Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Vacation, grits, spanking and THAT test

As you can see from the title this is a hodgepodge post, a little of this and that. Mollie was home for Easter and this week is my Easter vacation. I love having the week, off but it’s speeding by. I had time to do some writing Monday and I was able to get a short Cassie story done it starts here.

Tuesday, my friend Mary and I went to the Biltmore House in Ashville. It wasn’t our first trip there together. We’ve gone together once a year for twenty-five years, but this was the first time we gone with fewer than sixty, six-graders. I can assure you – it’s better without the kids! We took our time, we signed up for a back stairs tour to see more of the servant quarters. We got to see costumes from Downton Abbey which are on display there and we ate at one of their wonderful restaurants and at their bakery.  If you ever get the chance to go to this beautiful home take it. It’s amazing.

On to grits. You poor deprived folks who are unaware of grits. They are a southern breakfast food delicacy. Here’s a picture. They are delicious with salt and butter. There are poor, unnatural souls who put sugar on them – one should not associate with those people.

Spanking? What’s that? Not blaming Nick, I was the one who called a halt/ break in out Friday evening spankings. Nothing had happened in several weeks, worse than the no spanking was the no talking about it at all. When we talk or email about TTWD – it puts me right back into the ‘roommate mode’ we were in for twenty-three years. I hate that feeling. I’m used to it, but I hate it. But just before Mollie got home we were both in the bedroom and he gave me a short spanking with the belt. Ouchy after three weeks and no warm up, but I was relieved at the same time. As usual, time will tell.

And finally – the test. Yes it’s that wonderful time of life when a colonoscopy is necessary (I'll spare you the picture). I have to have one every five years since they have found a few polyps in the past. So beginning today at lunch time no food until after the test sometime Friday, they will call Thursday and tell me when to be there. I suppose this is the ultimate crash diet. What a fun way to end a vacation, but I believe in testing so I’m trying not to complain too much.

I hope this is enough ‘this, that and the other’ for one post. I have a brand new Fantasy Friday this week! Actually we will have three new stories in a row! Many thanks to my new friends who are sending me stories.


  1. Ooh PK...visiting the Biltmore House is on my bucket list. I told a blogging friend I would do a post about my 'test' adventures but haven't gotten the time yet. So much fun right. ;) Enjoy your spring break.

    Hugs and blessings...

    1. The test I don't mind - the prep, now that's another story. Take me with you to the Bitlmore house, I'm better than the recorded tour!

  2. Hi PK, thank you for sharing about grits. I had heard of them but didn't know what they were. The trip to Biltmore House sounds wonderful. I would love to be able to see it. Glad you had some spanking action before Mollie arrived. Funny how much more it hurts when you haven't been spanked for a while. We have been playing again for a little while now, but I swear my tolerance is reduced.

    Wishing you all the best with the test.


    1. You would love both the Biltmore house and grits! I know when we began I would beg for longer and harder - I don't now. Sigh...

  3. That is my kind of vacation! I would be lost in a story while touring the house!
    Grits I love, love, love. Butter and salt all the way!
    Eh.... Around here I'm so tired and busy, and so is the Scotsman. Spanking? Hmmm.....
    Hope you and Nick get to play before Friday!

    1. Yep, I think you'd love it. This is the business season at school it's a marathon until the end. I'm just trying to hang on.

  4. The trip to Biltmore House sounds lovely. I am glad you enjoyed time with your friend. You know, I have yet to try grits. My husband has in his travels and he likes them. Sorry about the test...but you are right that preventive is best. Something to look forward to. not. :-) Hugs

    1. It was a great day! We'll have to get together in the south sometime so you can give them a try.

  5. Happy you enjoyed the trip to Biltmore House. Sounds lovely.

    Not sure if I would like grits but if I'm ever your way I'd definitely try it.

    Wish you luck with the test, I had one last last year.


    1. Ronnie,
      I'll be glad to have the test over with. Thanks for the luck, I'm sure it will turn out well.

  6. The Biltmore House sounds lovely. I've tried grits many times, I went to school and lived in the south - you still can't convince me - wasted calories.
    Glad you're on spring break this week and you're right a miserable way to end a vacation -fasting for a colonscopy.

    1. Must be that underlying Yankee in you. But I'll over look that. I think of it as a good way to begin a diet.

  7. Busy, busy. I remember going on field trips with my kids and thinking how great this place would be if I was here without kids. Some of them I have gone back and visited. Glad the spanking worked.

    1. I love my students but they aren't my favorite group to tour with.

  8. Lol, thanks for sparing us the colonoscopy picture! Your vacation sounds awesome--I'd really like to make it to Biltmore someday.

    The belt without a warm-up sounds painful!

    1. It did sting, but it didn't last too long. I do like the belt, but a warm up is always nice.

  9. I always wondered what grits were. Sounds like your trip was amazing. Good luck with the tests I'm thinking about you and lets hope you celebrate good test results with a sound spanking

  10. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Colon cancer runs in my family so I have to get a colonoscopy every year and I'm only 24! I can sympathize with the crash diet, it's never fun.
