Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Rambling thoughts

I just wanted to pop in and say hey, but you're definitely going to get some of this and that - no real direction to this post. Everything here is good. Friday night are going well – he hasn’t skipped one and he’s not letting up. I’m happy and Nick seems like he is too. Not only that, but I managed to lose another pound this week.

Nick and I headed to a Renaissance fair this past weekend. I’d never been to one before. I was hoping for a shop with nice leather implements, but we didn’t run across one. We were with some vanilla friends so I didn’t look very hard. Nick was impressed with the outfits – there were boobs out everywhere! Here are a few pictures.

I loved the dogs.

 And I was impressed by the fire breathing man.

The only worry I have in my life at the moment is the lack of time to write. When I go too long without my beloved outlet I get antsy! I can’t do much when I get home in the afternoon, I’m wiped out, and the last few weekends have been very full. I want to RETIRE! I know it’s not long, but I have to have some writing time. On a good note I did finish up the latest Cassie book a while back and I’ve sent it off to Blushing Books – I’m waiting to hear. And I am trying to find a way to let more people – vanillas – know about my books, any suggestions?


  1. Hi PK, this made me smile :) I'm so glad your Friday's are going well and that you and Nick are happy and doing well.

    The fair sounded wonderful. Awesome pics! Thank you for sharing.


    1. Thanks Roz, I always feel like visiting, even when I don't have too much to say.

  2. Congrats on another pound...they all count!!! I have been to a Renaissance Fair, lots of fun. Very happy to hear that Friday nights are going well....and as for retirement...i feel your pain...you will love it.
    hugs abby

    1. It's close enough to really excite me, but far enough away to long for it.

  3. PK,

    Another pound loss, super news. Well done you.

    Fair sounds lovely and happy to hear Friday nights are going well.


    1. I'm happy with the loss of course - but it's going to take a few more for me to really believe it's actually going to happen.

  4. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Hello PK,

    I'm glad you and Nick are doing well. Thanks for telling so.


    1. Thanks Appy, he is really coming through for me.

  5. Congrats on the weight loss and I'm happy Nick is holding up his end of the bargain. A big sigh here.

    As for the promotion, you know.

    1. You are going to have to threat Ray again. Tell him SOMEBODY is getting spanked!

  6. Congrats on the weight loss! It starts to get easier as the pounds add up!

    I would love to dress u and go to a Renaissance Fair! It would be fun to imagine!

    1. I don't dress up, but I love to see those that do!

  7. Brat E. Pants4:48 PM

    I've never even considered the possibility of finding leather implements at a ren fair. I may have to go to the next one now...

    I count my pounds as though they're sticks of butter. I hit the 50lb mark recently, so I pat myself on the back about the 200 sticks of butter I've lost. :)

    1. I know some have found implements there so I want to look more thoroughly next time.

      I like your way of think of weight loss! Fifty pounds is fantastic! Congratulations!

  8. Excellent.

  9. Congrats on the weight loss and Friday fun PK! Ren fairs can be so much fun...love wandering around looking at everything. Years ago, I worked with a guy that was very in to all of the jousting, etc. He made his own chain mail...it was fascinating.

    Hope you have a great week.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. That would have been interesting to be around. There were some beautiful horses there. Hope you have a great week too.

  10. congrats on the weight loss and the successful fun Fridays. :-) Renaissance fairs can be fun. We took the whole family one year. Hugs
