Sunday, December 07, 2014

Fridays experiment

My Friday spankings were an experiment. I knew I needed more than I was getting and I wanted to see if this would work. Nick has been a doll and hasn’t let a single week go by without giving me that attention.  I’ve found I really like those short really hard spankings over clothing. I feel like I can take what ever he can dish out if I can keep my pants on. He’s lightened up as time has gone on, but he hasn’t forgotten. And I love him for that.

I know many spanko friend will completely understand my feelings during the spanking of, “Too hard, too hard – I can’t take anymore!” and how they suddenly change to, “Is that all, are you done?” as soon as he stops. I guess I have to agree with what Nick has said more than once women are hard to understand. I’m losing the ability to understand myself.

I still find myself trying to find a category for Nick and me. We don’t do discipline – although I certainly deserve a healthy dose now and then and I think I’d like it. It’s not exactly stress relief – at least I rarely feel stressed. Maintenance? Sorta, I guess. He’s always been good to spank for erotic reasons. But that’s not what these Fridays are. I guess he’s doing them just because I asked him to. That makes him a pretty good husband, don’t you think? I wish they were a little more for him, I wish I could sense that he felt he truly had a good reason and would beat my butt until he felt that there was going to be a serious change or just until his frustrations were relieved. 

I only asked him to do this until Thanksgiving. I wanted to see if it would work, if he liked it and if I liked it. It’s been a great experiment.  The time isn’t perfect for me. I chose it because he has Fridays off, but I don’t. I’m tired by Friday afternoons; sometimes it occurs before we go out to eat, but sometimes Mollie’s here then. After we eat I feel a little full and sleepy. Sometimes he’ll make me wear a plug afterwards. Although somewhat uncomfortable it does focus me and I just love the feelings of submission that come with it. But he doesn’t do it all the time.

This is first weekend so I sent him an email yesterday. I thanked him for his attention, but admitting that we’d only agree to do it until Thanksgiving. I told him that if he still wanted to do it we could incorporate it in sometime Saturday along with the massage I’d requested to help get the kinks out that I knew would be there from all the wrapping I’d planned to do.

We were heading out to eat a little later when Nick caught me in the hall.  He said, “Your ideas for tomorrow sound real nice. But I think we have good tradition going now and I see no reason to stop our Friday appointments.” Leading me to bend over the bed in the spare room he proceeded to warm my bottom nicely with Blondie’s paddle. He was laughing a little as he continued, “And you thought we were going to stop at Thanksgiving.”

I can hear all of you think in unison, “Be careful what you ask for…” A little later that night I got an email from Nick saying, he would be happy to give me a good massage after I got done with the wrapping adding, I'll try to do my part.  But I don't want to get rid of all the "kinks"!” That man is a sweetie!

*** Okay, I wrote this Saturday morning before we celebrated First weekend. Ummm… let's just say I have more to tell.  I have the urge to type standing up, but I'll have the rest of the story tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I have found that the most important part of ttwd/dd is not spanking. It is communication and you and Nick are doing that. Have fun!

    1. Meredith, it is definitely the hardest part. We're improving, but often it's still hard.

  2. Hi PK, I just love Nick's last comment! Totally relate to the too hard/is that all thing. It's the intimacy, communication and connection more than the spanking itself.

    So glad your Friday's have worked so well for both of you and that you are going to continue. Can't wait to hear the rest!:)


    1. I do love his sense of humor. Looks like he's really into Fridays.

  3. LOL PK...Yup...definitely be careful what you wish for. So very proud of do have a sweetie don't ya. Looking forward to the "rest of the story!" Reminds me of Paul Harvey..."And now you know the rest of the story!" ;)

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. LOL, I wondered if anyone remembered Paul Harvey but me. I remember listening to him with my dad.

  4. Yes, can so relate to too hard/is that it? Even though we don't do discipline, like DD, I'm very aware that after a spanking my attitude shifts - for the better. I'm just glad P shows an interest in spanking me and the intimacy it generates.
    Intrigued by the rest of the story :)

    1. I'm right there with you DF, I love that feeling of connection and since we don't do discipline it's harder to find. I'm glad both our guys are willing to help.

  5. Hi PK, oh he is so sweet. I am glad he is carrying on , he definitely seems to think it is a good tradition you have started. Long may it continue!
    love Jan,xx

    1. Thanks Jan, he is truly a great guy.

  6. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I can't wait to hear the rest, PK!!! Did any of it involve a certain SPATULA???

    I am SO happy for you two!!! Time and patience; and it is VERY VERY interesting what a fella can take to when his wife (or partner) have an interest in spanky stuff!

    Your Nick sounds like such a great guy, and I agree with what Meredith said above. You are communicating about it all! Good for you! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. The spatula didn't come into play - but he used plenty. I can't imagine anything making a long married couple closer that this life style.

  7. Nick is just 'such' a nice man! I am really happy for you, PK! At least you get regular spankings, and you enjoy them, and they do you good, and they lead to 'massages' (hmmm, I didn't think you liked being massaged!), and they have improved your communication.

    Seems like a win-win situation to me. I am a tad jealous!


    1. Seems to me you've been spanked quite a bit lately too. I only like massages from one person!

  8. Good for Nick. Loved his comment. Really happy for you.


    1. Thanks Ronnie - he does tickle me the way he thinks.

  9. I am so happy for you....and loved reading this. Nick is much more than a 'nice man'.....hugs abby

    1. Abby,
      He is, he's the perfect husband.

  10. I love this! I'd say he definitely enjoys spanking you, as well as making you happy!
    Hope you get more Fridays.... Saturdays and even Sundays!

  11. I certainly relate to the "too hard ouchy during...and the is that it, it's over all ready after" feeling. :-) I am so glad that Nick wants to continue your Fridays - he seems to enjoy that time with you and that is wonderful for the both of you. I am going to go read what happened next now... :-) Hugs
