Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sorry, nothing too exciting

I am feeling particularly relaxed not having to go to work for two days feels delicious. I am headed out later today to do some Christmas shopping. I have no idea what I’m going to buy but looking around will be fun. Later this month I’ll be shopping with my sister but sometimes I like going alone.

Bathroom update. Unfortunately Nick got the shower working. That takes the real urgency out of the picture but it still need to be done and I don’t want to put it off. Problem is we don’t know where to start. We aren’t even sure of the colors we want to go with. Do we pick out the counter top first and work around it, or perhaps the floor. How do we decide what kind of shower we want? Tile looks great but let’s be honest. I’ll never be the best of housekeepers. Maybe just a ceramic surround would be best for us. I don’t know what I want or where to start.

The diet is okay for the moment – I lost a pound this week and it’s been a while since that has happened. I have to take 8 classes at the gym in the three month time period to qualify for the challenge and I have to get in so many hours, 37 I think, and then they took weights and measurements at the beginning so all this will be looked at in December, about the 18th I think. No one like Jonas there but I have Nick at home if I start to blow it off.


  1. PK: Good luck on the bathroom improvement thing. Projects like that can be a pain in the neck. Have you gone to one of those home improvement places for design ideas?

    And congrats on losing the pound and sounds like Nick is ready to give you the motivation you need to keep on the straight and narrow.


  2. PK, well done on the weight front.
    Finally our renovating is almost over, just a little tiling and then some new furniture to assemble, and done, after at least eight months, our home is our own again.
    Hopefully yours won't take so long.
    Love and warm hugs,

  3. Good news on the weight loss PK.

    Oh can I come and help you choose some colours :) I like tiles in a bathroom. Some of our large DIY stores have mock bathroom designs which could give you a few ideas. Do you have them near you?

    Good luck, let us know how it goes.


  4. Luckily we have 2 showers but we went for a long time with a broken one too. We have very large tiles in the kitchen that aren't too bad to clean but the bathroom floors are a pain. Hubby wants to go christmas shopping tomorrow and catch those veteran's day sales. I've been blessed with a man that likes to shop!

  5. Anonymous11:23 PM

    We redid our bathroom and tiled it from floor to ceiling. I love it... And cleaning is easy. Especially if you get that new shower gadget that cleans the shower for you.... Good Luck..


  6. FD,
    I just wish I could be gone while it gets done. I'm hoping to keep that pound off.

    That must feel wonderful! Wish I could see pictures.

    We do have some stores like that but sometimes they just make me more confused. We'll probably do more looking over Thanksgiving.

    You have a man who shops and cooks! You can't beat that.

    I would prefer a maid to the shower gadget but I guess I'll take what I can get.
