Sunday, July 14, 2013

This, That and a Birthday

I got to see Mollie this weekend, she gets such a small about of time off each week. She got home just after three on Saturday and has to leave by ten this morning. It doesn’t matter, I’ll take anything I can get.

I haven’t been on blogland much lately, two things are consuming my time. One is a sick cat – two actually, but one seems well now. I’ve been to the vet hospital eight times in the past two weeks. The sick one is a tiny bit better, he’s moving around and all, but he will not eat or drink and trust me I’ve tried everything I can think of to tempt his appetite. The doctor even has him on an appetite stimulator. I think the vet has done all he knows to do, I’m just praying he gradually comes out of it.

The second thing taking my time is writing and I love that. It’s how I want to spend my summer vacation. But I’ve been trying to do more reading too. I’ve come across some interesting books and I’m wondering if anyone else has read them. It’s the Gnome series by Jennifer Zane, the first one is Gnome on the Range. They are hard to describe, they are not terrible sophisticated, they’re funny and have some hot sex scenes and just tiptoe around our lifestyle without getting into it at all. It’s someone who knows about dominance/submission and possible doesn’t really like the idea, but is interested by it. If anyone else has read any of them let me know what you think.

I am around, not much on topic in my life to write about.  However, today is Nick's birthday so maybe this afternoon we can change that. I'll let you know.


  1. Happy Birthday Nick. Next Saturday is Ray's bday.

    1. Happy Birthday to Ray if I forget between now and then! ;)

    2. Yes, happy birthday to both out husbands. We're mighty lucky to have them.

  2. Happy Birthday Nick. There are no birthdays here at all... Not till next year. :(

    1. In Nick's family, we have someone with a birthday in every month except May (which is the best time for a birthday)

  3. PK,
    wish Nick a happy birthday, and offer to take his birthday spanking.
    Love and warm hugs,

    1. Paul,
      I gave him your good wished and I did take your suggestion!

  4. Happy birthday Nick...and thanks for the book review, always on the look-out for new reads.
    hugs abby

    1. Abby,
      If only we had enough time to do all the reading we wanted.

  5. Happy Birthday to Nick! Glad you got to spend some time with Mollie and I hope your cat starts to get better soon. Thanks for the book review too. I hadn't heard of these.


    1. Roz,
      Cat is different - better, but not well. It's like his personality has changed.

  6. Hi PK, I am glad you had a nice visit with Mollie even if it was short and sweet. I hope your cat feels better soon. And please wish your hubby a happy birthday! Hope he gives you a spanking in his honor. I am not familiar with those books - I will check them out sometime which reminds me I need to put up my summer reading post... hugs, Terps

    1. Terps,
      Loved seeing my girl! I promise Nick had a great birthday.

  7. Hi PK, happy birthday to Nick. Hope you're cat recovers quickly. Taking a sick animal to the vets is stressful.
    Hugs DF

    1. DF,
      It has been stressful AND expensive!

  8. Happy, Happy to Nick! And happy thoughts for your sick kitty! Eight vet visits sounds horrible...and expensive.

    1. Cygnet,
      You know expensive - how do you know how to stop. I can't spend much more but he's my responsibility.

    2. Things used to be so much easier at the vet because what they could do was so much more limited. Now it seems that there are just so many more treatments and options. I think at some point it comes down to quality of life and finances.

      In my experience, at some point, you have to say, how can I make my cat as comfortable as possible with the financial means that I have? And then once you have decided where that line is, you love them and you don't beat yourself up about the decision. Remind yourself how much better their life was because they were a part of your family. Hugs from a fellow cat lover.

  9. Hugs for you and your cat, PK. I hope he recovers. I wish they could tell us what is wrong. :-(

    Happy Birthday to Nick! Paul had a good idea - offer to be Nick's stand-in. What a heroine!

    I think I've heard of the Gnome series, but had forgotten until you mentioned it. I wonder if I should ask at my local library? ;-)


    1. Irishey,
      I just hope the change in the cat is not going to last.
      I did my spanko wifely duty.
      I hope you'll read the Gnome books, I'd like to know what other think of them.

  10. Happy birthday, Nick! PK, don't spank him too hard. :-)

    1. Rogue,
      Only if he asks me to!

  11. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Happy birthday, Nick! PK I hope your cat will be well..poor lite one.....

    What ?? Is PK doing a "Rogue"?

    1. Mona,
      His birthday was great. No I'm not going Rogue, I love that she does and that it works for them. But I really don't want to.

  12. Wish Nick a happy birthday. Hope he's enjoying his day.

    I hope your cat recovers.


    1. Thanks Ronnie,
      I sure hope he does too.

  13. Sending lots of prayers and healing energy for your cat, PK. It sure is hard when our babies are sick and can't talk to us. :(

    Happy Birthday to Nick...ya oughta tell of us is getting some birthday spankings...your choice as to who gets the red bottom. ;)

    Haven't heard of the Gnome series, but will definitely check it out...thanks for the recommendation.

    Hugs and Blessings,

    1. Cat,
      At least the cat is finally eating, I know that's important. I'm sitting on the red bottom, thank goodness. It was a great birthday.

  14. Happy Birthday Nick!!
    Pk I am so happy you were able to spend time with Mollie. Short and sweet is still time with them.
    I am praying 'BOTH' cats make a recovery!
    Keep up the writing....I need Cassie!

    1. Minelle,
      Mollie changes the whole vibe when she's here. I do miss her. Cassie seems to only what to tell a new story when I have NO time to write. School will start and she'll be all over me! Wish I could get Tom after her.

  15. Happy Birthday to him

    1. Tiffany,
      I'll tell him - it's been good.

  16. i've been meaning to ask you how the "first week of the month" business has been coming along? are you still gettin' all frisky with nick? and on his birthday? have you been the one to initiate the fun party stuff? lol just kidding, but it has crossed my mind more than once.

    i have been busy too, our kids have been gone and now that they're home i want to be with them all the time. i missed their faces.

    thanks for the book info. i'll check into it. i adore reading and when i'm not reading and have to work, i listen to books on my iphone. total bliss.

    glad you're hanging in there.
