Thursday, May 03, 2012

Catching up

You might have seen over at Rogue’s Awakenings that Kiwi from Love honour and obey had an accident.  I got a comment from her too, telling me that she had broken her arm and also that she was having trouble with her email and blogger.  I know when she was off work for Christmas she wasn’t able to be on much so I think her easiest access is at work, she says she says even though she’s not around, she’s around. I hope she heals up quickly.

I haven’t been around much myself.  This is a crazy time of year for a teacher.  If I’m not commenting much, or if I owe you an email, please forgive me.  Not only is school going crazy but Mollie is finishing up her exams.  I need to run Saturday and get her home in time for early voting and then back to school.  Her school is over next Wednesday or Thursday, according to whether or not she can take one exam early.  She will only be home for about 10 days before she heads off to her summer job, so we have a lot to accomplish while she’s here.  So I’m heading in many different directions all at once. Add to that, that a story hit me the other day and I spent the past two evening trying to get it ready for Fantasy Friday this week.  It’s been so long since I wrote one I was excited to have an idea.

I have also managed to make it to the gym twice this week, quite possible because Nick threatened to bring out the cane if I gained again.  In case there are those who what to point out that weight always fluctuated a tad and no husband should bring out the nasty cane for gaining – don’t worry.  Nick is more aware than I am that the scale isn’t the end all, be all.  But he also knows I’m not doing my best and I know it too.  So I’m working on it.  I woke up to a wonderful hand spanking last Saturday morning, with the promise of more later.  Love waking up that way! And the later was pretty darn good too.

Gotta go, I’m supposed to be in bed in 4 minutes and I still have to get this posted.  No time for pictures!  I’ll be back more regularly once this school year is over.


  1. Wishing you all the best as you accomplish all your "to do" items. So glad you get some time with Molly. Yay for making it to the gym. Also, I am looking forward to your story on FF. Don't worry--PK is really nice and help you through the process :o)

  2. PK, yep life can get on top of us sometimes, strangely enough we manage.
    Well done on the exercising.
    Me too, what SNP said.
    Love and warm hugs,

  3. Looking forward to your story :) Hang in there everything will get everything done and then you will be FREE!!!!

  4. You are way too busy. Glad you see the end in sight. Look forward to your story tomorrow.

  5. Not long to go now PK. I'm looking forward to your FF tomorrow.

    Hope you got to bed on time:)


  6. Life can be full of craziness sometimes, so I hope you get everything done that needs to be done. Good job on the exercising! Look forward to the story!

  7. SPN,
    I’m enjoying myself, but I like my time on line visiting with my friends too. Soon I’ll be around more.

    You’re right, everything will get done. I have a feeling I should have gone to the gym just a little more.

    Thanks Faerie,
    I all ways get overwhelmed this time of year. But summer is the prize.

    I am too busy, can’t wait to get back to talking more with my friends.

    Thanks Ronnie,
    I did make it to bed on time, but just barely.

    It was relaxing writing. I always love that.
