Friday, January 30, 2015

Fantasy Friday - The Road Trip

Long week, or at least it seemed like it. I've worried about all my friend in the snowy, snowy north. I can only hope you all get a break soon. I'm hoping this story will at least help you feel warmer in one way. I'm not going to share who wrote it until you get to the end, but I'll tell you I love today’s story! When this one came in it came with some of its own pictures - so be sure to read about who wrote it when you finish. Which begs the question, did this one really happen or not. The last two pictures in the post were taken by the author. Read, enjoy...

The Road Trip

It had been a hectic and stressful week and Eric was more than ready to get out of the city. That was why he and Jennifer were heading up along the coast road with a camera and picnic basket and hopes for a nice relaxing day.

They hadn’t traveled far when the fog started to roll in off the ocean, but at this time of year it could also disappear at a moment’s notice. Eric seemed unconcerned about the change of conditions but Jen started complaining, "too cool for a picnic" and "too foggy to get any good pictures along the beach".

Eric tried to ignore the complaining and continued driving while considering the possibilities of salvaging the day. He turned away from the coast in an attempt to get above the fog. After fifteen minutes driving up the twisting road the fog became even denser and the driving became more difficult. Jen’s complaining also became more annoying, “great idea taking this curvy road-waste of time- I’d rather be shopping.”

Between trying to concentrate on the vanishing road and listening to the complaints, Eric’s relaxing drive had turned sour. After enduring another barrage of complaints and suggestions to turn around, Eric wordlessly pulled off the road at a safe spot and switched off the engine. Walking around and opening her door, Eric took Jen’s hand and said quietly, “we need to take a walk”. The look on Jen’s face said she knew she had gone too far. Although they had only been together about six months she knew Eric would not tolerate griping. She also knew what the consequences were likely to be.

Holding her hand, Eric led Jen along a faint trail into the woods. It was very quiet and the fog was giving everything an eerie feeling. Stopping by a large fallen hemlock, Eric explained that what had started as a pleasant drive was being spoiled, not by the weather, but by her attitude and complaining.

Eric told Jen to drop her jeans and bend over the log. Jen looked startled and embarrassed. Although they were well away from the road, the thought of receiving the upcoming spanking outdoors with no real guarantee of privacy sent an extra chill down her spine. The fog did provide some additional seclusion as someone would have to be really close to see anything. Knowing that Eric was dead serious and recognizing the truth in the charges, Jen accepted the inevitable and turned toward the fallen tree and lowered her jeans.

Eric removed the belt from his slacks and started a slow rhythmic assault on her panty-clad bottom. After about twenty good licks, Eric lowered Jen’s panties from her reddened butt. Jen shivered at the increase in vulnerability, both real and perceived. A slight rustling of leaves caught their ears and they both turned in the direction of the sound. A deer was trotting toward them, but upon spotting them made a sharp turn and bounded away into the misty woods. Eric returned his attention to Jen’s now fully exposed ass and gave her twenty more with the belt, the last ten delivered with considerable force, causing Jen to squirm, yelp and promise to improve her attitude. Eric turned Jen around and took her into his arms. She hugged him tightly and apologized for the way she had been acting. Eric told her things would be fine. As Jen was pulling up her jeans she noticed the fog was getting thinner, maybe this was a sign that the day was not lost. A movement about 100 feet away caught their eyes. This time it was not wildlife but a young couple seemingly frozen in their tracks, apparently having witnessed a good portion of what had just happened. Eric merely nodded at them and taking Jen’s hand turned and retraced their path back to the road.

The drive was completed without additional complaints. They found a trail with signs leading to a waterfall. After finishing their picnic, they hiked to the waterfall where the fog added it’s own magic to their surroundings.


Well what did you think, did this story really happen? I love the author, I love him so much I make love to him often and he's the only one I'd ever let spank me! Can you believe that my Nick actually wrote a Fantasy Friday story for me. He wrote it several years ago and I at the time he said, "Tell your readers if I can do it anyone can do it! I happen to agree. Please give it a try. You can send your stories to  Oh, did you want to know if the story was real - you'll have to ask Nick, I'm not telling.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Give it a try!

