Thursday, September 02, 2010

Big weekend!

I have big weekend plans. I’m heading to a wedding. I’m going alone because the rest of my family has plans of their own. The wedding’s about 8 hours away so there is a lot of traveling involved. Long way to go for a wedding you say? Must be family? Well yes and no. You see I’ve never met the bride or the groom. My family connection? I’m family by internet. The lovely bride to be is Eva’s oldest daughter. And although I have met the daughters 2 and 3, this will be my first chance to meet daughter #1.

Life’s funny. I met a complete stranger on line 4 years ago. It took us a while before we even exchanged real first names. I knew about her desire to be spanked and how her sex life was going before I knew where she lived or what she did for a living. Slowly, slowly we began trusting this strange way to make friends and shared more and more information. Within months we were on the phone and a year from when we first made friends on line we were meeting in person. Our friendship has taken us through a dozen meeting in a handful of states. We really started out cautiously and I’m glad we did. I think it made us trust each other more than the average friendship.

So now I’m headed to the wedding of a niece I’ve never met and looking forward to spending more time with my twin! Don’t forget Fantasy Friday and I’ll be back next week.


  1. PK, say hi to Eva for me, I'm sure that you will have a great time.
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. Enjoy the wedding PK and give Eve a hug for me.


  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Glad you're here!!!!!

  4. Hope you all had a wonderful time at the best wishes! Terps
