Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Things are okay

You are all very kind to be concerned (and some – Sonny, Minelle, Terps – were getting down right bossy) and I did listen to everyone. I went to the doctor today during my planning. It’s very convenient to have the doctor right across the street from my school.

She did an EKG and there are no sigh of heart problems. No problems with my ears, my sinuses, no signs of TMJ – in other words she says there is nothing wrong either. Except that my jaw hurt. Of course, today it really hasn’t hurt much. So confusing. She gave me Naproxen to take for a couple of weeks to take care of any inflammation and suggested that if there is pain after that to have the dentist do some x-rays. I’m going to try Sensodyne as Kathy suggested. Hopefully all this will get a handle on this problem.

Now moving from the pain in my jaw to the pain in my ass – my boss. He avoided me like the plague today, which suited me find. Meanwhile the angry mama continues her attack on Mr. K by going to the superintendent. I’ll give the woman credit – she surely is energetic. I feel sure boss is letting this go on hoping she will be the catalyst for pushing Mr. K out. I wrote the following email to the boss, I mean, if age doesn’t give you the opportunity to speak your mind what good is it?

I know this is your situation to handle and you will handle it the way you feel best, but I have a suggestion I feel you should consider.  Johnny’s mother is not happy with Mr. K. She never will be. She has made it clear she will never be satisfied with anything Mr. K does. My recommendation would be to move Johnny to another math class. I’m sure you are hesitant to make this change, however by moving Johnny you can reduce the stress and opportunity for conflict for the student, the parent, Mr. K, our team and the administration. I worry that leaving this situation as it is, with her being so unhappy with Mr. K, will set both Mr. K and Johnny up for failure.

Although moving a child to another classroom is not something we would ever do on a whim, I think we all realize that there are times when the move is best for everyone involved.

Thank you,


I feel sure he won’t make the move because he want’s Mr. K to fail and would be willing to sacrifice the child to allow this to happen. He’s a control freak and would feel like he ‘lost’ if the move was made.

I don’t expect him to respond to my email, but I feel better having made the recommendation and by doing it on email there is a record. I'll try to hush my fussing now and get back to the fun stuff.


  1. Being a teacher in a city system for many years, many times I have seen situations regarding an unhappy parent and also those of a teacher who is not the principal's favorite. By now, moving the child out of that teacher's room would have happened. Not at the very first encounter, but before it got to the level of superiors. I am sure they will give that recommendation. As for the math teacher, more than likely someone will start increasing his observations or documenting a case for reprisals. I admire that you have backed him up, but I would be careful. Even though you are close to retirement (I think), a boss can make your daily life miserable. I suggest asking your husband to go out for a few drinks or dinner, followed by heavy sex. Or it could be a stress relief spanking, if you think that might help. The weekend can't come soon enough, I bet.

    1. Excellent advice Kate on the sex and spanking! I'm not too worried, I really don't think he'll be there next year and my situation is if I get too annoyed I can walk out - I don't plan to, but I can.

  2. I am persistent at times! Lol
    Glad, so glad you went in to the docs! Now make sure you go to the dentist if the pain doesn't go away! Okay now I'll shut up!
    As to work, I'm sure you feel better following your conscience regarding this situation. It's all about power and protecting the status quo for your boss. I'm sure he could care less about the one student! I'm happy you are a voice or care and reason!

    1. Yep, he's all about the power. I've worked for 6 principal, some better than other, but he is the only one I've never been able to like.

  3. Hi PK, I am so glad you went to the doctors, and gladder that all is well. Sorry about school though, your boss sounds like an arrogant ****, just saying...
    love Jan,xx

    1. I rarely let him get under my skin like that, but blatant unfair treatment of others gets me.

  4. Thanks for listening and going to the doctor. Great news

    Good for you for sending an email, not criticizing but offering a recommendation. It will all work out the way it is supposed to but it certainly creates problems until it does.

    1. He responded, I was shocked. It was a pleasant 'thank you for your input' email. But much more than I expected.

  5. So glad everything is good with your health!

    As for the second pain--I hope this kid learns sooner rather than later that his mommy will not always be there to fight for his lack of effort.

    1. The kid is really a good kid. He's passing with little effect, but mom wants straight A's and the kid just doesn't care that much.

    2. Ah, so it's helicopter parenting at it's finest. In that case, I don't think there's anything that can be done except to allow the thought of pummeling her in the face to put a pleasant smile on your face while interacting with her.

    3. That does give me a little grin!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Blondie, as adults we don't really hear that enough and I appreciate it.

  7. Glad you went to the doctors PK and really good news all's well.

    I'm no teacher and I think you were right to send email in support but I wonder why the boy doesn't want to work. Who has sat down and spoken to him about it? If not why and if so, what did he say?


    1. He wants to be on his video games, his computer games, his phone or watching TV. Doing his school work comes way down on his things to do list.

  8. So happy you went to the doctor PK. Please make a dentist appointment if the Naproxen and Sensodyne don't take care of the problem.

    I agree with your suggestion and the email was an excellent move. Good gravy...that boss of yours needs his butt kicked up between his ears to shake his brains loose! Hope everything works out. Think the mother is just as bad as your boss...they are both more interested in winning than in what's best for the student. :(

    Hugs and blessings...

    1. Yep boss and mom make a good pair - wish we could lock them in a cage and see who comes out on top. I think mom would win - she's crazy while he's just not very bright.

  9. Maybe it is this dogged motherly things that drives some of us males to give up and just submit. That was the case for me. Not that my wife is as dogged as your mad woman but she certainly was very set in certain ways.

    Also you know when men abuse kids it's very black and white. When mothers abuse its couched in terms of being the best for the child.

    1. I really do understand mothers fighting for their kids - but this mom is the only one who wants this kid to be a doctor. It's not his dream, the question is will she force him into the mold she has chosen for him or will he eventually become his own man. It would be hard for him.

  10. I think you did great with the e-mail. It was quite civil considering your feelings about the boss. I had a compliment the other day that made me was after I dealt with a 40 year old student throwing a temper tantrum loud enough that people considered calling security...I wanted to pass it along to you in hopes it will make you smile as well. "You were very adult in that interaction." :-)

    1. I love that line! Sometime being the adult is hard, we have to practice. Uggg..

  11. I hope your letter was well received and that the situation is resolved in what is best for everyone. Your boss seems very difficult to be around.
    And, who are you calling bossy??? :-) LOL It is only because we care. I am glad you are taking care of yourself. Big hugs

    1. He is very annoying to be around, bossy - I mean Terps. Seriously I appreciate the fact that you care.

  12. Hi PK, I'm glad you went to the doctor and so happy to hear all is well. Please do go back to the dentist if it persists.

    Good on you for sending the email. Your boss definitely sounds difficult, to say the least! Difficult parents ... that must be so tough to battle for all involved. I hope the situation works out in the best way possible for everyone.


    1. If I only had the kids to deal with I could teach forever - it's the adults involved that drive me nuts.
