Monday, April 28, 2014

Great weekend, busy week

We had a great weekend vacation! It’s been a wonderful spring break and I really wish I didn’t have to go back to school tomorrow. I’m just popping in to say hey – busy week, I have bus duty, doctor’s appointment, and Mollie needs help moving. But I’ll be around some. I hope to post a few pictures from this weekend.

I appreciate you all coming by to read Nick’s story. I thought he did such a good job. I have to tell you, I feel Fantasy Friday is fading away. There are very, very few stories coming in these days. I try to keep it going because I’ve met so many wonderful people through the stories they’ve sent, but I really need stories. Think about it, isn’t there one you’ve been thinking about writing?


  1. Hey PK...have a great week and check in when you can but make sure you take good care of yourself.

    I love visiting and reading all the FF stories so will join in begging anyone out there that has a story running around in their head...please send it to PK. I promise...we are an easy audience and not a bunch of critics!

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Thanks Cat, I sure home someone is listening out there.

  2. Hi PK, glad you had a good weekend, I love F.F. , I really hope you get lots of stories sent in
    love Jan.xx

    1. It was a really interesting weekend

  3. Hi PK, so glad you had a wonderful weekend and spring break. Hope the week goes smoothly.

    I too love FF and hope you get lots of new stories.


    1. Roz,
      It's going to be a long week with bus duty, but I'll survive. I hope I get some new stories too.

  4. PK,
    I have an idea, I'll write to you.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you Paul.

  5. I hate the thought of FF fading away. I wish I was writing more than I am because I would send you some but I'm only two stories ahead myself and my mind doesn't seem to be coming up with anything new.

    Maybe we could offer a challenge to some of our author friends to showcase a chapter or so of their books on your FF.What do you think?

    1. Sunny, You have done your share and more and I thank you greatly! That's a good idea and I think we could get some to help. I would like that, but I also worry that it's going to scare off people thinking of trying a first story and are already a little scared that there story won't be good enough. I've loved every story I've ever gotten.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sorry, that was me. I loved every story I ever read on FF too, long before I had a blog.

  6. PK,

    Happy you had a wonderful time.

    I wish I could come up with a story but I can't do fiction. I have some of my own spankings to write up but my mind isn't there to write.


    1. Ronnie,
      I love your stories of your real life encounters! I just want my lurkers to know that they have a place to send stories.

  7. So glad you had a great weekend. Breaks always make you feel so good. I do hope you get lots of people send you stories for FF. Nick's story was so good! I am busy trying to write in order to publish now, so am a bit burdened.

    Many hugs

    1. Ami,
      I understand about you trying to get ready to publish - that's why I don't write as many FF stories as I used to.

  8. glad you had a great vacation! can't wait to hear more about it :-) Hugs

  9. Violet11:49 PM

    PK, perhaps you could try something where many people come together to write a story. Reach out to blogger friends you know, or ask for volunteers in a post. Someone writes a paragraph or so, and forwards it to the next person who continues the story, who forwards it to the next person who adds their own get my drift. This is not so intimidating for any first-time writers, and it also doesn't require as much time commitment as writing a full story. I know that this is different from the way FF has traditionally operated, but it could be fun for one week where you are looking for a story. Anyway. Just a thought!
