Sunday, February 09, 2014

The Best time for a Spanking

I’m sure we all have a different thought on this and it all honesty, when isn’t it a good time? I love a good wake up spanking whenever I can get one. I’d say most of our spanking activity takes place in the afternoon now that we’re empty nesters. Nick goes to bed way, way too early for me, so we rarely have a bedtime spanking that I know many of you enjoy.

For me there is a best time though – right before we go out. I’m afraid it doesn’t happen too often, I’m hoping for more. But I want to explain why I love it so. While Nick and I love each other dearly, after more than thirty years, we don’t exactly pant after one another while we out in public and we manage to hold back on the public displays of affection. But when he grabs me as we’re getting ready and really gives me a good spanking – one where the sting and burn goes deep, I can’t keep a grin off my face as we join our friends for dinner.

The delight of feeling the ache and sting re-ignite as I take my seat honestly makes my heart swell. I have that delicious, ‘we have a secret’ feeling. When I’m squirming slightly and we catch each other’s eye there is that connection that is one of the strongest draws of TTWD. It’s a mini-burst of love and trust. He can look at me thinking, ‘She is mine. I just spanked her butt hard and she is smiling and playing footsie with me under the table. If I want, I can spank her again as soon as we get home. She’s mine.’

I’m thinking, ‘I’m his. He knows spanking is good for me and makes me happy. He took the time before we left to spank me hard enough to continue to feel it all through dinner. He did it just for me, just because he loves me and wanted to make me happy. I’m his.”

After all these years Nick and I don’t talk mushy to one another often. We both know we are dearly loved by the other. Those mushy words aren’t always necessary; there are other ways to melt a woman’s heart.  For some women that might be with flowers and candy while other women prefer diamonds.

The things that cause my heart to melt are simple.

When he holds my hand or puts his arm around me when we walking into a store or restaurant together.

When he pats, or even pops, my butt when we’re out in public.

When he sends a random text saying something like, ‘I have a feeling you haven’t really behaved as you should have today. I’ll take care of that tonight.’

And when I have to sit on a burning, stinging behind when we head out somewhere.

These things don’t cost anything – unlike flowers and candy and certainly unlike diamonds! I hope if Nick reads this he’ll take note. He’s definitely done all these things at times, but with Valentine’s Day coming up, I just thought it might save him a little money.


  1. PK,
    we know what you like.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. Well YOU know what I like, LOL!

  2. the saying goes, it's the little things....or in your and many of our's the spanking thing! I'm betting your bottom is the right color to celebrate Valentine's day.
    hugs abby

    1. Abby, I hope so. And I'm not even particular about the day - I'd be happy with it any time.

  3. Awesome post PK. I could see how those things could make you feel so loved. Sometimes men dont realize we can be a cheap date (in a good way) :-) if Nick sees this I am sure he will be more than willing to oblige :-)

    1. Alyssa,
      Nick know's I don't need candy! I'm just not into jewelry, but spanking. I really do like that, anytime.

  4. I hope you get what you want. For me, the time of the day really does matter. By the time the kids are asleep, I'm usually exhausted and it's so much fun to fool around when we're not already tired.

    1. Leah,
      I like staying up late and when I go to bed, I want to go to sleep! I've always been that way. Mornings and afternoon are really good for me.

  5. Terrific post and I know just how you feel. Are you sure we're not twins.

    1. Leigh,
      There is that possibility - DNA testing pending.

  6. YES!
    And the best time of day for a spanking? ANY TIME :-)

    1. Terps,
      That works for me better than it does for you - and others who have adorable little ones around.

  7. I loved this post and will send it to my husband to inspire him! He always complains about what a scam Valentine's Day is even though I've never looked for a special gift ... I don't even like roses. Thank you.

    1. Meg,
      Then this will be a prefect idea for you both - rosy cheeks will do it for me.

  8. I love it when we are going out too...but certain kinds/times are better than others!

    1. Minelle,
      Many times have their special meanings.

  9. LOL Might save him some money. I love that. :)

    I also feel the same way, I love when he puts his arm around me, or holds my hand, making me feel owned. I also love the reminder I have whenever I sit down or move a certain way that says he took care of me earlier, and will continue to do so. :)

    {{{hugs}}} EsMay

    1. Es May,
      My wonderful Nick has a habit of getting out of the car and heading into where ever we're going with me trailing along somewhere behind. It really doesn't bother me, but when he does wait and takes my hand or puts that arm around me it is very special to me.

  10. Let's hope you get a good Valentine's Day spanking. My girl is arriving on Valentine's Day for a weekend visit so I am sure she will.

    And what a good idea to get good spanking just before you go out.


    1. FD,
      I'm so very happy for you both! Valentine's Day will be special for you this year.

  11. Hi PK, You are exactly right. I love being spanked before we go out too. I am going to suggest hubby saves a bit of money for Valentines day too lol
    love Jan.xx

    1. Jan,
      I just think this kind of celebrating could be tons of fun for all!

  12. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I hope that you get your very special- before you go out- Valentine's day spanking, PK!! :) Sounds pretty great and costs next to nothing. Wonderful idea and most certainly a fabulous time for a spanking! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. Katie,
      I know for spankos we'd probably all enjoy this added on - even those who like flowers and jewelry.

  13. Aww PK...what a sweet post. Wishing you many more spanks. ;)

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Thanks Cat, I hope more are coming.

  14. hmmmmmm a spanking before going out? What a novel Idea that is lol
    Great post and Happy valentines day to you.


    1. Bob,
      I know it make me feel wonderful! And you know what they say about a happy wife…

  15. Love this post PK, very sweet. I love the occasions I feel the 'after burn' and that special secret between us when out in public. I hope you get your Valentines day wish :)


    1. Roz,
      That 'secret' means a lot to me. And it's so much fun when he acknowledges it.

  16. PK,

    Lovely post. I know how you feel.

    You know me, I'll take a spanking any time:) P does love to spank me before we go to dinner to make sure I behave myself - as if I wouldn't behave.

    Hope you have a good week.


    1. Ronnie,
      An excellent reason - I mean he just wants to make sure.

  17. I really love the way you think. I totally agree with you and I love the way I feel after a spanking or when I get the warning texts. All of that has addled to our relationship. Keeps us from getting stale and boring. That is a best time to get spanked, I agree.

    1. Blondie - that's it exactly, it just add spice to things. When you've been married as long as we have, you need to work to find those things that still make your heart flutter.
