Thursday, May 22, 2014

Short Post

MRI scheduled for Friday afternoon, and an appointment for the results next Thursday.  I hope you'll send me good writing vibes for this weekend. Nick is going golfing and I'm starting the forth Cassie book. For the first time ever I dreamed a Cassie story the other night. I can only say I was shocked at what I found out. It will be a while before I write that story - almost a whole book, but I'm looking forward to writing it some day.

I'm also having a contest over at the Reading Room. Starting tomorrow everyone that comes by the Reading Room and comments from tomorrow through the next Thursday - when Cassie on the Move comes out, will have a chance at winning the book for free. Just leave me your email in the comment if I don't already have it.

Fifteen school days left!!


  1. Hey PK...congrats on getting the MRI scheduled...good luck!

    Sending lots of positive writing energy for this weekend! Can't wait to read the next Cassie story! :D

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Cat,
      I love to write them when I have to try to steal a few minutes each day to work on them. I hope I'm as anxious once I retire!

  2. Hey PK, wishing you all the best for the MRI and sending positive writing vibes. So excited for the next book!:)


    1. Roz,
      I'm excited too. And I just want the MRI over with.

  3. PK,
    good luck with the MRI.
    Roll on Summer break.
    Love and warm hugs,

  4. Good luck with that test.....Book 3 exciting.
    hugs abby

    1. Thanks Abby, I'm chomping at the bit to start #4.

  5. 1 more down and 14 to go. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best possible outcome

    1. Sunny, I know all will turn out well at school, it always does.

  6. Best of luck with the MRI!
    Keep dreaming and writing! You give us lots to look forward to!

    1. Minelle,
      That was really fun having that dream! I'll keep writing for sure.

  7. Saying a prayer that your MRI shows no abnormality, and that you can go on writing with no worries. Love your Cassie Stories. I am trying to decide what type of reading device I want to purchase for my delayed Mother's Day gift (I couldn't decide before Mother's Day). I am one of those old foggies that do not have an iphone, tablet, or laptop. I only have a regular ol' phone and a desktop computer. It makes it hard to read blogs and stories about ttwd, when I have a grown daughter at home. Thank you for continuing your blog and Cassie's blog. May God bless you and yours, -Belle L.
