Thursday, January 22, 2015

Not my best day

Wednesday was not my best day. We are doing benchmark testing at school. It shuts the whole school down for three to four hours each morning just like the tests do at the end of the year.  As the teacher administering the test, during those three hours,
we can’t read, write, be on the computer or our phones, we are not supposed to eat or drink and they would rather we didn’t sit. We are to be ‘watching the children’. Watching a class take a test is right up there with watching paint dry and grass grow. At least I have the ability to write in my head - but if they can think of a way to stop me, they will.

One friend I complained to in an email early this morning, replied – all these test just seem like a waste of time to me...”

I couldn’t let her go on believing that. I had to tell her the truth – I have to tell you that you are wrong about this. It's not just a waste of time - it's a waste of time AND money.”

So I stood and watched, and watched, and watched. Finally (against the rules) I ate a chewable Tums because I had a little heartburn. You know what I got for breaking the rule – half of a back tooth broke off.

It’s not hurting, thank goodness, but it’s going to hurt when I get through paying for a crown. We have another test this morning. I have a dentist appointment Friday morning so wish me luck – and that would be just a crown and not a root canal and a crown.

At least he understands.


  1. Hi PK, I'm sorry you had a day of it and the broken tooth. Wishing you all the best with the dentist and crossing fingers a root canal isn't required.


    1. Thanks Roz, I have my fingers crossed too.

  2. Hi PK, oh dear, sorry about the tooth and the bad day. For the last few years I have been an invigilator and for three months every spring I have been in every day doing exactly what you did on Wednesday!! This year i am not going back, It is the most boring job imaginable!! I hope your week improves
    love Jan,xx

    1. I don't know how you survived! I wrote Cassie stories in my head.

    2. I read them in mine!!

    3. LOL! You are the best!

  3. Sorry you had a bad day PK and a broken tooth as well. Good luck at the dentist tomorrow and hope today is a little better.


    1. Today wasn't so bad, but even though I did nothing strenuous, I feel like I've been beaten - and not the good way.

  4. sorry... testing does going to the dentist... hope it all goes well... thinking of you Hugs

    1. I hope so too. I have tomorrow off anyway, so that's a bonus.

  5. No wonder you were down yesterday. So sorry about everything.

    1. It's a little better today. Glad I have tomorrow too. Even I it's for the dentist.

  6. That's a bad day, testing and a broken tooth. Let's hope things get better soon.


    1. I think the testing was the worst, although cheaper.

  7. People who make rules that they know will be broken are dumb enough to be ... school administrators ... state education bureaucrats ... potted plants ... moral majority?

    Actually, what is lacking is respect for teachers. Those "rules" assume that teachers can't multitask: eg, no grading and watching students at the same time. Yet, what teacher isn't juggling about 5 tasks at once in the classroom all day long?

    1. I love your first statement - SO very true!! And yet all of us and administrator took then end of the year test with our teachers reading or grading papers drinking their coffee or buffing their nails. And look - we all became functioning adults! Amazing,

      Now the important stuff - Jon you won a free copy of Cassie's latest book, but I don't have your email. Send it to me and I'll email you a copy

  8. PK, I'm with you completely on this. When I think of the hours and hours of my life spent invigilating tests and exams, it just about makes my blood boil. Now I have retired, of course, they pay invigilators to come in and do it so the teachers don't have to. Typical.

    Sorry about the tooth. I only have one crown and it is at the back where a the front of a tooth broke off. I didn't have to have a root canal and it was fitted very quickly, but sadly was very expensive. I wish you luck.


    1. I can't imagine them ever paying others to come in to do the testing - I'm surprise we don't have to come on Saturdays and do it for free!

      I have a few crowns and I don't dread the procedure, just the cost.

  9. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Sounds like a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Testing and a trip to the dentist - ugh. Glad that the testing is over - I hope that the trip to the dentist will be as minor and inexpensive and painless as possible.

    1. Thanks Cali! I think it's worth going to the dentist tomorrow just to be off school.

  10. Gosh I'm sorry about everything! The tooth is a bummer, hopefully though, now pain free!
    School testing is so bad. You would think some brilliant person would actually study the results of our test driven system. Go back prior to the mandated testing we do now in place of teaching. I bet we could compare learning now to then... And see a steep decline in learning today!

    1. You and I both know how bad and worthless all this testing is - but on the bright side, it is terrible expensive!

  11. Well that all just pure D sucks PK! Ya know...when is the blasted government going to learn that tests really don't mean diddly squat! Sending lots of healing energy and positive thoughts that you only require a crown and not a root canal.

    Hugs and Blessings...

  12. I thought I was the only Princess around here! It didn't hurt though, just hurt my wallet! Bossman is having a tooth pulled on Tuesday and then a crown and a bridge the week after. Dental stuff is not fun! Or cheap!