My hand feels way better. My type of arthritis is really strange. Night before last I could move the fingers on my left hand without serious pain. Today it feels fine. I love that it goes away so quickly, but I think it’s really strange.

On to more important things, I try not to talk too much about books over here. That’s why I started my other site – but in all honesty this is where my friends read and I wanted to mention a book that is going on sale tomorrow - .99, to celebrate it’s one year anniversary. 

The book is Dance Partner, by Donna Steele, and I really loved this story. Donna writes vanilla, but she writes great books. I wish you would go by her site, today and read an excerpt. If you get the chance leave Donna a comment. The third in her trilogy – The Melting is coming soon. More about that later.

 Here's a direct link to the book.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


OWWW! OWWW! OWWW! How can anyone love pain so much when delivered with a nice wooden paddle or lovely leather belt and hate it so much when it I have an arthritis flair. I’m typing one handed and it’s still hurting – but it’s happened before and it will again.  I’m blessed that the kind I have does not flair often and it won’t last long.  But it’s annoying now.

I owe several emails – soon I promise. Oh, one more thing, just a crown, no root canal! Yeah me!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Fantasy Friday - Therapy Session

We've made it to another Friday. I went way, way back to to find today's Fantasy Friday. This was first posted in 2007 and the writer is an old friend of mine by the name of Scout. I haven't heard from Scout in several year, but perhaps she is still out there. Whatever she is doing, I hope she is still writing. I really liked this story. I hope you enjoy...

