Thursday, May 26, 2011

He was a good dog

Our dog was a good dog but he had a fault or two. He was a thief, and he loved shoes. He never chewed one up but if he could slip out of the house with one he would sleep with it for a while before abandoning it. Since we had an invisible fence we knew it would eventually turn up, although rain could be a problem. He did occasionally steal other things, some of which confused me. He would take a potato out every once in a while – didn’t chew it up, just took it out. He liked to take the odd towel, or maybe some clothes that the kids left around. A few times he carried off the book Nick or I was reading. Now what would a dog want with a book?

My bra is one thing that comes off the minute I get home. Once Nick came in and asked “Were you in more of a hurry to get your bra off than usual?” I just gave him a bewildered look and he held up my bra that he had just found on the carport. More of Link’s thieving ways, but Nick said he could picture me yanking it off as I walked in and let it fall where it may.

Link’s only really destructive habit was his love of a good golf ball. Do you know how tough a golf ball is? But our boy could chew right through them. Nick would hit them in the back yard and Link would gallop after them. Soon Nick learned to hit them just on the other side of the invisible fence. So he couldn’t get to them often but when he did – total destruction.

This dog loved our cats and we’ve had several during his time with us. He never minded them playing all over him and I have pictures one tiny kitten lying in his opened mouth. But when he got tired of their play he had his own way of calming them down. Here’s one picture showing that.

We have even speculated about Link’s spanko side. Years ago Eva and Adam came to visit with their dog. Link enjoyed the visit and treated their pup much the way a wise old grandpa would. But once when he got too rowdy for Link’s taste he picked up his big old paw and swatted the pup on the butt, seemed calm the little one right down. Eva and I, old spanko bloggers, got a big kick out of that.

But age finally took its toll. The past week was hard watching him refuse to eat, growing weaker, barely walking. I knew we couldn’t wait too long. From my past working with our local vet I still have some connections. Doc made a house call to bring some pills to try to stimulate his appetite and ease any pain he might be in but it didn’t seem to help. So I called again and told Doc I wanted what I would need to put him down. He probably wasn’t supposed to give it to me but he did. It’s the way I wanted it. When it was time I wanted to do it and not have to wait on anyone.

Tuesday morning I knew it was time but we are having state testing this week and I had to be there for it. I went and gave the test then got a sub and came home. Link had managed to walk far down in the back yard –right next to the only flowers we have away from the house. I went and sat with him. As I walked up he thumped his tail twice but couldn’t raise his head. I talked to him. He picked up his paw and put it on top of my foot which was his custom. I brushed him a little, he always liked that. We talked of stealing shoes and chasing golf balls. We talked about how he could nearly do a back flip when we would splash him with water from the pool. I just petted him and talked then I gave him the injection. And that was it. Quietly and peacefully in his own back yard he was gone. It was the way a good dog should go.

Nick buried him when he got home. I had put one of my shoes and Link’s favorite toy with him. I didn’t really want to stay and Nick said it was fine for me to go on to the house. I think Nick really wanted to be by himself with Link for a little while. Just as I turned to go I saw Nick place a golf ball in the grave.

You were a really good dog Link and we’re going to miss you.


  1. Anonymous5:58 AM

    :( this makes me really sad... except for the part where you blame the kids for leaving clothes lay around. Seriously, Twin. Who do you think you're fooling? But really, I hate that you had to do this. Hate, hate, hate it.

  2. As i've's like losing a family member. So sorry..

  3. That must have been very hard for you, PK. No matter how long they live, our dogs' lives are never long enough.

    My sincere condolences.

  4. I am sitting here bawling as I type. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard losing pets, but I'm glad he went the way he did. At least he was happy and comfortable. I'll be thinking of you.


  5. PK, this brought tears to my eyes.
    Every dog I have owned has died in my arms, I wouldn't have it any other way.
    Every word shows your love for Link.
    My heart is with you.
    Love and warm hugs,

  6. Ah PK, they are so much part of the family. It was good that you were with him at the end.

    Think of all the good times with him.

    Love and hugs,

  7. (((HUGS))) My sincere condolences. It is hard loosing something that wiggles it way into you home and heart.

  8. PK: He sounded like a wonderful dog and I am sure you felt like you lost a member of the family. Sorry.


  9. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it was to say good-bye, but you did the right and loving thing for Link. He sounds like he was a wonderful dog.I am crying with you.

    Nancy :(

  10. I know how much it hurts to lose a beloved pet. So sorry, PK. Sending you hugs and prayers!

  11. Sorry to hear about the passing of Link. It does sound like he enjoyed life and at the end of the day that is the best that all of us can hope for.


  12. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I'm so sorry Pk

    Hugs Kay

  13. Anonymous6:32 PM

    PK - Im sorry for your loss. Sounds like he was a good friend. Bra in a carport though, was it cold enough for ear muffs?

    Pets are part of the family and some are the shining light on a hard day. The best listeners and they never tattle. My heart breaks for your loss.

  14. Sorry this happened to you. It's heartbreaking to lose a pet. Our Lab is 18 and we think about this constantly. Love you sister. DAVID

  15. How sad. But then, your Link reminded me of each sweet pet I've ever lost -- and I am now awash in lovely soft memories. That is the gift I wish for you when enough time has passed...


  16. Anonymous10:19 PM

    May God surround you and your family in love as you grieve for Link. Dogs are a blessing to our lives. Love and Prayers, Lucy

  17. I appreciate everyone that has come by today. I can tell everyone know what it's like to lose a pet you love so much. It's hard to lose them but he brought us great joy for a long time. I like to think we gave him a good life here too.

  18. Sorry this had to happen but it was the best way for it to happen.

    Love you!

  19. Oh, my. I am in tears. You gave your dear one his just due. He was loyal to you, and you honored him well.


  20. I am very sorry for your loss...every pet is a member of the family to be treasured always...

  21. Anonymous12:41 AM

    my thoguhts are with you. I lost my own baby dog ( a great big soppy dribbly newfoundland) and even though it was 5 years ago now - it still makes me sad. I was with him when he went too. He will always be in your heart xx
