Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Yep, pure exhaustion. We took 100 children on a field trip Monday.  We traveled about 2 hours away and the day went well for the most part. The students were great; I wasn’t as impressed with the two children I’m partnered with.  They weren’t horrible, but some things blew my mind. 

Just to get us started off on a slightly rocky start, on Friday, at about 2:55 just before the bell rang the secretary called to tell us we were over a thousand dollars short.  NO WAY! I’ve done this trip more than 20 times and I know what I’m doing.  Megan – my good partner – headed over with our numbers and receipts in hand and somehow got it straightened out.  Coming back she threw me a quick thumbs up.  I asked her what had happened and she said she didn’t know but it wasn’t on our end.  I ask her if we would have any trouble getting the checks and she grinned and said, “I all ready have them, I wasn’t leaving her office without them!”

Then some things my other partners said during the day

  • ·      Giggling said she says minutes before we are leaving, “Two of my kids haven’t brought their permission slips in yet.” OMG! You cannot take kids off campus without a permission slip.
  • ·      She came up to me as we were eating lunch to ask (about a field trip we’ve been planning for two months), “When are we supposed to head home?”  I told, “We need to load the busses at about 10 till.” Her response, giggling again, “Ten ‘till what?”
  • ·      I had told all the classes – repeatedly, if your parents want to sign you out to come home with them, okay.  But you can’t sign out with anyone but your own parent.  Two girls still wanted to sign out with one of the girl’s mom. So then they asked Megan. She also told them absolutely not!  So they asked Miss T who (giggling) said “Why not?” So I had to step in and stop that, making the mom and kids mad at me.  

Things like this are very draining to me. And just to make it a little better.  Today is the day my boss decided that the kids should ‘take over the school’ and teach and hold the other jobs at school.  Picture twelve year olds trying to ‘teach’ and keep order on the day before Thanksgiving vacation.  I can feel my teaching  friends cringing.

If I should make it through this day and home to do some writing I have several good post in my head, plus I got spanked Sunday night and thanks to that darn Ronnie, I got caned too. And I’m looking forward to answering some questions from my nominations of the Liebster Award and then I have another post in there somewhere. So cross your fingers that I’ll survive!


  1. Good Luck! Hope you have a good thanksgiving, too.

  2. PK,
    you had better survive, if not I'll never speak to you again!
    Love and warm hugs,

  3. I know you'll survive but good luck.

    That's what friends are for and please tell Nick if he ever needs a new one just to drop me an email.


  4. I hope you had a great day. Don't let that Giggler get to you, please.

    Hugs, Julia

  5. What an airhead. The giggler-not you. :-)

    Maybe the principal figured Wednesday was going to be a lost day anyway.

  6. Good luck PK!

    BTW - Is the giggler related to the principal? Both sound a tad bit flaky. ;)

    Have a wonderful and hopefully relaxing Thanksgiving holiday.


  7. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Been there as a parent. Horrifying and super fun. Ian is going to Europe next spring with our daughter's travel club. As I understand it, he will be stapled to 2 teenage girls for a week in a country where he doesn't speak the language.

  8. PK: Glad you survived. Maybe the giggler needs a spanking.


  9. Sorry about the trip, but the good part is that it's over.

    Last day before 5 days off - you'll survive. Your principal sounds like the one at my daughter's school. He's a first year guy and she says he doesn't not his head from a hole in the ground.

    Caning huh, that always sounds way too ouchy for me but Ronnie keeps saying it doesn't have to be. I am not sure I'm that brave.

  10. Wow, Those field trips can be crazy!

    I never, ever want to plan them, but if someone else does.....

    Also making sure mischief doesn't occur.....!

    I would hate the day today...The mess I would have to clean up!

    Good Luck!!

  11. PK,
    I completely agree with Paul.
    Don't you dare to not survive!
    You've got a lot of posts to write.

  12. Patty8:55 PM

    Deep breath...deep breath. This too shall pass.
    Hang in there.

  13. SNP,
    So glad today is over and I’m sure Thanksgiving will be great.

    I did survive, but I felt like it was touch and go for a while.

    I’m telling Nick you moved to the North Pole and don’t have email.

    She drives me nuts, but when we’re at school I can ignore her. When we take kids off campus, she makes me tense.

    He turned it from a wasted day into a long excruciating day!

    Yep, they are both flaky in different ways. I hope your Thanksgiving is great too.

    I don’t envy Ian, although he will probably have a great time. We used to take 6 busloads of 12 year olds to Disney World for a 3-day trip. Now that was something.

    Trust me – spanking is way too good for her!

    And this guy is going for his doctorate no less. Ronnie is totally lying about the cane – it’s awful, stay away!!

    My wonderful partner, Megan, is the planner and she is great at it. My job is Alpha bitch and I play it well at work.

    I survived! But the school day was over 48 hours long and it was like being dragged over gravel – naked.

    I’m sooooo happy this day is over. Five days of bliss.

  14. The last day of school before a break was very different when I was about 12. Taking over the school wouldn't have been even imagined back then. But, then again we were probably looking forward to the invention of "fire" when I was 12! LOL
    Have a great holiday!

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