Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christmas shopping

I’ve started my Christmas shopping and it seems to be going well except that I can’t get anyone on my list between the ages of 15 and 35 that will give me a clue of what they want. I emailed them all threatening that if I wasn’t given some ideas I was getting them all chia pets and snuggies. I got nothing. So I upped the ante and threatened to get them all a DVD of ‘High School Musical’. At least that got a reaction. Collin emailed back –

NO! STOP! You're thinking irrationally! We just need a little more time. Don't do anything we'll all regret. Let's just think about this!... ok?

Alright, I struck fear – but still got no ideas. I’m off again Monday for my yearly physical and I’ll have some time to shop after that.

Florida Dom and Ronnie both asked me if I would be shopping on black Friday. After I stopped laughing I told them both ‘NO WAY’! I wouldn’t shop on that Friday it you beat me! Wait, sorry, that doesn’t work for a spanko. Okay I wouldn’t go if you held a gun to my head!

I don’t like crowds, I don’t like fighting for merchandise, I like to be able to look over things at my leisure, check other stores and come back expecting the first item to still be there when I go back. I shop on line some but I do like to touch things and walk through stores on my terms. About the only people I like to shop with are my sister and Mollie. I don’t mind telling either of them that I want to go back to a store we’ve already visited and I know neither of them has to touch everything in the store before we leave. Best of all either of them is always willing to stop for a snack!

But I did get to wondering how people felt about shopping on black Friday. I know some love it! It’s like a tradition with family and friends. That’s great – as long as they don’t try to drag me along. Take the survey; I’m interested in what different people think.

Black Friday Shopping

Will you be shopping on Black Friday?

Are you crazy! No way you are getting me into that crowd. Forget it!
I may go out for a few bargains but I'm not staying all day.
Yes! We always shop that day. It's a family tradition and we love it!!


  1. PK, we don't have Black Friday over here, I'm glad to say.
    Most of my shopping is done, I know most of my recipients very well, so if I spot something that I know that they would love I buy it and store until a suitable occasion.
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. on black friday..David loves it. Heck Walmart is going to open thanksgiving morning and stay open until midnight on black friday because of the economy. We usually meet up with friends and family for coffee and then breakfast.We've had some of the best times Bf shopping and gotten the best deals. Some of the black friday ads are on online...laptops starting at 149....that's worth waiting in line 17 year old is considering going this year!

  3. We've scaled back Christmas this year for no real particular reason other than the true meaning has been lost! I do try to put thought into everything I buy and it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg.

    I hate shopping period. We are actually going out today to buy some stuff with coupons and try to be done with it. I've got one more quilt to make. Handed over one on Friday and reserved my spot for the one I have to make this week!

    Oh well. The Christmas music has started on the music channels on tv and the XM/Sirius starts tomorrow. Might put me in a better frame of mind!

    Have a great Sunday.

  4. PK to me time is more important than money, so sales don't do anything for me.

    I can see where Black Friday could be fun for some, if you have the right attitude like mthc. Sounds like they keep it light and have a good time!

    Why don't you slip out for a bit on Black Friday and try to snatch some good deals on that DVD "High School Musical" then slip some gift cards in the cases. Could make for some Christmas fun!

    Love and Huggs!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. As Paul says we don't have Black Friday this side of the pond but we do have sales but nothing like that. Have seen pictures on the news.

    I'm the same as you I don't like to shop when there are crowds of people.


  7. Come on Black Friday. We are there when they open and when they close. I can't wait for the fun of it.

  8. Black Friday is so fun! It's the only day of the year I'll get up at 4am. Bossman and I have a system....Target is always first because it's easiest to get in and out of fast. Last year we were there when it what we wanted and were out in 15 minutes!

    Walmart? NO way. We tried that last year and ended up spending WAY too much time in line. The deals weren't THAT good!

    About 9 am we stop and get some breakfast and by noon we are home for a nap!

    Well, when I get up at 4am...I'll think of you!


  9. Paul,
    It's fun to buy for those you really love. You always know the right thing.

    I'm glad you love it and I hope your teen gets that computer. You can tell me all about it when you get home.

    I like being able to shop at my own pace and find thing I know they are going to like. It's just the crowds I want to avoid.

    I guess that's a possibility. LJ may be getting 'The Christmas Story' with Little Ralphie in it. He hates that too!

    Some places are actually scary!

    I hope you have an absolute blast!

    I hope you have a ball too - just as long as you don't call me at 4:00 AM my time to let me know you are thinking of me!

  10. Not only am I NOT shopping this is the FIRST year since 1982 that I don't have to work it! I had been in retail since 1982,I have been unemployed since May 30 and will NOT be rejoining the retail sector!

  11. Scunge,
    I think I would hate that. LJ worked it last year. I call him at 4:30 AM to make sure he was up and headed in. When he answered he said "Yeah, I'm here. Just looking for a parking place." Good grief!!
