Thursday, July 24, 2014

Meeting the new preacher

I had a delightful afternoon with our new minister. All your advice and suggestions yesterday were right on and I was happy to feel you all had my back.

I want to tell you about my invitation to her. First I though of how my mother would have dealt with inviting a new minister to visit our home. First she would never have been comfortable meeting her alone so she would probably have given a tea.  We would have cleaned for a week and she would have
gotten out the good china and polished the silver. The good lace tablecloth would have been unpacked and the candles on the table lit. In my childhood the ladies of the church would have arrived wearing their pillbox hats and white gloves. There would have been tiny finger sandwiches, homemade mints, cheese straws, nut and small pickles served in the crystal dish currently packed away with my wedding china. My mother would have worked to achieve a charming atmosphere and Tom Duff would have seen her as a perfect lady.

In theory, I miss all that. It’s very nostalgic to remember all that and the wonderful southern ladies from our church that would have attended.  I thought of those ladies today, most are gone, but there are a few left. They wouldn’t have approved of my invitation to the new minister, but they would have grudgingly been proud of the way the afternoon went.

I sent my invite through Facebook message. I told her I’d love to meet and talk and would she like to come over to the pool for cookies, chips and Sundrop. She sounded thrilled. She called when she was on her way over, to be sure I was serious about the pool. I was and she arrived with her bathing suit under her shorts. We hit the pool and quickly began talking as old friends would.

We both discussed out kids. College, life ambitions, soon I was telling her Mollie was in her last year of college and LJ had married the previous November. I said, “ I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned it, but LJ is gay and he and Collin had dated for nine years before they married.” She seemed delighted for them and asked if we’d been able to attend the wedding. I told her certainly, and it was one of the best wedding ever. She was wonderful asking what they did in NY and if they wanted children. I couldn’t have asked for a better response. She says she would love to meet the boys whenever they come down.

We hit nearly every topic – including reading and writing. I mentioned I wrote stories and we talked on. Finally as we continued I told her I had a book published, and that it was about an older couple. But that while I’d let my daughter read it and I would have let my mother, it could still be considered objectionable to some. She didn’t press, but after we got out of the pool and were sunning she did ask, “You said you’d let your mother and daughter read it, how about your minister?”

I just looked at her for while, she grinned and said nothing more. Finally I asked her if she had ever read the ‘Miss Julia’ series. (If you haven’t – DO! They’re fantastic!) They are about a little old lady in NC and though it’s not one of ‘our’ books Miss Julie is a hoot. Not only had she read then she had met the author and gotten to know her rather well. Next I asked,   Have you read Fifty Shades?  Okay, now that made her pause. She looked at me for a minute and said, “As your minister, do I lie about it or just tell you I enjoyed them?”  I had to laugh. I told her my books were Miss Julia meets Fifty Shades. She seemed delighted and wants to read them. Although I would never have believed it, I actually handed her one of my cards with the three books on it.  Maybe I’m too trusting these days, but at the same time I feel I’m a pretty good judge of character. And I’m looking forward to building this friendship, I think she’s pretty cool.


  1. Sounds amazing I'm so glad that you had a great time..

    I love how you described your mom having the pastor over I felt like I was there.. my grandma was the same way.. good ole southern comfort

    1. Those ladies did know how to have an elegant party.

  2. Amazing! I want a minister like that. Lucky you! Great post!

    1. I think our church has gotten very lucky.

  3. Sounds like the beginnings of a wonderful friendship!
    hugs abby

  4. Hi PK. you rock!!
    love Jan,xx

  5. Oh wow PK, I'm so glad it went so well! It does sound like the beginning of a great friendship. Sounds like a wonderful time together.


    1. She really does seem to have a great personality.

  6. PK,

    Your new Ministers sounds like a good person.

    Loved your description how your mother would have handled the invitation.


    1. I think my mom was the greatest, but that's not my way to party.

  7. Wow, I must say that is just awesome!

    1. It went so well it surprised me.

  8. Anonymous8:08 AM

    LOL! Wonderful, PK!!! Sounds like you have an excellent new friend there. And lucky the church to have that kind of leader.

    I used to love it when my parents had parties when we were growing up. People just don't tend to do that kind of thing any more. Perhaps it is that everyone is just too busy. Fun to think about, thanks. :) Glad that you enjoyed. Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. I know parties back then took an enormous amount of work!

  9. Terriffic. I'm sure you placed your trust in good hands.

    It was very nostolgic reading about this post about how things used to be.I didn't grow up in the south so it wasn't quite as you wrote, but pretty close. Not sure if I miss all that hoopla or not, but once I loved it. I do like it when our daughter breaks out our china and silver - glad to see it's getting some use.

    1. I'm like you, I don't miss the hoopla… but, I kinda do.

  10. Anonymous9:24 AM

    People are jsut so accepting. What a interesting afternoon for the two of you.

    1. Meredith, I know I felt more relaxed because she was a woman. I really liked that.

  11. It sounds like a great beginning to a new friendship. Hurray for you that it went so well :)

  12. Anonymous11:18 AM

    It seems you gave this minister the best possible welcome into your home and family. Some people would have felt the need to maintain a level of formality, to keep a sense of distance because of her religious status. You welcomed her woman to woman which she clearly appreciated very much and which will undoubtedly help her to feel welcome in her new role. This was so lovely to read.

    1. We did talk woman to woman and against usually good advice, we talked sex, religion and politics! I'm glad she felt so comfortable.

  13. What a successful afternoon. Just wanted to let you know that the trailer for the Fifty Shades of Grey movie to be released on Valentine's Day, 2015 came out today. You can view it online from NBC. Not exactly as I pictured the characters, but I will not miss the movie. It definitely livened up my sex life and I only read it after all the fuss had died down.

    1. I'm going to see the movie - but I don't want to. You know that they are going to chicken out.

  14. People are people.....
    I'm so glad this was a positive visit. I believe most of us believe love is love and as to spanking..... Lol more power to you girl!

    Wish I was around when luncheons were so formal.... At least some times!

    1. I'll never be formal, maybe it skips a generation and Mollie will be.

  15. PK,
    I told you that you had good sense. I'm glad that the afternoon went so well.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. It was really a lot of fun.

  16. Only is middle age did I come to believe in what I call "small miracles." [I don't yet believe in big ones.] Whether your visit was a small miracle or just two people of good heart talking without pretense, WOW! Sounds like a perfect outcome.

    1. I really feel we were honest with one another, and that's a great way to begin a friendship.

  17. I don't think you could have asked for a better reception to your son and to your writing. I think you may have found not only a new minister, but a new friend as well :)

    1. I think you may be right Autumn. She is going to be an asset to our community.

  18. So very happy that you had such a lovely visit with your pastor PK. That is the attitude a good pastor should have...I am sure she will be a wonderful addition to your community and an awesome friend for you.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. I'm really looking forward to getting to know her better. She's very interesting.

  19. Way to start out on the right foot with honesty and trust!

    1. Annabelle,
      Strange how often we really don't do that. It sure felt good.

  20. that is so made me smile :-) Hugs

    1. I bet she's bring more to our church.
