Monday, October 31, 2011

There's a new kid in town

I guess I’ve been pretty quite out here lately. There are several reasons. First I’m having a rare fair-up of my arthritis and my hands have been hurting and I guess the second is that I’ve had nothing to say on topic. This past week was kinda bland for me. There were lots of workshops at school and they always set my teeth on edge. For me I want to say – I’ve taught for over 20 years, my kids do well on the all important test, you are welcomed to come in my room anytime you want to see what I do, isn’t it time to STOP torturing me with asinine workshops developed by people who no longer want to teach and are being paid twice as much as me to tell me how to do my job. (Thanks for the venting, I need that every once and a while.) Because of all that, my mind was not on spanking or related topics. I get a disconnect feeling when I’m like this. Nothing’s wrong at all, I just don’t feel like me and it’s vaguely depressing, but I really bland is the best word.

On to bigger and better things, there is a new blog in town! With all the wonderful blogs already here and new one coming every day it’s hard to get a new blog off the ground and to bring in friends and readers. But this blog, Faerie Learns to Fly, is written by someone with whom you are familiar. Faerie has written two Fantasy Fridays for us, A Lovely Day for a Bike Ride and The Dream … or is it? You can click on these to refresh your memory. I think Faerie is a little hesitant. I remember being the same way when I first found this wonderful community – it’s all new and strange and just a little scary at first until you realize we’re all just folks with a common interest. I hope you’ll take a minute to go by her new site and welcome her, and maybe we can talk her into another Fantasy Friday. On and one more thing. Faerie has come to me for technical help - talk about the blind leading the blind! I couldn't comment on her latest post yesterday, if you can't either you could go back to her very first post (there are only two now) and if you know why it's not working give us a hint.

And one bit of news on Fantasy Friday we do have a brand new story for this Friday. The one I started last week has more parts and I will certainly post them but it’s always fun to have a brand new one. It’s a very unique story, I really liked it. I hope you’ll be by Friday for a read.

I have a weight update coming up tomorrow and I hope you’ll read that too and help me overcome a problem I’m having with the whole thing. It’s Monday - take a deep breath, we’ll get through the week!


  1. PK, of course you will get through the week.
    I wish Faerie all the luck in the world.
    So called experts are a pain in the fundament.
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. Hang in there PK. I always get a little down this time of year too. I think it has something to do with the shorter days - darker always seem drearier.

  3. Thanks for all your help PK, believe me it has been invaluable. I am working on fixing the comment thing, have no idea why its not working. Have a great week.

  4. Sorry to hear about your arthritis PK that's a real pain (excuse the pun)

    Good luck to Faerie, thanks for the link. She'll get a lot of extra people visit as I've just noticed Bonnie has today listed her blog on In with the New: Trick and Teat Edition"

