Monday, May 18, 2015

Please remember this!

This is a very important post – I may be referring back to it often. I come to my blog fairly often to complain. I complain that TTWD doesn’t always live up to my expectation, so I have to make one things very clear.

I am not just happy,
I’d say I am extremely content with everything about my life
 at least 90% of the time!

Nick and I are healthy. We have two great kids and one fine son-in-law, they too are healthy and happy. We have jobs, our debt is not too great and our house, while small, suits us perfectly. Nick loves me, he takes care of me, he spoils me and he tries to understand me much of the time.

Ten percent of the time I’m annoyed and frustrated that TTWD hasn’t been exactly what I want it to be. Nick doesn’t understand all the thought, emotions and feelings that flow through my head. So sad that he can’t read my mind, but that’s the way it is.

So what I’m asking is that you take my complaints with a grain of salt. When I’m annoyed and frustrated, where can I turn but here? Do you think I can tell my friends at work? I need to come to all of you to voice my frustration. Who else will understand when I say my husband doesn’t spank me often enough, hard enough, or long enough. I tell anyone else and they would truly think I was crazy. But you all know exactly what I mean and you don’t mind commiserating with me and offering me advice.

So please keep coming and please don’t worry about me when I complain. Just let me complain and when you have helpful ideas please share them. But don’t ever doubt that Nick and will love one another along as we live.


  1. Hi PK, that's the wonderful thing about the blog and this community. It's a great place to share ones frustrations, thoughts and feelings among people who understand. I never doubted :)


    1. I know you all know me better than some of the people I've known all my life.

  2. You're right, that's why we blog. Except I don't even seem to do that anymore. I do understand and you know I commiserate.

    1. Yep, we know exactly what each other is going through.

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I read here because you are honest and real.

    1. Thanks Meredith, here is maybe the only place I can be honest.

  4. PK, you just say what you want, we all understand the frustrations in ttwd
    love Jan,xx

    1. Yes, Jan, we think it's going to be simple if we just explain ourselves - but it rarely turns out that way.

  5. We have a wonderful community here and we do all understand PK. I come here because you are my friend and I love to read about your children, school, spanking, life and anything else you want to share.


    1. Thanks Ronnie - you truly seem like an old friend now. I do wish we lived closer.

  6. Come here and complain any time. This is your spot to vent. We will all be here for you.


    1. FD, It's just so nice to have friends who really 'get it'.

  7. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I'm an over 50 gal trying to explain to this to my hubby. Tried 2 years ago and it was a disaster. He was appalled. This time, slightly more open to it. Like you, the majority of the time we are incredibly happy. I am considering sharing some of your posts with him, as I think you are very honest. And I think every woman has the right to complain sometimes. Marriage is so darned difficult!

    1. Anon, We wait years to get the courage to share our desires with our husbands and still they don't quite understand. Below are two old post, but I think if a wife is going to asks her hubby to read something these would be good starting points.

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Ty. This has been extremely scary...and frustrating.

    3. Ty, it's going to be okay! I bet your wife was pretty scared asking you too. Just talk about it, discuss what you would both be comfortable with and start of slow and playfully. See where things go. It can bring closeness and so much fun! I promise.

  8. I have a place to talk with a small group of friends who have been meeting daily for about 8 years. While the people have changed a bit over the years, we can and do talk about anything. We all share one defect that society doesn't get. We do. I think what you are saying is that you need a place where you don't have to explain yourself. Where you can whine in safety when needed.
    Everyone needs such a safe place I think.

    1. You're right and I'm glad you have this group. I have a handful of blogging friends I've met in real life and I would LOVE for us all to live close enough to meet in person often.

  9. Keep complaining, we all need to sometimes and yes we do relate to what you say. It healthy to vent, so whine if you want to.

    1. Thanks Anna, it's sure is better that keeping it all in and I won't vent to Nick.

  10. I love the way you share with us! It's real! I certainly know how much you love Nick. But it's nice to know that there is a place where we can talk about that desire and everyone gets it!
    Be you, just how 'you' are!

    1. I'm just glad we all have found one another because we need each other very much.

  11. I love this reminder for everyone. We often use our wrting to vent...or to only show what is not too personal..or ..whatever. We know....hope...and we usually do find confort and support. That, it turns out, is the best part of blogging.
    hugs abby

    1. It's wonderful to have a place where you are really understood and we have all found that place here.

  12. my comment seems to have disappeared - I know I responded ... or I am losing my mind...or both... Anyways, you know I understand...and that is what friends are for to share with both the good and bad... Hugs to you

    1. I sure am grateful for this place! I might be a real terror if I tried to hold all this in!

  13. Hey PK..Just because you get frustrated and vent once in a while does not mean your relationship is in trouble..It is very obvious how much you and Nick love one another and how happy you are. Using you blog to vent or release frustration is actually very healthy and can be good for your relationship. Countdown is on for end of school isn't it? ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat
