Thursday, October 13, 2011

Roller Coaster Day

I was at work yesterday when I got the following text from Nick, “I haven’t forgotten the moldy mixer.” As I read the message I had to laugh out loud. I wasn't laughing because he was 'threatening' me. I am always just happy when Nick takes the time to text me about anything to do with TTWD. He was referring to an experiment I tried with some yogurt and fruit in the mixer. It wasn’t that great but I stuck the rest in the refrigerator. A few days later Nick told me to get rid of it before it spoiled. And I was going to – but a week or so later, Nick beat me to it. It was soaking in the sink when I came in one day and Nick had a few choice thoughts on the matter. He alluded to the fact he should spank my butt for leaving it there, but he didn’t. Not sure why not, I mean we were in a kitchen full of wooden spoons and such and no one to overhear, but he still didn’t.

Sigh… I decided to be happy that at least he thought of it, even if he didn’t follow through. Then I got that text. I had to grin. The man is coming around to our way of thinking at last. It really made me happy and one of my students even remarked “That text must have been good news.” I decided to go to the gym after school (trying to be the good girl, of course) I didn’t expect something major when I got home, I was just happy it was on his mind. But then nothing. Nada. Zilch. He didn’t mention it again. By bed time I was just down. The weight hadn’t been flying off this week either and the little voices were beginning to clear their throats for a real chorus.

That next morning as Nick was leaving – he leaves before I get up – he leaned over me and said, “I still haven’t forgotten.” Then he was gone. I honestly didn’t know what to think. I felt like ‘Fool me once…’ I had a rough day. I could just feel myself slipping. I didn’t think anything would be happening because Mollie was coming home for break that night.

But sure enough, nearly as soon as I got home from work and just before we headed off to get Mollie he had me put my hands on the bed and my bottom was lit up by his belt! He started about the moldy mixer but before he finished he had thought of another little house hold chore he wanted me to pay for. I got a little more than I expected – not too much, but more than I expected. My rear was definitely stinging as we headed off.

I don’t know why he waited. Did he just forget? I certainly forget some of the things he wants me to do! No, I don’t think he ‘forgot’ on purpose. And I’m sure he had no idea it nearly sent me over the depression edge. He even said one more thing yesterday that is making me question his pure vanilliness. He asked me if I was taking some medicine he thinks I need to be on. I told him no, I had forgotten about him mentioning it. He was actually serious as he said “Maybe I should have spanked you for that too.” My Nick? Actually being serious about spanking me for something that really matters to him? Wow!

Don’t worry. I may tease him at times but I don’t brat. No more yogurt concoctions in the frig. I’ll do my best to remember that other little chore and I’ll take my medicine. No, I won’t be perfect but if he cares enough to hold me accountable for these things I’ll try not to make the exact same mistakes again. I think I’m headed to bed; it’s been an emotional day.


  1. PK, sounds too good to be true, lets hope that he continues.
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. Those emotional days are hard... I'm so glad he's stepping up and helping you in a way that only he can! *hugs*

  3. That sounds really emotionally draining. It does amaze me how those little comments can make such an impact on how one goes about their day! So glad that he followed through in the end...sounds like you really needed it.

  4. Oh good! So happy for you! And I haven't had the chance to be on the computer much so I will just quickly share with you now that my honey has been connecting with me much more so I haven't had the chance to put up any walls or hear the shouts of voices in my head - we were watching the new show Pan Am together and one of the characters had threatened to discipline one of the flight attendants by taking her over her knee...and next thing I knew I was over his knee...yay! :-)

  5. Those little things really count! I also think if he sees the spanks make a difference, bet he steps up even more! abby

  6. hey PK im so glad he is stepping up - remember my earlier blogs where my hubby was blew so hot and cold all the time - and look at him now - so watch out - i really think all HOH's take the same steps ;) hehehe

  7. Paul,
    I hope he will. Maybe the empty nest will eventually encourage him.

    They really are! Maybe that’s why I like those walls so much. I just hope he will keep on helping me this way.

    They really don’t know how much these little things mean to us. I was so happy he followed through.

    That’s wonderful! I know you have wanted more of this for a long time. Looks like things are looking up for you. I’m excited for you and look forward to hearing more.

    Not a bad thought Abby but my walls are so darn well constructed he has no idea just how much it helps!

    Just as long as he doesn’t try to make me get up early to exercise! LOL!

  8. Happy to see Nick is stepping up PK and I hope he continues to do so. I just think he might.

