Monday, August 04, 2014


We had a great reunion this weekend. It was a small one this year, but one cousin brought his new girlfriend. They’re both in their early fifties. She seemed very nice and we all got along well with her. When he came back Sunday morning he told us he’d asked her to marry him the night before and she’d said yes – that hasn’t happened before. We all thought it was funny she had met all those relatives and she still said yes! To be honest I like the new girlfriend better than I do my cousin and I’m fighting the urge to warn her that he’s a complete deadbeat. But they aren’t planning to marry until fall of 2015, maybe she’ll see for herself.

I was talking to a few close cousins about my books what an aunt joined us. She wanted to know more and I bought out my cards and gave her one. She looked it over and said loudly, “Spanking stories, what are spanking stories?”

 I told her, “I guess you’ll have to buy a book and read it if you can’t figure it out for yourself.” Several others ask for cards. It was so funny, a few years ago I would have died if anyone in the family had any idea what I wrote about, now I’m guessing some of them will read the books and I as happy as can be.

And on a weird note, Nick began therapy on his shoulder. One exercise he does with my father’s old cane. He lies on the bed and slowly brings his arms over his head holding the cane. As he lay down he made some crack to me and I said something like, “I’m going to beat you with that.” Mollie was standing at the door and just rolled her eyes at us. Shortly after my sister arrived. We heard Mollie telling her, “Dad lying on the bed with a cane and Mom’s threating to beat him.” Nick and I nearly lost it. Mollie does have a way with words.

Looks like the forth Cassie book will be out soon. I’m hoping to get the edits early this week. I’ll give you more information as soon as I know.


  1. Okay, I HAVE to ask... Did the doctor's instructions include "find an old cane to use in this exercise"?!?!

    Inquiring minds...

    1. Rogue, I'm not sure he put it exactly like that. Nick keeps talking about therapy every time he takes a swat at me.

  2. My've come a long way!

  3. LoL PK, I'm with Rogue and yay for the next Cassie book!

    Good for you giving your cards to family. I don't think I could share with mine. Your aunt's comment cracked me up. Between the cards and Mollie's comment I think your secret is out ... though they may think you do the spanking lol


    1. Roz,
      It's just turned out that I'm really proud of my book - so they are a little off norm, I don't care. And blogging has given me the courage to be myself. But it makes me giggle that they might think I'm the spanker.

  4. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Glad that your family reunion went well for you all, PK! :) Sounds like a very fun thing to do.

    You are one brave woman!! I will never be having that kind of conversation with any of my family members. That's for sure! LOL! Mollie's comment was a riot. Good grief- I wonder what our kids think these days! Hope that Nick's spanking arm is back in business soon... Hey wait a minute, maybe he's just working on strength now. ;) Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. He is working on that! I'm willing to help with him getting his swing back if he'd like me to. My family is pretty much live and let live - thank goodness.

  5. Hi PK, oh how great it is that you can just tell people. Fancy threatening Nick, I wonder what Mollie really knows, .....
    love Jan,xx

    1. I'm willing to guess Mollie knows more than I would like to think she does.

  6. Good for you. I've told some of my family, not all. You're ahead of me because you told Molly and LJ. I dont think I'll ever come clean there.

    Glad the reunion went well and hope you receive some sales.

    1. Well I haven't exactly told them about us, but the books - I don't mind them knowing.

  7. PK,

    Happy the reunion went well. I wonder if you will get any sales.

    Mollie does make me smile.


    1. Ronnie,
      It was really fun. I really hope some of them do buy the books.

  8. Hope they buy all your books. Mollie is a treasure.

    1. Patty, you're right about Mollie, my sweet girl. I hope that they do. I really like the forth one. I hope you will.

  9. LOL PK...Nick is doing one of the exercises I have to do for my shoulder but I use a long handled feather duster...of course, I don't have any canes in the house. LOL

    So proud of you for passing your cards out to are a talented writer and they should be very proud of you.

    Oh that Mollie...she is a delight!

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Mollie is a hoot. I'll be glad to send you the cane Ronnie sent me - honest, I don't mind. I think the family was impressed.

  10. My dad was talking books with me and for some reason we got to talking about books. We were talking about books that we don't like. I told him that even if I don't like a book, I always have to read it, though I skim through it after I realize the book stinks. I told him there was only one that I just had to stop. Stupid me, I mentioned that it was called Claiming Sleeping Beauty or something, I was just trying to tell him how mean it was and how they were treating them like sex slaves (I was trying to not give him a heart attack). He said was it like O, and I said kind of. He asked me if I knew about 50 shades. I started in with how poorly It was written, etc. He asked about the topic. It was interesting explaining fetishes to my 84 year old father. Lol

    1. Blondie! That is a conversation we would all like to hear, you should blog it. I've often wondered if my folks were still here would I be able to talk to them about it. I don't think my mom would have minded my interest one way or another - but she wouldn't have wanted me talking about my books at the reunion.

  11. How did I miss this? Oh I know I commented on PK Corey!
    Love how you just say it! I'm not that brave.... Now P just says anything he wants.
    Yay for the next book!

  12. Glad you had such a nice reunion. How wonderful that you feel so comfortable to share your book with family. I hope they read the stories and love them as much as I do. :-) Though, I must admit I am behind in my reading. Hugs

  13. Late comment but ... How many marriages have we all seen where we wish we'd have spoken up back before it was too late? Two painful ones come to my mind.
