly free from the threat of any real discipline, again sigh…

Another fact is that if Sunny wants more spanking she should wear the PJs she got for this trip around Ray. I wanted to swat her every time I saw her in them and I’m not a spanker! I don’t know what it was but she should certainly wear them at home.

There are two other facts I uncovered, the first is Sunny snores – very gently and lady like, but she snores. The second is that she lies, because she says I snore too. I don’t know why this particular untruth keeps coming up; Nick sometimes lies about it too. Shame on them.

There were a few gifts exchanged and I’ll show them and give a report on their use another day but I was very impressed with the coffee mugs Katie brought us. I think the saying on the cup should be the motto of blogland.

Good Friends are like stars.
You don't always see them, but you know
they're always there...


  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    I have heard Katie's tales and they do match yours. You did follow my instructions ........ no one was arrested! That's a good thing. Coffee cups?? She gave me two implements. She is a sweetheart! Glad all three of you have a great time.

    1. Oh Meredith, that was not all that was given! I will be posting about the weapons of ass distraction soon enough. It was better than great and I'm still missing them.

  2. LoL PK, what a fabulous account, although you didn't give any further explanation of the nakedness and flashing :)

    Glad you all had such a wonderful time. I love the coffee mugs and agree, definitely a good motto for blogland. Shame on both Sunny and Nick for lying :)


    1. I agree - shame on them both. Well while we didn't parade in the room nude, we didn't mind changing in front of one another. Sunny was flashing on the beach and I have pictures. She explained it pretty well at her site.

  3. I say you are not telling EVERYTHNG! And I have the texts to prove it! *wink* I do, I really do!
    What kinda pjs did Sunny have that would inspire you to spank? Hmmmmm!
    Katie sweet? Lol yes she is!
    I'm just telling you- for the record- you all earned a paddling! I have lots of evidence!

    1. We were all angels! We always are. They were just your typical PJ, but I still think Ray should get a chance to see them.

  4. Sounds almost perfect - perfect would be if I was there too of course :-) Truly sounds wonderful and so glad the three of you got to spend time together. The friends from here are so very special. :-) Hugs to you. Someday they will be for real hugs. And shame on those two for lying about your snoring! :-) LOL

    1. That lie alone should get Sunny spanked. I agree it would have been more perfect with you there. Soon, soon.

  5. I do not snore - I breathe loudly. I'll confess, I was the one that flashed on the beach (well sort of). The lightning was flashing and I wanted to join the party.
    Seriously, we had such a great time. Wish everyone could have been there and I can't wait until we can do it again.

    1. But you only breath loudly in your sleep (that's called snoring). Yes, here was where you admitted to flashing. I have pictures so it's pretty definite. Seriously I have miss you both so much since I got home. I'll be ready for next time with all that can come.

  6. Such a fabulous accounting! It sounds like you ladies had so much fun! I'm so happy for the three of you. I love that fellow bloggers have met in real life and become friends. That's just wonderful!

    1. Nearly everything about blogland has amazed and delighted me. But nothing more than the real life friendships that have occurred.

  7. Hi PK, well I am not sure who to believe!! Funny I never considered myself to be a drug user till I read this, lol
    I love the motto, I actually gave Ami a gift with that on the first time I met her, it's a good one for all our friends in Blogland. Glad the trip went well and you are all home safe
    love Jan,xx

    1. The trip when great! I would love to see all my friends from Great Britain - how far is Bermuda from you all? Wouldn't that be something!

  8. Are you telling us everything, Somehow I don;t think so:) Fab account PK. Sounds like you girls had a fun time. Lovely gift.

    Off to read SG's account.

    Drug use LOL.


    1. Shoot, don't I always tell everything out here? It was all great. Check out my response to Jan above - any chance?

  9. Anonymous6:16 PM

    LOVED this post, PK!!! :) I will tell you all the REAL truth- once I come off the knee pain meds and can write legibly. For now, you will all just have to go on Sunny and PK's word. Of course Minelle may be on to something too. Time will tell! ;)

    I will tell you all one thing- I slept in the same suite with both of them, and I did not hear any snoring at all. Perhaps it was some fine insulation in the place... either that or too much blueberry vodka concoctions. IDK...

    All of that aside, I can't say enough wonderful things about these two gals and our beach time together. Just what the doctor ordered, and I too will look forward to another round in the future- and maybe you all will join us the next timel! Friendships made here in the land are special indeed. How lucky we all are. That mug captures the sentiments well! More soon! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. It might me more accurate if you go ahead and do it while on the pain meds. I'm guessing the blueberry vodka could drown out snoring.

      I miss you both terribly. I sure wish we lived closer. I'm just waiting for the next trip.

  10. PK,
    What a great way to kick off your summer holiday! Your comment to Maggie made me think again about the wonder of online friends. It is something special to be able to be completely myself with all of you.

    I really hope to get to meet some of you one day. Considering your new blogland motto, I will think of it as "reaching for the stars." You all just sparkle when I read your posts!


    1. It was great! Meeting blogland friend is amazing because they already know you better that your friends in real life. Being a spanko is a big part of who we are and it's wonderful to talk about it so matter a factly.

  11. LOL How amazing to hear all the different stories from you three and Minelle. Whichever is true...and I would bet it is bits and pieces from each story...I am so happy to read how much fun you had. Wonder if we'll ever get the same story out of all of you. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. I wouldn't believe any of us too closely. But I imagine most of the story will come out eventually.
