Sunday, June 08, 2014

Meeting Katie

I’ve had such a nice weekend. For one thing I survived my last Friday with kids this year! Go me! Nearly as soon as school was out I head off to meet my blogging friend. And who was this friend – it was Katie, from This Whole Thing. She was visiting family not too far from here and we made plans to meet and have an early dinner.

Very early according to Mollie, she called just before Katie got there. I told her who I was meeting and her comment was, “Mom it’s 3:50 and you’re meeting for dinner? How old are you two?” She does make fun of Nick and I going out for early bird specials. But that was when Katie was coming through so…

And then in just a minute she was there. What a lovely woman. We hugged in the parking lot and headed in to visit. As we sat at the table Katie handed me a little bag. She had brought me a gift. I thought that was so sweet – but the content made me wonder if she had ever read my blog. Scroll down to see what I got…

I mean really, doesn’t she know I don’t cook? On well, perhaps I’ll find some use for them.

You might wonder if you can fine anything to talk about with someone you’ve just met. Evidently we did, four hours later we were still going strong. I text Nick sometime after we’d been there a couple of hours so he's know we were still visiting and that I hadn't been kidnapped or anything, and his reply was, “Yak yak, that’s fine.” So we talked on. We discussed everything from kids, parent, partners, spanking, submission, blogging and boggers and many more things. It was really a great visit and I hope we’ll be able to get together again.

My good weekend continues today, it’s my FIL’s birthday. Ninety-three years old. Do you think I should offer to take his birthday spanking? All good weekends must come to an end and Monday and Tuesday we have our end of grade tests. It’s only a four-day week, but it’s going to be a stressful one. The prize at the end, however, will be worth it – summer off!

Oh, and about the gifts Katie gave me? I turned them over to the cook in the family and Nick found a really great use for them. Thanks again Katie!


  1. PK,
    that sounds like a nice way to end your week.
    Spatulas, a thoughtful, original and heart warming (?) gift. lol!
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. I was happy to get them and Nick seemed even happier still!

  2. Glad you had such a wonderful week-end. Katie is a special person and I am glad the two of you had the opportunity to meet and chat. :-) Wish I was there too! :-) And Happy Birthday to your FIL! Enjoy your "cooking" implement! Hugs

    1. I wish you'd been here too. Everything you had said about what a great person Katie was is completely true.

  3. Hi PK, so happy for you and Katie. I would love to be able to meet blog friends in person. Glad you are having such a great weekend. Happy Birthday to your FIL! Enjoy Katie's gifts :)


    1. Thanks Roz, he had a great birthday - he got the weed eater that he had been asking for - 93 and still out doing yard work, gardening and splitting wood.

  4. Great that you got to meet another blogger. I still have wonderful memories of the day we got to meet.


    1. Me too FD, that was a great day.

  5. Happy for you and glad that Nick was able to find a use for your 'gifts'.

    1. Nick is a very resourceful fellow.

  6. How exciting! You two were very lucky indeed!! Fun! Fun! Fun!
    I think the older we get the better life can be! Meeting new friends...!
    Hope the impl..... I mean cooking utensils get put to proper use!

    1. Well I don't know what you consider the proper use, but I sure liked it.

  7. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I love when two bloggers meet. When I met CaliMom it was one of the best times of my life. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Meeting other bloggers has been one of the best thing I've gotten to do over this past years.

  8. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I loved your post PK!!! :) It was all just so wonderful finally meeting and chatting away- for hours!! I only wish that I hadn't had to leave when I did. The great news is that I am sure that I will be back, and I will look forward to meeting up again. You are a wonderful woman and friend! I just keep feeling like I hit the jackpot in so many ways when I came upon the land. I've gotten to know such lovely people. It really is wonderful! And then to be able to sit and talk- it is special! I am grateful.

    The trip that I made was good, but still somewhat rough for me. Knowing that at the end of it all we would get to meet, kept me going. Rob was really happy that I had something so fun planned. When I left there early that day, I was feeling kind of blue, but hopeful. I had some time to kill before I journeyed on, and ended up finding a mall and thought of adding to my gift bag for you- looking for a spatula like the trusty one that Rob is so fond of at times. LOL! When I started walking around in search of the same, all I could do was grin. My sad mood was swiftly replaced by excitement and I hoped that no one thought that I was weird smiling SO big while walking around the place. I then drove on and we met and well- thanks ever so much!!

    Well I will look forward to hearing about Nick putting those two items to very good use on your B-U-T-T!!! LOL! You two enjoy! It really was a wonderful get together!!! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      PS. Mollie's comment made me giggle! Did you tell her how stiff we were, getting up after sitting at the table for so long?? LOLOL! You know how it is with us old people! :D

    2. Katie,
      It was a great visit and I enjoyed it. I have no doubt we visit again, maybe in NYC sometime. I didn't tell Mollie, she make fun of me enough!

  9. PK,

    You lucky devil. Happy you had fun and I know Nick will make good use of those gifts.


    1. It was great. Now if only you and I could get together.

  10. How in the heck did I miss this post! I just found it because Katie referenced it in her most recent post. Sheesh...blogger...grrr. Anyhoo...I am so happy for both of you and just a tad bit envious. LOL

    Such lovely gifts Katie brought you...have you or Nick had a chance to use them? You'll have to tell us all about it when you do. :D

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. It was really so much fun, she is very sweet. Well Nick does seem to know how they both work - and they work well!

  11. I sometimes check out the blogs of the people who comment and really liked Katie's. She and her husband seem to have it all together, don't they? I only read a few of the posts she listed on the side and they were great. I think it's so nice that you all are supportive of each other. Meeting her must have been fun!
    Rosie Dee
