Sunday, July 22, 2012

Birthday and Pooky's survey

I have several things to talk about today. First thing - today is my 6th birthday! I posted for the first time 6 years ago today. So it really is like a birthday. I became a brand new person when I began the blog. 

I have been accused of gently encouraging a few people to begin blogs. Hmm… that might have happened on occasion, LOL! But I have a good reason. Blogging has been the best thing that has ever happened to me – it’s giving me closeness to my husband. It’s given me my best friends in the world. And now, instead of hiding who I am, I have a wonderful forum where I can talk to like-minded people about a subject near and dear to my heart. For forty-nine years I couldn’t talk about spanking to anyone – yes, blogging is important to me and I do encourage other to take the plunge. 

Speaking of friends beginning blogs I wanted to let you know that Minelle, who has written for Fantasy Friday, has begun a blog of her own. I hope you will go by and visit her at My Breath. I always think it’s fun to get in right at the first of a blog, but then again I’m nosy and don’t want to miss anything. Minelle has also contributed next week's Fantasy Friday, it's really good so don't forget to come by.

I also wanted to participate in Pooky’s survey. Here goes.

1. Have you read 50 Shades of Grey? Have you read all of them? 

I sure have!  Sunnygirl mentioned them to me right after she read them and I down loaded all three.  I enjoyed them a lot.  I wasn't looking for great literature, just a fun story - and I got it!

2. Have you read any other spanking fiction? 3. Did you start reading them before or after the 50 Shades?

I read as many blogs as I can find time to read.  I read 9 1/2 Weeks when it first came out.  Then Nancy Friday's, My Secret Garden, had several good spanking stories.  I read some Shadow Lane books before I found blogs and now that I can down load and read anywhere I want to.

4. Where do you find your find the best books? ie; Amazon, Blushing BooksLulu, etc.

I've really only been since I read 50 Shades that I've been looking and I usually find my choices here and then go to Amazon to order.

5. Have you ever written any spanking fiction?

I sure have, I've done maybe 15 Fantasy Friday's and of course I write Cassie's Space, which is my true joy!

6. Do you follow Pk's Fantasy Fridays? Have you ever written for her?

Oh yes, I've followed me for years!

7. Have you Read Clint's Bootcamp Book? Did you participate in it after you purchased it? 

No I haven't read it.

8. Are you a reader in real life? How serious? 

I'm a very serious reader.  I've carried a book around with me since I was about ten, but I haven't read as much since I started writing.

9. Do you generally purchase your reading material, check it out at the library, or borrow from a friend? 

I nearly always buy it and I love being able to get it on my Kindle and carry my whole library around with me.

10. Are you more likely to leave a review if you loved the book or hated it? 

I'm more likely to now than I used to be.  I understand now how much it means to a writer to get feedback.

One last thing, there is a new story over at Cassie's Space.  I hope you'll come by.


  1. Happy Blog Birthday. Only 6 spanks, cannot you tell Nick that blogging years count double?
    I'm glad you confess about the encouraging thing. I always thought you were guilty!
    Minelle is a prize. She says she does not think she is a writer! Can you even believe that? She writes as the best and now I am trying to start her on a moviescript.
    I did the same quiz, so I'm not going to bore you with my answers, but I again have to say that all participants in this quiz have stated that they were serious readers since early childhood. There is a clear pattern among bloggers.
    Now I'm running over to Cassie.

  2. Congrats on the 6th Blog Birthday! That is pretty amazing; I'm not sure I can make one year.

  3. PK: Happy Birthday. Blogging has changed your life and you helped me change mine. Thanks for everything and I look forward to reading your posts for years to come.


  4. PK,
    Congratulations, 6 years, it's just flown by, zoom.>>>
    May there be many more, perhaps a little slower please.
    Love and warm hugs,

  5. Happy blogging birthday PK! I think you should put your real birthday years- PLUS your blogging years together for a birthday spanking!!! Or you can double, like Bas said and still add to your true years! How does that sound?
    I was just wondering about Cassie and hoping we would hear from her soon. I need a fix!!
    Your a gem!

  6. Congrats on 6 years PK! Really something. You are an encouragement to many.

  7. Six years! Sorry that I only found your blog (or any blog) about one year ago-I have read back as far as able on many. I always go to yours first, it leads to others that I enjoy and can relate to as a real life experience. Thank you for writing.

  8. Congrats on 6 years! You have been such a positive influence on many of us....I remember all the help and support you were for me!
    hugs abby

  9. Happy Blogiversary PK. Here to many more.

    I'll pop over and read Cassie when I have more time as I'm off out now. I'm not sure if I told you but I was reading Cassie before I read PK:)

    Enjoy your Sunday.


  10. Happy Blog Birthday. Six years - that's a long time to come up with posts. Glad you're here and glad you've encouraged so many of us "lurker"s to come out and join the fray.

  11. • ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ "Happy Birthday to YOU" ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ "Happy Birthday to YOU" ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ "Happy Birthday to PK" ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ "Happy Birthday to YOU" ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫Hope you have an awesome day!!! :)

    I'm so glad you decided to join in on my little survey, it is so fun to see everyone's response. I too love Cassie's Space so I'll take a trip over there too.

  12. Happy Blog Birthday PK, thank you for encouraging me and helping me change my life :)

  13. Happy birthday, PK! May your celebration befit the occasion...


  14. Bas,
    I only admitted to perhaps passing on a tiny word of encouragement. But I agree that Minelle is a fantastic writer. I know because I have all ready gotten to read next weeks FF.

    Thanks, Spanky,
    I would never have believed it for a minute when I first began.

    Isn’t it amazing what sending our words out into the world on a little blog can do for our well being?

    Paul, my love,
    You have been there from the very beginning. Thank you my friend. I wouldn’t mind the years slowing down a little myself.

    Thanks girl! No birthday spanking today, maybe soon. Glad I could give you your Cassie fix, I needed one myself.

    I’m just glad so many of you did start your own blogs, cause I get to read them!

    Thank you Patty,
    I would have never thought I’d still be blogging 6 years later. It’s the friends I’ve made that keeps me coming back. I’m glad you’re here.

    Thanks, aren’t we all lucky the internet was developed. If not we’d still be living with our secrets.

    No I didn’t realize you read Cassie first – very cool! Hope your weekend was good.

    You got me thinking so I just went and looked it up. I’ve posted 1,322 times here and 403 posts at Cassie’s. Boy, I must be mouthier than I realized.

    Thank you Pooky!
    I enjoyed the survey. I wish I could persuade you to think about writing a Fantasy Friday story for us. I know you’re really tied up now, but think about it.

    Glad you started blogging and glad you are enjoying it. Other’s encouraged me and it changed mine too.

    Thank you Bonnie,
    You were the first blog I read and your kind words make me want to get out here and write.

  15. I think it is very cute that you have followed yourself. :)

    Congratulations on your 6th birthday. I, too, love Cassie.
