Sunday, May 30, 2010

More of a good thing

Nick went on his golf weekend but not without leaving me something to remember him by. I guess he does still read here occasionally. Mollie kissed her dad goodbye and left for school Friday morning. I was headed out the door right behind her when Nick stopped me. It was Friday morning and he asked if I had weighed that morning. I had. Next question, did I lose any this week. I’m afraid that was a no.

He pointed to the bedroom and I headed that way. He reached for the darn cane – now there is a real love / hate relationship. I mean I did ask for it last Wednesday but still it can be wicked! I think the cane is something that works perfectly well through jeans. Nick disagrees. At his request I lowered my jeans but left on my panties. He didn’t let me get away with it, he lowered them for me before me a half dozen little lines of fire on my backside. Rubbing them he said “This sure does make pretty stripes.” I’m afraid that was all we had time for. But he hasn’t been far from my mind all weekend.

Even with my hectic schedule over the last few weeks and for the next two to come I have felt like my libido in tentatively making its way back. I still don’t feel like I have much energy to play as I would like but at least now I’m thinking about it. That’s a big step in the right direction.


I’ll be around but this week belongs to LJ. Tomorrow we’ll have lunch at his grandparent’s house and then Monday he and I are going down to bring back all the stuff from his college home. Collin and his brother will drive all their stuff up in a truck (including the cats) next Friday and that afternoon I’ll take LJ to the airport and off he’ll go. Thank heavens for cell phones, texting, email, facebook and skype! So I hope to spend a lot of time with my boy this week – shoot I’ll even cook for him if that’s what he’d like. I just hope it’s a soothing relaxing week for him, because the next few weeks to come should be exciting, stressful, overwhelming and amazing. It will all become normal soon enough but when a kid from Podunk NC moves to his dream city of New York it should be the best time of his life!


  1. PK, glad things are working out for you.
    Good for Nick, one of the nice things about the cane is that the marks last.
    Don't worry about LJ, you're not losing a son, you're gaining a telephone bill. LOL
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. I hope you enjoy a great week with LJ. I also have a love/hate relationship with our cane too. *smiles*


  3. PK: How nice that he left you with some stripes to remember you this weekend. Hopefully, he will get our libido back in full working order.

    And have a great time with your son before he spreads his wings and flies off to the big city. And how nice that he has a mom to do so much for it.

    But he'll do fine. His parents raised him well.


  4. Mmmm, I see Nick agrees with P, the cane should only be delivered on a bare bottom :)

    Enjoy your week with LJ PK. What an amazing time it's going to be for him. He must be so excited. Big hugs for him PK.


  5. Paul I like the stripes too and you are right about the phone bill!

    We've had a great weekend so far. Hope to see him as much as possible before he goes.

    I think things are coming alone nicely and thanks for the thoughts on LJ, I think he's a fine man too.

    He does seem to be excited and happy these days.
