Sunday, March 15, 2015

Do we have a dentist out here?

I’m hoping for a little medical advice here.  I’ve had a toothache for about two weeks now, but I don’t know which tooth. It’s not an awful one, but it’s there. After the first week I made an appointment with my dentist – after a careful exam he says I don’t have a toothache. I beg to differ.

Actually he is a great dentist and he really did a through exam. He mashed each tooth, he gently tapped each tooth, the picked at each tooth. Nothing he did made me come out of the chair. Nothing he did was particularly painful, but I have an ache in my jaw.  It’s on the left side, but I can’t even pinpoint if it’s an upper tooth or a lower tooth, I have some pain in both areas.

I had a crown on that side about a month ago, but neither the dentist nor I think it’s that. The pain is easily taken care of, a couple of Advil and there is no pain for twelve or more hours. But it does come back.

I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed, I don’t grind my teeth and I don’t have TMJ to my knowledge – and now I don’t know my next step. I don’t know exactly what the problem is, the dentist doesn’t know what the problem is. What do I do now?


  1. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Could it be your sinuses? There have been times where I don't necessarily have a headache but my teeth and jaw will hurt. It's amazing what your sinuses effect. I hope you figure it out.

  2. Hi PK, that is a toughie, mouth pain can be so hard to pin point. Great suggestion from Amyee. It could perhaps be a general mild infection, perhaps in the jaw? Check it out with the doctor maybe?


  3. Hey Amyee said, it could be your sinuses or your could have an ear and/or gland infection. I have had many ear infections where the ear didn't hurt but the side of my face did. Might want to make a doctor appointment and have it checked out. Sending prayers and healing energy that you get to feeling better soon.

    Hugs and blessings...

  4. sinuses was my thought. have you had a cold recently? I get toothache when my sinuses are infected. With TMJ the pain starts around the joint and radiates out, feels more muscular than tooth related. Speak to a doc.
    Hope it gets better quick.
    hugs DF

  5. Sorry to hear you are having discomfort...if it continues to bother you, seeing a doctor would be a good idea to see if there is a simple resolution. Sending healing energy and hugs

  6. I am not a dentist but work for one. Sounds like you need a panoramic X-ray to check more thoroughly. It could be sinuses and it could be that root canal. Years ago my hubby had something similar happen after a root canal and once we had a pano taken we saw that a part of the file broke off and was sealed in his tooth under the crown. Tooth pain is the pits!

  7. If the dentist doesn't think it's anything to do with teeth maybe go see a see a doctor as suggested. Thought I did have a similar thing last year, Dentist couldn't find anything but said could be a nerve dying in that particular area and something about have root canal treatment. It went away eventually and hasn't returned.


  8. Aw PK, toothache is horrid. I say go to the doctor, if he can't find anything go back and annoy the dentist again
    love Jan,xx

  9. I opt for sinus also. Roots can grow up into sinus areas. Go to the doctor. Sometimes jaw pain is an early warning sign of some heart problems, definitely visit the MD instead of listening to all of us, or should I say, in addition to listening all of us.

  10. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Yes, X-rays. Mine had to do X-rays to find the deeper problem in a similar situation. If it might be sinus, you could try that first.

  11. Great advice here! But think visiting the doc number 1 priority. I agree with Sunny too!

  12. Thanks everyone. I'm going to give it another few days and then I will definitely head back to the dentist or my regular doctor. I haven't had a cold or any sinus problems that I'm aware of or any problems with TMJ - but I may have it all checked out anyway. Thanks for your concern and suggestions.

  13. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Hi PK. I have never commented before but felt drawn to post. I am a health professional. Abnormal and unexplained left jaw pain in a woman of your age is COMMONLY associated with Angina. Many women do not get chest pain or arm pain with an episode of Angina. If you are also feeling lethargic and perhaps have some mild 'flu' like symptoms then it is even more likely to be a cardiac issue. Please see your GP as soon as you can get an appointment.

    1. No flu like symptoms, but lethargic for sure. My after school naps are heading toward 90 minutes. You convinced me and I'll call the doctor tomorrow. Thanks

  14. Well, did you call the doctor?????

  15. I had the same issue before/after part of my wisdom teeth were removed. It felt awful, I was convinced that there must be a hidden cavity that the dentist did not see. But, then I switched toothpaste to Sensodyne and within 2-3 days the pain was gone. Sensitive teeth can cause a full range of pain. Mine felt as though all of my teeth were shifting and crushing each other.

    I do hope you find the cause for your pain,


    1. Thanks Kathy, I can definitely give that a try.

  16. Sinus was my first thought as well,hope you now know what it is and are feeling better. :)

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