Thursday, October 02, 2014

TBT - Gotta Rant

I know most of you have seen TBT (Throw back Thursday) on FaceBook . I’ve enjoyed posting pictures from way back and seeing what other might post. So I’m thinking of trying something like that here. It’s not that I’m pushing for re-runs in general, but there’s a reason. Think back to when you first started blogging. I know I was excited – I had things to say and I wrote some great post, things that I really felt were worth saying, the thing is no one was reading me back then.

So occasionally on Thursdays, if I’m come across an old post I think you might like, I’m going to post is – I’ll label it as a TBT. If you think it’s a good idea I’d like to read some of your older post that I might have missed before I found you. What do you think, good idea or would you rather not have re-runs?

This post has always been one of my favorites. I hope you’ll like it.

Gotta Rant

An email from a friend got me all stirred up about this topic so pardon me while I rant but I am just so mad. I want to know where the rest of the world gets off thinking that what we enjoy and the lifestyle we chose makes us some type of sicko that should not be accepted in polite society!

Many people enjoy massages; often they pay big bucks to have a stranger give them a massage. They talk about how good it felt and how relax they felt afterwards. If their friends, family and colleagues have any thoughts on the matter most would think, “Yeah, a massage would be great.” But I, for one, hate massages. Often people I barely know come up behind me and start rubbing my shoulders. It hurts likes hell. I want to scream at them. If I say anything about not wanting them digging their digits into the muscles near my neck I get a strange look and something like “You don’t like that? There must be something wrong with you. You are way too tense.”

I see people at the gym lifting weights so heavy they look as though they are going to tear a muscle. Runners and cyclist are taught to run or ride through the pain for the benefits on the other side. Huge men are paid bazillion dollars to slam into one another to get a ball moved down a field. All of these people are engaging in activities, by their own choice, that both hurt like hell and are activities that some other would never want to do. Yet they are considered normal. People will let them talk about what they enjoy doing and it’s even acceptable to encourage other to at least give it a try.

I enjoy being spanked. I love the sting, I love the afterglow, I love the achy soreness the next day, I love the feeling of release, I love the emotional closeness I feel with my husband, I love everything about it. Spanking is good for my physical, mental and emotional well being. I am not even encouraging others to try it. I am just saying it is a wonderful thing in my life.

So how come I would be the one to possible lose my job if my superiors were to discover that I blog about it. At best I could expect to be ridiculed, thought of as unnatural or perhaps perverted. IT'S NOT FAIR! I am just as normal as those who like massages, lift weight, run or play football. But no, our desire is strictly taboo. I want to stand up and yell “I’m mad and I’m not going to take it anymore” instead I have to sit here and type “I’m mad and there is not a damn, thing I can do about it.”

And if you don’t mind if I rant on, another topic we are discussing on our blog is about our sex life. This would also make our friends and family gasp in horror and heap embarrassment on us. Why? If I chose to read blogs about improving my cardiovascular system that would be fine, if my boss or family found out they would be proud of me. I could ask all the question I wanted to and gathering all the information I could. But if I want to learn about my sexuality, if I want to learn more about how this part of my body, how it works and ways to improve or enhanced the quality of an orgasm – oh my, heaven forbid! And speaking of heaven, God created our bodies and included in the female special added features strictly for pleasure having nothing to do with reproduction. So evidently He intended for us to enjoy this part of our lives. There is nothing wrong with researching how our bodies are supposed to work.

I'm talking about sex and spankings on my blog. I am not standing on the street corner yelling these things at folks that don't want to hear it. If you weren't willing to hear my opinions on these topics you wouldn’t have read this far. I know that none of us are embarrassed in the least by what we read or write, yet we're all afraid of others finding out, because others won’t understand. I want my blog to remain a secret. Not only would I have to live with the embarrassment if it were discovered, my family would also. But if anyone I know does find my blog and tries to make me feel guilty or threats to tell others, I am going to print this post off, shove it in their face and tell them to kiss my ass.


  1. Excellent post! I love this idea, because I often can barely keep up with current posts, let alone go back and go through everyone's archives!

    1. Me too! I really would like to know where many of my friends came from and what they think of as their best posts.

  2. Hi PK, good idea.I agree with your rant totally, often could rant about the same things
    love Jan,xx

    1. Jan I feel this way so often. I'm not as worried for me anymore as my kids have gotten grown - but I still hate that our wants and needs are so poorly thought of.

  3. Hi PK, believe it or not I'm not on Facebook so hadn't heard of TBT. I think it's a great idea and totally agree with your rant also.


    1. I use FB mostly to know that my boys are alive and well. Both my children and my SIL asked me to be friends with them on FB and I'm honored.

  4. PK,

    Good post and totally agree with your rant. You know I'm not on Facebook and same as Roz, never heard of TBT.


    1. And I'm still wishing you were! Glad you like the rant. I hope you'll try TBT on your site.

  5. I love the idea...may of the posts will probably be 'new' to many, and seeing where we came from is always a good thing.
    hugs abby

    1. Glad you're on board Abby. I do enjoy looking back sometimes. Sometimes I feel I've improved, other times not so much - but it's always interesting.

  6. I absolutely love this idea! I also love this post and agree whole heartedly!

    1. I think we have all felt this way many times since we acknowledged who we really are.

  7. Great idea. I'm so out of it I didn't even known about TBT on FB and I'm on FB.

    1. I don't think it's really organized on FB, but look around on Thursdays and see some old picture people post.

  8. I am going to say exactly the same as Sunny - great idea; I am so scatterbrained that although I am on Facebook I didn't know about TBT either!


    1. I think you've sometimes seen old picture and maybe just didn't realize what it was.

  9. Guess your rant is as good today as is was when you originally wrote it.

    1. I know I still feel exactly the same way.

  10. Replies
    1. Glad you liked it EL. It's very heart felt.

  11. Whats Facebook!!!
    Seriously, I love a good rant and I love this post. To me TBT is a great idea

    1. Glad you like them, I have many, many rants! I'm looking forward to seeing what others will post.

  12. Awesome this rant! And I will second everything you said! :D

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Thanks Cat, maybe I should go on Dr. Phil and read this.

  13. I think this is a great idea! And, I remember this post and it still rings as true feisty :-) Hugs
