Wednesday, March 04, 2015

I'm trying… sorta

I'm here. I'm around. I know it's March. I'm supposed to be thinking of questions for others. I'd love any questions you have to ask me, but as long as I've been here I doubt there is anything I haven't already answered. 

My biggest question for me is where has all my energy gone? I've feeling very lazy and blah, not sick - just blah. I stagger home from school, nap, stare at my computer -  but I don't comment, I don't answer emails, I don't blog… basically I'm using the computer as a lap warmer. I'll perk up. Daylight savings time will help. A little spring weather wouldn't hurt. I just hope something helps soon.


  1. Your energy is currently on your Domme side. Oh, wait, you weren't aware She was there. Uhhhh, I'll 'splain later. Like, maybe June when it's definitely warmer weather...

    Yeah, I'll shaddup now. :)

    1. I know she's there - all teachers have to have one. But I don't like to bring her home with me. She lived here for over 20 years and I finally asked her to leave my home. But I still think we need to sit down and talk about her!

  2. Hi PK, nice picture. Oh dear maybe it is just a phase. Perhaps you need to plan something exciting to give you something to look forward to, or else just wallow for a bit and hope the wind changes, hope you feel brighter soon
    love Jan,xx

    1. I do have things planed that I'm looking forward to, but for the moment I think I'll just wallow a little longer.

  3. Hi PK, love the pic! Sorry you are feeling blah. End of winter blues perhaps? Hope you are feeling brighter soon.


    1. I have no doubt I'll improve in time. But this always being tired is starting to annoy me.

  4. I know the feeling, so I get it! However I hope you will feel more energized soon!

    1. Maybe I need to plug something in! Any suggestions?

  5. Right there with you girl.

    1. It's nice not being alone.

  6. Probably just the time of year. Not sure about the weather where you are, but in the North we've had snow or ice a few times a week. I have morning energy and get a few things done, but then laziness takes over. Look forward to your Friday connections and maybe you'll feel better.

    1. When I'm off school I always get more done in the morning. But after school I an just exhausted.

  7. Spring weather? Isn't it supposed to snow again in the south?! Sounds like you need to have a little fun to recover from the blues - I recommend you have a snowball fight with Nick and then have a bottom-warming session because you won the snow ball fight. At least, that is my plan if there is enough accumulation where I am...if not I suppose I could invest in some water balloons. (grins mischievously)

    1. You have great ideas - but they sound tiring, LOL! We got to 75 degrees today! It's supposed to snow (a tiny bit) tomorrow. I'm going to bed until winter goes away.

  8. PK,

    Sorry your feeling like that. I think it's just the winter blues getting to you. Hope you feel brighter soon.

    Here's some questions.

    What's our favourite Spring Flower

    Was Math your favourite subject at school, if not, what was?

    What book are you currently reading?

    What is one of the sweetest things Nick has ever done for you?

    If you could meet with a famous person, living or dead, who would it be?

    Did you ever ride horses?


    1. Thanks Ronnie, I will blog these answers soon.

  9. Anonymous12:12 PM

    EXACTLY!! I keep saying get out there and make an effort. How are you going to meet people if you don't. And then I too, stare at the computer WTF, I just don't know what to say. This has been a long nasty winter. We'll all perk up soon, I hope. Take care, PK.

    Sending hugs,

    1. Yep, you got it. But it's still worth the effort. I write better in the morning. Hurry summer.

  10. Hey PK...sorry you're feeling blah and draggy. With all the cold weather you've been having, you might be suffering from Vitamin D deficiency.

    Will give you a question to think about and answer...What four people (and their spouse/partner), living or dead, would you invite for an evening of drinks and dinner?

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. I had been taking Vitamin D and I'd stopped. Just now got back on it. I'm going to do better on that. I appreciate the question. I'll answer all soon.

  11. I would love a day of 75 right now we have been in a deep freeze for over a month and I have decided hibernation needs to happen...definitely understand winter blues.... I am watching for signs of spring but the cruel weather people keep talking about a very bad four letter word... I want to put the shovels away along with my sweaters and take out my flip flops... I have been super lazy lately as well, even took a nap today as I am on vacation and decided to forget about the house for the day...
    Winter needs to go to bed and let spring out of it's frozen little box then everyone will feel better

    1. I'm tired of the cold and we've barely had anything compared to what so many have had to go through and are still going through. Lets all hop on a cruise ship and head to a tropical island.

      I can't blame all this on the weather. I can get pretty lazy years round I'm afraid.

  12. Hi PK,
    I am sorry I missed this...I have barely had a chance to catch my breath and I miss all my friends here. I understand and I hope you are able to perk up soon and feel better. Sending hugs :-)
