Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Boring (sorry, grab you a cup of coffee)

I felt like posting today, but not too much is going on around here. I am enjoying my summer vacation. Getting up when I want to is just wonderful.  Nick went to the doctor to check on his shoulder today. There is a small piece broken the front of the shoulder according to the current x-ray. But we don’t know if it will cause any trouble. He just wants to get back to golfing.

I’m spending most of my time writing. Are you bored yet? It doesn’t feel boring here. I’m happy and relaxed, but this doesn’t make for exciting posts. I did get swatted a few times with the spatula Katie gave me. But that’s about as exciting as we’ve gotten. I have no doubt as soon as we both feel up to fun and games Mollie will decide to come home for a visit. Isn’t that the way life works?

I may have a new boss next year – a lot has happened in our little spot in the world. I feel he showed an enormous lack of integrity and if I had any respect for him, it’s gone now. And the way the ‘good ol’ boy’ system works, he’ll likely be promoted. Sigh…

If we do get a new principal my goal for the next two years will be to be sure he never learns my name. I’m thinking of avoiding him at all cost and then when we do run into one another I’m going to give him a different name each time. Think that might work?

Hope to be more exciting next time.


  1. Hi PK, well I got my cup of tea before reading :) Kidding. Not boring at all. I love reading what blog friends are up to. Glad you are enjoying summer and feeling happy and relaxed ... and that you are doing a lots of writing :)

    Hope Nick's shoulder improves and crossing fingers you don't get a new principal next year!


    1. I really don't like the current principal, and I don't want to break in a new one. Maybe we don't even need one!

  2. Glad to hear about the writing, sorry about Nick's shoulder - My own kid has a little break like that in her elbow.
    As for promoting incompetent people - I see the USA operates in a similar fashion to the UK. The further up the food change the less contact with children, the less understanding of the issues, but what the heck, let's just keep them there pontificating away. Sorry, many of my family are teachers, so it is a familiar story.
    hope you get a better boss next time.

    1. LJ had a break off the end end of his elbow when he was a kid - I'd almost forgotten. You got it, the only thing I really know about principals is that they do NOT what to teach school anymore.

  3. PK,

    I love stopping by here whatever you have to say. Happy you are enjoying your summer.

    Sorry to hear about NIck's shoulder. Is there anything they can do about it?

    Let's hope you have a new boss next year as it will make your last years years a tad easier.


    1. Ronnie,
      I don't like the boss now so maybe a new one would be better. MRI on Nick's shoulder next week.

  4. PK,
    yes boring, but that is what friends are for. LOL!
    Hoping that next year is better than the last,
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. I hope so too Paul. Next to last one - so that will be nice.

  5. Boring is okay - it really is the norm here. That's why I always seems to be aimlessly rambling. :-)

    1. I guess it really contentment for me - perhaps boring to read about.

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Middle of July is high summer.......... July is the month that no school touches........ day dream, feet up and enjoy a little of the B word

    1. Our summer vacation seems to get shorter and shorter. It's one thing that makes retirement look so lovely!

  7. Hey PK...doesn't sound boring to me...sounds nice and calm. Promoting incompetents...I'm unfortunately in the corporate world where 'networking' is the buzzword so it's how well you kiss a$$ and BS that gets you promoted. Hmmm...I do like your idea but if the new prinicipal caught on, it could be bad. Oops. ;)

    Sending prayers and healing energy that you and Nick recover soon and get some fun together before Mollie makes it home. ;)

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. It really seems peaceful and calm to me too. But just think of the possible names, besides my real name - I could be Miss PK, Miss Corey, Miss Elis, maybe even Miss Cassie!

  8. Hi Pk, poor Nick, hope he gets better soon. A new boss, maybe he will be much nicer than the last one, fingers crossed
    love Jan.xx

    1. Jan,
      I hope so - it really seems that the current one will be going.

  9. Isn't getting up whenever you want to for an extended period of time, just grand? We have a revolving door of leaders over at my work too...just when we get them up to speed on what they need to do, they leave! I feel your pain! Glad you've been inspired to write!

    1. You got it - the getting up when I want to is heaven! This current guy has been there 7 years. He came in acting as though everyone else was stupid - he never changed.

    2. Isn't that the way it always is...the losers stay and the great ones leave. Super frustrating!

  10. No golfing? How horrible! But I'm glad you're enjoying your summer.....

    1. Don't worry, he's watching plenty on TV. Yep, it's a good summer.

  11. Glad you are enjoying your summer vacation. It sounds rather pleasant to me. :-) Always nice to hear how friends are doing. I hope you both continue to heal and feel better. And good luck with the name changing if you get a new principal... :-) Hugs
