Sunday, November 29, 2009

Great Holiday

I have thoroughly enjoyed my Thanksgiving holiday. LJ was home and so all four of us got to go to Nick’s folks for a great meal. I did a little shopping but it was late Saturday afternoon, not on Black Friday! This whole holiday has been calm and relaxing – with just a tiny bit of frustration thrown in.

I had Wednesday off too and with little thoughts of cooking I puttered around most of the day errands, blogging, even did a little cleaning. But after Mollie had gone to her baby sitting job Nick stopped me in the kitchen and gave me a few good swats with the wooden spatula KayLynn gave us this summer when we got together. He said he was just trying to help me build up my vitamin D (guess he does read my blog sometimes). Now despite what I might have you think we don’t run to the bedroom every time Mollie leaves the house. Instead Nick asked if I had seen a certain video on spanking tube. I hadn’t so he pulled it up for me. So we started cruising around checking out one video then another. I don’t go there that often, mostly I just forget. We looked up a few of Todd and Suzie’s. I was enjoying being able to watch and listen. But the more I watched and listened but more I decide I wanted to participate.

I turned to Nick and said “It seems like everyone is getting spanked but me.” He grinned and asked “Are you feeling left out?” We knew we didn’t have much time by then but I figured we could at least get a short spanking in. Not wanting to pull out the whole toy box Nick grabbed a few things that we don’t keep in the box. Now let me put in a plug for one of our newer toys. I love the dogging bat!! It can be used for light play as well as hard. If you need to travel with a toy I suggest that one. Stick it in a gift bag with a little tissue paper if you are flying and it looks like the perfect gift for a horse loving friend!

Nick found a few more toys in the corner of the closet. I couldn’t immediately identify one but I knew it was wood and it stung like hell! When he finished he tossed it on the bed beside me and I saw it I said “No wonder that hurt, that’s that old teacher’s paddle!” To which my smart ass husband replied “Well it seemed like the appropriate thing to use on an old teacher!” Grrrrrrrrr…

He laughed at me and continued using a hard rubber sword I got at Disney World and ended up with the closest thing we have to a cane for a few licks. If I Nick ever did believe I needed true discipline (which I don’t) that thing would be the one to use!

There is one thing I have found out about myself. Watching spanking videos, reading good spanking stories and spanking itself causes my body to react whether I thought I was in the mood or not. This was something Nick discovered first hand just before Mollie called to say she was on her way home. Sigh… I am really glad she is faithful about calling before she comes home but I must say her timing stinks.

Ahhhh well, it was a fun evening even if it was interrupted.


  1. It does sound like fun - your Thanksgiving and the spanking fun, too! Meow

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely Spanksgiving holiday.


  3. PK, good to hear that Nick is getting his hand in, glad that you had a good time this holiday.
    Love and warm hugs,

  4. Meow,
    It was fun! I love having time off.

    It's a great holiday!

    I'm mighty grateful for Nick.

  5. The only thing I got out of this post is you doing a little cleaning.

    My brain froze after that!


  6. Grace you are as bad as my smart @$$ hubby!

    love you anyway!
