Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Are you willing to play?

I’m getting read to play a new backward hide and seek game – and no it’s nothing kinky. I’m always looking for a way to promote my books. I tell you guys about them, and bless your hearts you have been great.  But the urge to get the word out to more people is always there. 

It’s really hard to promote spanking books. Many of my real life friends know about them, but if they read them and even really like them, they will probably never suggest it to a friend. I picture myself ten years ago. Although I was a lover of all things spanking, I never told anyone. Had I come across a really good spanking book, I would have eaten it up, but I would have never told anyone about it. So with the exception of Fifty Shades, our books won’t be promoted by word of mouth.

So, what to do…  I began my other blog just to promote my writing. I’ve met some great writers there, and I’ve become friends with many of them. I know some of them have read my books and I’ve read many of theirs – but still we are writers talking to writers, how do we break out and let others know.

This is what I’m trying…

Yes I’m trying old fashion business cards. Not a new idea, but new for me. If I had found a card like this ten years ago, I would have stuck it in my purse, gone home and ordered the book!

Now here is where the game comes in. I’m thinking of the best places to place/leave these cards where ‘interested’ people could find them. I’m trying to think of places where women gather. I want to do it in secret, like a reverse hide and seek. I like the idea of leaving them without anyone seeing me. Here are some places I’m thinking about – the hair dresser, nail salons, tanning parlors, doctor’s offices, book stores, and dressing rooms. I’m also planning to take some to our two local adult toy stores.

I asked if others wanted to help and here’s how. Would you be willing to place some cards for me where you live? I have the addresses of several of my readers so I’m asking those folks if you are willing to ‘play’ this game with me and discretely pace cards. And of course, I don’t have an address for most of my readers, so would you be willing to suggest places for me to leave them? I want as many ideas as I can get. And if anyone else feels comfortable sending me his or her address I’d love it! Just email me where to send them.


  1. How about "watering holes" where mostly 50somethings and above hang out? My daughter "in law to be" bartends at one of those places. I know she'd be willing to advertise for you. I've hung out there a couple of times and I'm pretty sure the clientele is spot on for the audience you seek.

    1. Watering holes! Of course, that's a wonderful idea! I'll look into watering holes around here and if you are comfortable sending me an address where I can send them to you I'd love to!

    2. You have mail :)

  2. Hi PK, I will, just send me a batch. If you want me to I will email you my address, no worries. Maybe I will put them where i put my dancing ones!!! Or maybe not as I am off to the Brownies next week lol.
    love Jan.xx

    1. That would be great! I being able to send them around the world is a fascinating thought!

  3. Well, since i spend time in 3 different states, i am your gal....will end you my address.
    hugs abby

    1. You are indeed! Look forward to hearing from you.

  4. I'd be happy to do it for you. I'll email my address soon. I have just discovered my email was hacked so if you get one with a link in it, ignore it. I will be changing my password today.

    1. I did get one from you yesterday and just knew it wasn't from you so I did delete it. I'll send you a handful - I should get them tomorrow or Friday.

  5. Wonderful idea PK and the cards are beautiful. How do you feel about sending some down under?


    1. I would LOVE to send some down under!! If you're willing to share your address with me, they will be on the way soon.

  6. What a great idea, I love hide and seek! Have you thought about a digital copy of the card? If you could email it and we could print them off at home and disperse them for you? It will save on postage too. If you do a digital one you can email it to me I'd print maybe 20 or so an place them throughout town. :)

    1. Sassafrass - I love the idea, but other than posting blogs I'm hopeless on the computer and don't really know how to do any of that. But I will talk to my techie people and see. But now that I'm official (at least in my mind) I can take the postage off as a business expense!

  7. PK,
    I live in a very small town and don't get out very much.
    I might be able to put a few in the local supermarket.
    Might I suggest that you print where they can be purchased from, on the bottom of the cards.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. So smart Paul, it never occurred to me. These are already printed without, but I hope to do more in the future and I will definitely add where they can be purchased.

  8. Told you I'm in.


    1. As soon as I get them, probably tomorrow, some will be winging their way to you. Thanks Ronnie.

  9. What a great idea. Had I seen it a few years ago, I'm not sure that "loving discipline stories" would have gotten my attention but something about "spanking fiction" sure would have. I like the idea of where to order.

    1. You're right. The next ones will come right out and say spanking stories and where to get the books. Hopefully with the blog address and my email they will check one of those and the link will be there.

  10. Hey PK...great idea! Have you considered leaving a few on the bulletin board at your local library?

    I will be happy to pass some out if you have adult stores around here and Walmart put our grocery stores out of business but there are other places I can put them. Will get an email off tonight.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. I have thought about the library. I just can't wait to get my hands on them. Should be here tomorrow. Thanks for your help they will be on their way to you soon!

  11. My heart is beating just thinking of the subterfuge I would need to be involved in--- sneakily passing them out!
    I'll try too....maybe a few at first, then as I get bolder....more!

    1. Have a bold heart! I think you would probably enjoy placing them in magazines or books, less chance of getting noticed at the moment. But it would definitely help me get the word out.

  12. I'm just now seeing this post - I'm a little behind on my blog reading. But I'm willing to play! I know you had my address at one point. :) Shoot me an email if you need it again.

    1. Thanks! I'd really appreciate your help. I'll email I will need your address again.
