Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just catching up

Good news on several fronts. First for those of you who remember my twin blogger Eva, I just wanted to let you know that as of yesterday she now has two beautiful granddaughters 13 months apart. I got to see some pictures and they look like they could be twins. I know she and Adam will be busier than ever but they love every minute of this grandparent stuff.

I haven’t said much about the diet lately – not too much to tell but not bad either. Nick set up a chart where I officially weigh in every 2 weeks with completely reasonable goal of a half a pound a week. I have been losing – slightly. But I haven’t quite made goal on the weeks I was supposed to. I have a gotten a few stripes to keep me on track. Don’t think I will ever become a huge fan of the cane like implements but they surely get your attention!

We got to see our boy in his play this weekend. He, of course, was fantastic! The play, however, well let’s just say it was an old Russian play and it was just as uplifting and cheerful as you might imagine! LOL! LJ has been in plays for the past 8 years, at least 2 per year. I have only liked one. Loved his performance in every one but usually hated the plays. One of his best friends was his wife in the play Saturday night. During one scene she was so mean to him it was all I could do not to run up on stage and give him a hug then beat the crap out of her. But I did forgive her and let her come out to breakfast with all of us the next morning.

Mollie stayed home and babysat all weekend – 37 hours with a third grader and a kindergartener. If she had any doubt about being a teen mother this weekend pretty much ended that. I think she enjoyed herself but she did come home exhausted. She took them to indoor kid’s park, she got them to Sunday school and church on Sunday morning and then back to their Sunday night programs (she helped out in the nursery while waiting on them). She cooked for them, helped with home work and since both children have some special needs she kept up with all their different medications – 6 total for the two of them. The parents will be going off once a month for the next 6 months so they have booked her to sit with the kids each time. I can’t help be proud that they trust a 17 year old to do this.

The project is going well and I’m still enjoying playing with it. One other piece of good news is that there is a brand new story for Fantasy Friday and even better it is the continuation of my Anonymous friend’s story about Bill and Sylvia. It is really, really good! Here are links to the first three chapters in case you would like to reread them before Friday, Chapter one , Chapter two and Chapter 3. I know I haven’t been around much so I appreciate you still coming by. Don’t forget to come back Friday.


  1. PK, it is good to see you. ;)
    Your two do seem to be doing well.
    The Russians do do humour, but so different from ours that it's hard to get our heads around it.
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. Waving hello!!!!!

    I am so happy to hear about Eva and her new grandbaby. She must be over the moon! Tell her I said hi.

    I'm glad to hear from you but once again we hear about "the project". Your such a wicked tease!

    I can't wait for the next installment of Bill & Sylvia. See you Friday.

  3. Oops! Grammar error - that should read, "You are such a wicked tease!"
    I guess it doesn't hurt to say it twice. hehehe



  4. Hey Paul,
    Yeah those Russians are a laugh a minute! But I always love watching LJ on stage.

    Eva is thrilled and I'll tell her you said hey. I know you're going to love the next story.

    Like I've said if my project goes well I'll sure tell everyone but if nothing comes of it I don't want to look like an idiot.

  5. Hey PK, Great news, congratulations to Eva and Adam, thanks for letting us know. Say hello to them.

    You must be so proud of LJ and Mollie. I think she would make an excellent teacher.

    Look forward to FF.


  6. PK - thanks for the news about Eva. I miss reading her blog.


  7. Ronnie,
    I'll tell her. That is one beautiful baby! Yep someday Mollie will make a great teacher. She'll have her mother beat all to pieces.

    I miss it too. Maybe this summer she'll feel like posting again.

  8. PK, nice to catch up with you... and please give my congratulations to Eva... I'm very happy for her...

    now what's this project... I am getting really curious...

    love, Lessa

  9. Lessa,
    So good to see you here. I'll be sure to tell Eva.

    Actually I am waiting to hear something about the project myself.