Therapy Session

Jan and Ted Coles sat in separate wingback chairs, across the desk from Dr. Baird Winslow. They were nervous as they watched the bespectacled psychologist, a noted marriage counselor and therapist, shuffle his notes. Ted glanced at his wife, whose gaze was in her lap. He reached over the arms of the chairs, and picked up her hand. He smiled at her as he gave her a reassuring squeeze.
Dr. Winslow smiled, too, as he looked up at them. “There’s very good news for you,” he began, “the tests, questionnaires, surveys and interviews all indicate that you will be just fine – better than you ever believed, in fact.”
Jan and Ted exhaled.
The doctor continued, “You are, as individuals, well grounded, robust and resilient people. You both can be characterized as practical and hard working. You have a genuine affection, admiration and deep love for the other. You are going to be just fine.”
There was a pause, and finally Ted spoke. “I’m – we’re – relieved to hear that, Dr. Winslow. We don’t doubt that we love each other, as we told you a month ago when we came here. But there’s no denying we’ve had problems over the last few years. We’re not intimate like we used to be – and I don’t just mean sexually. We’ve been going through the motions, but we haven’t shared life as a couple in a long while.”
Jan spoke up, too. “Is it unrealistic to expect it to be as close as it was in the beginning? Do all married couples lose intensity in their relationship over time? I mean, we’ve had kids, and jobs, and stress over the years. Is the problem that we’re not adjusting to something that happens inevitably?” She looked distressed.
Dr. Winslow looked at her steadily, and then spoke. “There is no inevitable anything in marriage,” he said. “Mrs. Coles, come with me. I’m going to show you something that is going to change your marriage forever, and will restore all intensity and emotional connection that you’ve been missing.”
The doctor rose and Jan followed his lead. They walked together to a small table against the far wall. It was covered with a white cloth, but there were obviously objects underneath the covering. The doctor lifted the cloth by its hem and withdrew it with a flourish, exposing a small collection of paddles and straps. Jan Coles gasped, and immediately colored. Dr. Winslow could see her neck, face and ears blushing red, and he nodded to himself. Ted Coles, still seated in his chair, couldn’t see what his wife beheld, but was curious to know what provoked her reaction.
Dr. Winslow spoke, in a firm voice: “Mrs. Coles, you will take this – “he handed her a small, oval-
shaped leather paddle – “and you will hold it behind your back as you stand in this corner –“he indicated the corner to the left behind his desk –“and you will not move or make a sound as I talk with your husband. If you do, I will come over to the corner and I will paddle you with this (he held up a rectangular piece of wood four times the size of the paddle that Jan now held). Do you understand?”
“Now hold on . . .” Ted rose from his chair, unsure what the doctor was doing, and even more uncertain what he would do to stop it.
Dr. Winslow turned to him. “Mr. Coles, I know this is unusual and unexpected for you. Please let Mrs. Coles decide if she’ll proceed, and then I assure you that you and I will have an illuminating conversation.”
Ted looked at Jan. To his astonishment, she turned to the doctor, said, “I understand,” and crossed the floor to the designated corner, where she stood with the small paddle held at her tailbone. The two men watched her in silence for a moment; Dr. Winslow indicated the two wing chairs, and they sat down.
“Mr. Coles,” Dr. Winslow began, “your wife loves you deeply and yearns for a deeper emotional connection with you. She wants to tell you her most innermost feelings, fears, desires and hopes. But she’s inhibited by a fear you’ll reject her on some level, so she keeps things inside.”
“Your own tests show you to be a highly self-confident leader. You are analytical and rational, yet also visionary and of an “expansive” mind. You have proven yourself in business, where you are well respected and successful. In your relationship with your wife, your tests reveal a certain frustration with things, and a desire to be the recognized leader of your relationship.”
“In sum, Mr. Coles, you have the natural makings of a dominant in your relationship, and Mrs. Coles is, organically, in regards to her feelings to you, at least, a submissive. You two are made for each other.”
Ted was silent, taking in the information. He looked at his wife, standing with her back to him, her fingers wrapped around the handle of the paddle. “So you’re telling me to dominate my wife physically? I could never hurt Jan – the idea is repugnant to me!” Ted spoke with his fists clenched.
Dr. Winslow nodded at him. “I’m advising you, with your wife’s consent, to spank her. I can tell you from years of working with couples whose profiles are similar to yours that spanking will bring you closer, will open lines of communication, will lead to more frequent and fulfilling sexual intimacy, and will satisfy your conscious and subconscious desires to assume the natural role in your relationship. One of my mentors told me early on, ‘The couples that spanks, stays together.’ I’ve seen it myself, and he’s right.”
“As far as hurting Mrs. Coles goes, you have to learn how to administer a spanking the correct way. `You should put her over your lap, well supported, and spank her on the meat of her bottom – not up too high. Start slowly and build up, and that’s all there is to it. You’ll get the hang of it pretty quickly. In fact, I think it’s time you saw the demonstration.” The doctor rose and addressed Jan, “Mrs. Coles, come over here now, please.” He moved to the couch.
Jan gulped, and turned slowly. She saw the doctor, sitting on the couch and lightly patting his thigh. She began to walk toward him, and then changed course and approached her husband. Standing in front of him, she held out the paddle to him and said softly, “There is only one person I can ever imagine spanking me, and that’s Ted. Will you do it, darling?”
Ted rose, took his wife’s hand in his left and relieved her of the paddle with his right. He led her to the couch, where Dr. Winslow relinquished his seat with a sigh. “Would you like me to advise you? Give you some pointers as you go along?” There was a hint of wistfulness in his voice.
“Just some privacy, please,” Jan responded. As Ted took the doctor’s place on the couch, Jan put herself across his lap. Dr. Winslow, on his way out the door, caught a glimpse of Jan’s pantyhose-covered bottom as Ted lifted her skirt and slip and began to spank her tentatively with his hand.
At first he said nothing, embarrassed to be doing what he found himself doing at all. After a few minutes, though, when Jan hadn’t protested, he spanked harder and faster, and began to talk. “Jan, you’ve had this coming for quite some time. You’ve been moody, evasive and sullen. From now on, you’re going to talk to me, and not retreat from me, do you understand?”
“Yes, Ted, I do,” Jan was breathing fast as her husband rained down spanks on her behind. The smacks grew in number, severity and rapidity. “I wish I had been more open with you; I’m sorry I wasn’t.”
“You’re going to be a lot more sorry before I’m finished with you,” Ted assured her. He stopped spanking for a moment to rub his hand, then pulled Jan’s pantyhose and panties down to her mid-thighs. He could make out handprints – his handprints – on her faintly blushing bottom. It wasn’t as red as he thought it would be. He picked up the paddle, and brought it down smartly on each cheek, raising an immediate red spot on each side and an exclamation from Jan.
“There are going to be some changes, young lady, and they’re going to start right now.” Ted used the paddle as though a metronome were dictating its cadence. Rhythmically he brought it down first on the right side, then the left. He avoided skin that had already turned bright red, and in that way worked on painting her entire backside crimson.
“You’re going to meet your responsibilities to me and to our family,” he continued, “and you’re going to lose the short temper and snippy attitude you’ve been copping.” Ted paddled some more, and Jan squirmed and twisted and kicked her heels. Her bottom stung like fury, and the blows that landed on the sides of her buttocks and the tops of her thighs caused her particular distress. “Yes, Ted,” she agreed, “I will. Please stop for a minute – can I get my breath? It’s really hurting!”
“I do believe it’s supposed to hurt,” Ted answered her. “I’m almost finished here, but know this – I will not hesitate (three particularly hard spanks landed as he spoke these words) to spank you from now on if I feel you’ve earned it. Understood?”
“Yes! Please stop!”
“Yes, sir, you mean?” Ted delivered another round of hard, rapid spanks.
“Yes, sir! I understand!”
To Jan’s relief the spanking stopped. She felt her husband’s gentle touch again; he lightly ran his fingers over her reddened bottom, and then rubbed more firmly. He rubbed her back with his left hand. Jan, though she was still bare-bottomed across her husband’s lap, in a doctor’s office, felt calm and also incredibly aroused. She thrust her pelvis into Ted’s thigh and rubbed against the fabric of his suit trousers. She waited to hear from him that she was permitted to get up and restore order to her clothing.
      Ted looked into her eyes. “My bride has another wifely duty to conduct at home,” he said with a wry smile. He put her hand on the front of his pants, and she smiled at the stiffness she encountered there. They scurried from the doctor’s office like newlyweds bound for the honeymoon suite.

