Thursday, September 25, 2014

Good-by Nick, and back to Dr. Phil

I’m leaving Nick. Many of you remember I do this once a year. It used to be in July whenever a new
Harry Potter book came out so I could finish it in a weekend without anyone spoiling the ending for me. When there were no more new books coming from JK, I had to start writing my own. So now I head to the mountains, to a beautiful little inn with lovely gardens, to write to my hearts content. I can stay up all night if I want to. There is a quaint little village to wander through when I need to take a break and the leaves are beginning to change, too. I think it will be beautiful up there.

This weekend will give Nick time to think and to see if he wants to try this once a week spanking idea I have. It definitely takes the pressure off with me being gone. But I’m feeling relaxed about everything. Coming out and asking relaxed me – I had my say, now it’s up to him.

And now a word about the Dr. Phil show, it was in two parts one talking to the husband and one to the wife. I wasn’t impressed with either. The guy was obviously mentally unbalanced. I think he could have been a normal spanko had he been sane, but the poor fellow was just about half a bubble off plumb. He did seem sincere in his beliefs, I’ll have to give him that.

But the wife was strange too. Dr. Phil says often, and emphatically, that his team does their homework – and for the most part I believe him. But he seemed surprised by her story of the husband keeping the dog he’d killed in the house for five days because he believed he could bring it back to life. She hadn’t mentioned this before? I have to tell you, if I were going on TV to convince the world my husband was nuts I think I’d lead with the story of him thinking he could resurrect the dead dog, rather than the fact he occasionally spanked me. But maybe that’s just me. Did any of you see it, what did you think?


  1. I keep making comments which blogger refuses to publish. Now I am confused completely as each time I forget what I said the time before!

    Basically, I hope you have a wonderful quiet time away; I am very envious; Dan would never let me go away on my own for any reason whatsoever; Dead dogs? how macabre! I am glad we don't have shows like that and where do they find these presenters?!

    Think I covered everything.

    Keep in touch. Many hugs

    1. Sorry blogger keeps bugging you. I used to go away with my parents and the kids and gave Nick a weekend at home alone. I know that no matter how much I love my husband a weekend just to myself is really needed sometimes - whether he's off golfing or I'm off writing. It's nice.

      As for presenters on these shows, all I know for sure is that some people want to be on TV way worse than I do.

  2. Your weekend sounds lovely PK, I hope you have a wonderful time and do lots of writing :)

    I don't watch Dr. Phil. It's on during the middle of the work day here but I'm not sure I would watch it anyway. I'm don't know how sane many of his guests are! LoL


    1. Roz,
      The weekend is going to be great! As for Dr. Phil - I often like his show, but in this case he's gone from preaching to meddling!

  3. Sounds like a lovely weekend. Have a wonderful time. Wish I was joining you.

    We don't have him over here.


    1. I think you would love this little town Ronnie. It's not too far from home and I really like it.

  4. Oh gosh, had me worried there for a minute, I hope you have a lovely weekend (and Nick too). I saw some clips on the internet , They are both bonkers, he is a pig and she is vindictive. Neither of them came out in a great light and didn't do our cause any good either:(
    Good luck with the new book
    love Jan,xx

    1. Never fear - Nick's not getting rid of me that easy! No our cause was not helped, but I never expected it to be.

  5. Have fun writing! I bet it's nice getting away from the household stuff and all the things that need done looking you in the eye!
    As to doctor Phil they knew the couple was off balance. They would have had too much bunc from a real spanking couple that was smart, saavy, interesting etc....

    1. You're right - I never seem to get around to doing any of that stuff I see at home, but still out of sight, out of mind. I would like to have a one on one discussion with him about TTWD.

  6. Have a wonderful weekend away :) As for the Dr. Phil, I think both the husband and wife have some serious mental issues and definitely did not shed any kind of positive light on the lifestyle we embrace. It's a shame really that they are the kind of couple vanilla people will now think is a realistic representation of TTWD.

    1. You're right Faerie, vanillas will always see us as nuts. But then I feel we are here to let those who know they DO want this lifestyle to know they are not crazy!

  7. I tunt was a ed in and tuned out about ten minutes later. I'm not fond of Dr. Phil so I wasn't expecting much and I wasn't disappointed. I think if you want to air your dirty laundry in public, you're a little unbalanced to start and they always seem to find their way onto his show.

    Have a great weekend. Enjoy the fall wather.

    1. Yep like I said before - people seem to want to be on TV way more than I do.

  8. Sending my encouragement and a hug with a prayer that you get what you ask from Nick if the spiritual higher powers your respect wish that for you. Jon

    1. Thank you Jon, I just want it to turn out the way it should be.

  9. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I love your get away time! I watched about ten minutes of the shows and that both people really nut cases.

    1. I'm excited about being able to write without pause if I want to. Also the people at this place know me as 'a writer that comes once a year'. Last year I could tell them I had a book about to come out - this year I'll hand them a card with the three books on it!

  10. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Enjoy your time away. It sounds heavenly!

    As for the Dr. Phil show it was just weird. Sitting in the audience I actually felt more for the husband. Only because I feel he was the only one being honest. He truly felt that way and it was so disturbing. The wife was being elusive and trying to paint herself as something different than she was. I don't even think DD is even remotely close to what that show was about. It's not even comparable. BTW people write into the show and that's how they get picked unless it's a high profile thing. Then Dr. Phil will seek them out.

    1. Anon! I'm glad you said that, I was feeling the same way. He'd believed what he was saying (and was sometimes even right, before he'd go off on a crazy route again). And he was saying if I'm wrong - help me, tell me what to do. He did need help, but she was a jerk.

  11. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Have a WONDERFUL time, PK! :). Sounds like a great place to relax and enjoy and write too.

    I was flipping channels at my folks' house and saw about five minutes. I turned it off. It's the job of the show to find the most sensational people. I couldn't watch...

    Have fun. Good that Nick has his processing time I bet. Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. It is a great place to write - I'll post some more pictures. The one in this post is from last year. Five minutes is about all it would take to get the gist of it.

  12. Have a wonderful weekend PK...hope you get a lot of writing accomplished!

    As for Dr Phil...after the few minutes I watched with the husband, I decided not to watch any more. Really not interested in people airing their dirty laundry.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Like you Cat, I can usually tell within a few minutes if I want to watch any more. I think the weekend will be relaxing.

  13. Oh how blissful for you, a weekend away. Enjoy!!

    Clearly I have missed all the "action" on Dr. Phil. I have watched him in the past (not regularly) but haven't for quite some time. But um, a guest who kept a dead dog in the house for 5 days. Sick, sick and wrong I tell you!! I agree with you, some people want to be on tv WAY more than me.

    1. Yeah the weekend should be fun! That was the 'minor' part of the story - she thought it was nuts that he spanked her. Strange world.

  14. hope you are enjoying your writing weekend! :-)
    not able to watch the Dr. Phil show...probably would have just found it disturbing and frustrating anyway...
