Sunday, October 18, 2009

Busy week

It’s been a very full week! Beginning last Friday when my boss came around to see if there was anything he could do about the situation at school that is causing the most problems. He asked me to write down my thought and my suggestions. Now that is not an invitation you want to give a blogger if you are not serious. So last weekend I organized my thought and put them on paper for him. He read it and came back and thanked me for doing it. He has actually made some small changes that has helped and I’m feeling better. I know nothing major is going to change but just having my say and feeling like someone there was listening helped a lot.

LJ came home for Fall break – and that’s exactly what we got. What was falling was a large limb and what got broken was his back windshield! Oh well, one more thing. He got it replaced Tuesday afternoon, picked it up around 5 and was planning to head back to school around 7. He was at Collin’s when a neighbor knocked on the door to tell him the window had broken again! Just crumbled completely. Now this news didn’t thrill me but I was really nearly panicked as I realized this could have happened when he was traveling 70 mph down the high way. If the window crumbling hadn’t scared him into a wreck he would have found himself standing on the side of the highway either chasing his cat in traffic or trying to hold on to a wild cat while trying to call for help. Both thought had my heart beating fast.

Now he needed to get back to school and I was not looking forward to a 4 hour round trip to get him back, for one thing I had really been looking forward to reading and answering my comments from our LOL day that evening. My sweet Mollie quickly offered her car. (Yes Nick and I do own all the cars, but she offered before we even suggested it. As it turned out LJ took her car, she took Nick’s and Nick took mine – so of course I was the one who ended up without wheels.) The window got replaced again and Wednesday Nick and I went to pick it up, then out to eat and did some shopping.

Thursday I did make it to the gym but I was so tired! I’ve been fighting a cold and I am just dragging. Friday was another tiring day at work. Just couldn’t squeeze in the gym. LJ came back for his car and we all went out to eat for Mollie’s birthday. Her birthday gift this year was a wii. We did have a hoot playing with that! I am hoping for a wii fit plus for my birthday. If any of you have one please give me your opinions. It’s not that I’m going to stop going to the gym – but after 3 years I am sick to death of going 3 or 4 times every week. Some days I just can’t make myself go so maybe this is something I can do at home on some of those days.

Saturday morning Mollie and I got up early for the ‘race for the cure’ run/walk. It was pretty cold and damp but not too bad and I enjoyed spending time with her. I think LJ has been the one most surprised by her birthday. He had first said he would come get the car on Saturday night and we could go out for her birthday then. I told him she already had plans for Saturday night going out with her friends for supper. I think he was stunned. I said “Son what did you expect? Do you realize how old the girl is?” His answer, “Twelve?” Now he was fully aware that she is now 17 but I think in his mind that is the way he pictures her. Maybe this is making him feel old!

As for me, I’ve been better. I don’t feel really bad or anything, I’m not really depressed or sad or anything I just feel blah… I’ve got too much to do at school. Not major things, small things but they are time consuming and I don’t want to do them. I feel very tired and sleepy all the time. My weight is creeping up at a time when I find it harder and harder to go to the gym. I just want to curl up and sleep all the time. I have email I want to send, post I want to write and stories rolling in my head. But when I sit down to the computer I stare, I check email and facebook. I spot read other places but it’s seems as I get farther and farther behind with all I need and want to do the less and less I get anything done.

When I get like this I don’t feel sexy, I don’t feel kinky, I don’t feel that spanking would bring me out of it… I have no idea what will being me out of it but I would like to find something. I guess until them I’ll just sleep as much as humanly possible. Unless you guys have any better suggestion.


  1. PK, I suspect that this is an atavistic response to the onset of winter.
    A good spanking just might spank start your motor, otherwise it will just pass.
    What your body wants to do is hibernate, which is why it's so hard to lose weight at this time of year, not an excuse Nick should accept.
    Stay happy dear girl.
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. Wow, great word Paul.! Atavistic. I had to go to the Googlenary to find out what it meant.

    PK, maybe Paul. is on to something. It could be the winter doldrums are getting you down.

