Sunday, January 24, 2010


I had a good Saturday. I went to my sister’s to see her and some cousins that I didn’t get to see over Christmas. We had a great visit –not too impressed with the lunch, way too much healthy and salad like stuff. My sister gave me the menu and I asked her if I could bring in real food for me. She emailed back “I’m ignoring you.” But lunch was still fun and I really enjoyed the visit.

But almost as good as the visit was the time I spend driving. I like having time to be alone with my thoughts. I'm one of those people who can enjoy a 4 hour drive without anything but my thoughts. No radio, no CD’s, no book on tape – just mind blogging and planning stories in my head. I jumped all over the place, got two or three posts in my head, planned out another Cal and Megan story as well as fleshed out an idea or two for a few other stories. I really enjoyed the drive. Now if I could only have a week or so off to do nothing but type maybe I could get all that out of my head and onto the computer! Don’t suppose that gonna happen time soon. But I’ll do my best.


  1. PK, Sounds like a great day, now get writing. Big smile!!!
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. I love driving too. I'm glad you had a great time!


  3. I hate to be in the car with music playing. Glad your enjoyed Saturday PK.


  4. Sounds like you had a good visit with your sister and I hope all those thoughts in your head make it to your computer.


  5. Paul,
    It was a great day and writing is what I plan to do all day tomorrow.

    The first time I drove to Eva's I had 18 hours alone. I loved it.

    I do like the peace and quiet of a nice car ride.

    They will get there eventually but who knows when.
