Sunday, August 17, 2014

A New Toy!

Yes I have a new toy and it is opening up whole new worlds for me. I’m able to do things I haven’t been able to do in years! It’s so small, so sleek, and when I insert it, sometimes I hear music!

Sigh… who am I trying to kid? I don’t think that there is any way to make this exciting, but I thought I’d try. I’m just trying to convince myself that this doesn’t make me a little old lady. Scroll down for a a picture of my new toy…

Please tell me that the purple color of the hearing aid means I’m still young and cool. All kidding aside I really love the thing. I haven’t been able to hear out of my left ear in forever. This little thing make so much difference. I can hear people standing or sitting to my left! I can hear Nick in the car when he’s driving. I’ve had too many family members wait too long before they get help. My mom was nearly eighty and by then she just couldn’t seem to adjust to it. Not me, I don’t want to miss anything.

Therefore this hot, young, sexy teacher is going to start the year with my new bionic ear – heaven help those kids who whisper!


  1. Some people are to vane to enjoy what God intended for us to hear.
    My father is one of those. So yes, you are young and cool. :)

    peace and love

    1. Thanks! I think it's the same as wearing glasses. I appreciate you thinking I'm still young and cool, makes me feel good.

  2. That is really neat looking, but the best thing is it keeps you involved and part of life!
    In all seriousness I recently read how detrimental it is for anyone who is hard of hearing to just act like they are fine. We actually stop using an important part of our brain when we pretend to hear.
    You are young and cool!

    1. I've heard more about that lately. And seriously if improving my ability to hear also helps my brain, I'm all for it.

  3. That is fantastic PK, and it looks cool. So happy for you that you are seeing the benefits of your new friend :)


    1. I worried that it would be irritation, but I honestly don't even feel it.

  4. Yeah for you...and i will be joining you soon.....
    hugs abby

    1. Abby I would really recommend it if you are having problems at all. Shoot me an email if you have any questions.

  5. Anonymous10:22 AM

    You are very cool and Cassie would so approve!
    Old is a state of mind and it is not yours.

    1. LOL! I think she would too, you know she would never want to miss a thing!

  6. Good for you. It looks just like Ray's - he has two. I should have one to but just have not yet succumbed to the fact I can't hear. Sometimes that is a good thing. heh

    1. Go for it friend. Studies says hearing well may help prevent dementia. I need all the help I can get.

  7. You are still young and cool! :-) Hugs

    1. Thanks Terps, I feel pretty good.

  8. Love the color PK and are still young and cool! ;)

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. I figures old folks don't have purple hearing aids.

  9. I love it, a bionic ear. That's rad. Good for you to plunge in and just do it.

    1. Thanks Meg, it's really kind of exciting to hear again.

  10. I love your new friend. Cool you.

    Yes - heaven help those kids who whisper:)


    1. How Mollie know know to whisper behind my back anymore too!

  11. My husband was tested, that is as far as he's gotten. I think he's afraid that he will spend all that money and then not be able to stand it. His hearing is awful, and I can tell mine isn't as good as it used to be. I got a new toy also (a tablet), and guess what books that I bought first? I can not wait to read them, as I love your stories. I am toward the end of a book right now, so I'm finishing it up first. I now can have privacy when I read, instead of being on my desk top computer, where my daughter could walk in, curious of what I am reading. Good luck with your hearing aid. I love the purple color. God bless you and yours, -Belle L.

    1. Belle I really hope you and your husband will take the plunge. I can't speak for everyone, but I can't feel mine at all most of the time. A time or two late at night I've noticed it and just taken it off. But I am getting such joy from hearing! It took Nick a long time before he got one and my son said something that really made me sad. He didn't know how much his fathers hearing was going until I mentioned it. Then LJ said, "He can't hear well? Oh, I just thought he'd been mad at me for the last few years." You need to hear what you're missing!!

      And about your tablet and getting the books - you don't know how happy that makes me! Bless your heart! I'm still writing as hard as I can and I love knowing people enjoy them.

  12. Anonymous8:39 PM

    I've seen you! You look young and cool to me Lady!! :) And now you can hear and won't miss a thing!! I am truly happy for you, PK! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. I'm glad you think so, I sure do like being about to hear conversations.

  13. PK, Good for you!! I think you are for definitley a cool lady! My hearing is gradually getting worse and I am sure it won't be long before I join you. Think I will get an orange one!

    Hope you have a great school year!

    Hugs and Blessings,

  14. Oops, are definitely a cool lady.... can't believe I wrote so horribly to a teacher!


    1. George, if you feel you need one - go now! It will help your brain in the long run. And I think orange would be prefect. And as for writing to a teacher, LOL, remember - I read fluent 6th grade. I always read for what is being said and notice nothing else!

  15. A. Lurker6:39 PM

    I'm a little late to the party but I had to comment -
    I got a pair a few years ago and my IQ went up at least 50 points! No more "Would you like some tea?" "No, I don't have to pee" :-)
    Apples and paper are really noisy!

    1. A., So very true! I notice how my feet sound on the rug. And to be honest I find I'm in a better mood and not always griping about, "If people would just talk plain!"

  16. This is cute to me because my husband and I are in the same boat. He has two hearing aids and wears them when he thinks he needs to. So far, I don't. A few weeks ago a friend said to him, "Your sister lives in Florida..." He responded, with some indignation, "My sister is NOT a hoarder!" I think he needs them more often than not.
    Rosie Dee