    What a week you had. It's great that the boss is recognizing all is not well in his school. I'd think there would be a trickle down effect, along the lines of 'if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.' The kids have to be picking up on the tension their teachers are experiencing.

    The Wii sounds like great fun! Grace has one, if I remember correctly. She wrote about her new trainer and using Wii Fit earlier this year.

    I'm going to go take a nap now. Your week has tuckered me out!

    Love you bunches!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. PK, I'm happy to see your boss has taken notice, you may find he'll make more changes.

    I had to google Atavistic as well:) It could be because winter is on it's way. I too start to feel a little like this and I eat more. It'll pass PK.

    Hope Mollie had a lovely Birthday.


    PS - The deleted comment was mine, sorry x

  5. PK I don't have a Wii fit, but I know friends who do. They say it is really fun, and it really works! Sore muscles!

    Well I have finally come up with one good thing about Michael going to school in LA. I don't have to worry about his windshield breaking on the way back to school! Shew I'm glad LJ is alright! We moms have enough to worry about.

    I'm glad the boss is helping out. He is probably thinking the same thing I am. Where are all these teachers who are going to take up the slack when we lose all the current ones!

    I hope you feel better.


  6. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Thanks for the post. It is nice to get a sense of your life. I expected all of us spankos to suggest you give spanking a try, but as a spankee I understand that sometimes a spanking can be annoying, and who needs that?

    Here are my two ideas for you to consider and adopt or throw out as you please.

    First, sleep deprivation is the number one [immediate] cause of suicide. I mean a person is obviously depressed already, but when that depression interferes with sleep they become irrational and are more likely to follow through.

    I certainly do not think you are suicidal. That is not my point. My point is that sleep is extremely important and too often neglected during times of stress. So, your idea of sleeping as much as possible is a really good idea.

    The second idea is to set an egg timer and work on one of your tasks for fifteen minutes and then stop. That way, when you think, "I really should..., but I'm just sooo tired..." you have a response to that. Yes, I will rest, but I'll work on this for just fifteen minutes. I can handle that.

    You'll be surprised at how much you accomplish in fifteen minutes of concentrated work on one task (no distractions).

    I find that success builds success. As you make progress you'll want to do two fifteen minute tasks before you lie down, etc. But, still do not neglect that sleep.

    Sleep deprivation also causes weight gain.

    Wow, I am miss "Ask Abby" today. I seem to think I know a lot and am full of advice. Ha. Just take what you like and leave the rest.

    My real purpose in writing here was to thank you for your post and letting us get to know you a bit better.
    Happy spanking to you, my friend,

  7. PK: Good luck in finding ways to boost your spirits. I think the first step was sharing your feelings. Better to do that than to keep things bottled up. Try to keep smiling.


  8. First a note to my special friend Na - I received your email and answered it only to find out you have already changed your email address. I hope you will get another one soon and send it to me. Meanwhile I will be thinking of you.

    I think you are right about wanting to hibernate. It usually happens but not this early in the season! I'm afraid it may be a long winter if I don't get a handle on this.

    Our Paul is one smart cookie!

    Things will go up and down for me like they do for everyone. I'm just glad to have all of you here to talk to.

    Enjoy you jammie day when you get around to it.

    School - I don't know what will happen there. I don't think anyone is there to make me feel bad but its just a crummy situation.

    Laura did have a good birthday but I can hardly believe she is 17. My baby!

    I hope the wii will help some. I am sure just getting off my butt at home will help some.

    There are times at work when I wonder if they are trying to drive the experienced teachers out so that they can hire the 22 year olds and pay them half our salaries. Who knows?

    Thanks for coming by, it always helps to know friends are reading.

    You are right about the sleep. I want to nap all the time in the day time but I hate to go to bed at night. I would stay up till 2 if I had my way. Once I get to bed I am very lucky that I sleep very well. Glad Nick makes me get to bed by midnight.

    Using a timer for 15 minutes might just help too. That's an amount of time I can work with. I'll give it a try. Thanks.

    It really does help so much to have all of you to talk to. I don't like to come on the blog and complain all the time but sometimes you just need to. I really appreciate all of you and your comments.