I told you she wrote a good story. Scout, if you are still reading I hope you'll check in. I will tell everyone that Fantasy Friday is in jeopardy. I'm not getting any new stories, so I don't know what to do. I always want everyone who reads here to know we would love it if you would just try one story. It  can be long, short - just try one. Please. You can send stories to

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Not my best day

Wednesday was not my best day. We are doing benchmark testing at school. It shuts the whole school down for three to four hours each morning just like the tests do at the end of the year.  As the teacher administering the test, during those three hours,
we can’t read, write, be on the computer or our phones, we are not supposed to eat or drink and they would rather we didn’t sit. We are to be ‘watching the children’. Watching a class take a test is right up there with watching paint dry and grass grow. At least I have the ability to write in my head - but if they can think of a way to stop me, they will.

One friend I complained to in an email early this morning, replied – all these test just seem like a waste of time to me...”

I couldn’t let her go on believing that. I had to tell her the truth – I have to tell you that you are wrong about this. It's not just a waste of time - it's a waste of time AND money.”

So I stood and watched, and watched, and watched. Finally (against the rules) I ate a chewable Tums because I had a little heartburn. You know what I got for breaking the rule – half of a back tooth broke off.

It’s not hurting, thank goodness, but it’s going to hurt when I get through paying for a crown. We have another test this morning. I have a dentist appointment Friday morning so wish me luck – and that would be just a crown and not a root canal and a crown.

At least he understands.