Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Today is the first day with kids! The year has begun! I have several things I am grateful for.

I love the way my job goes. Each fall is a brand new beginning – new students, new schedule, fresh start. Then whether the year goes well or not so well it’s over and finished in June. And we have a two month break before beginning fresh again. So many jobs are the same every day and you can go for 30 years straight. I like my schedule.

I’m grateful for where I am in my career. I feel capable and confident in what I’m doing and I am far enough along to not feel the need to get my masters or national boards. I’m comfortable. School politics no longer interest me. I just want to stay in my classroom and teach my kids. I look at the first year teachers and for all their youth and beauty I don’t envy them one bit!

On to the diet update. At least I remembered this week. Not too much to report. I am exactly the same as last week. So the good news is that I didn’t gain.

I appreciate all the encouragement and tips you sent me last week. My biggest problem is that I know exactly what I need to do – keep up the exercise, journal what I eat, don’t eat after 9, get to bed at a reasonable hour, don’t pay too much attention to the scales and don’t get discouraged. All good advice and I know its all stuff I should be doing. I just get bored.

For me that’s where the spanking diet comes in. I have known all that stuff for the entire 20 years I was gaining the weight. But I wasn’t interested enough to stick with it. It’s the threat of a hard spanking that keeps me interested enough to stick with the program. Nick and I may need to discuss the guide lines again. It could be for gaining, or for not hitting the gym enough or staying up too late, for not writing my assignments anymore or whatever else he/we decide on. He did tell me from now on it is my responsibility to tell him what I weigh each Friday - not to wait for him to ask. I have to fess up each week. The main thing I have realized is that Nick’s interest and willingness to be firm on his part keeps me interested and determined to keep going in the right direction. It may not be true discipline in the sense that some others practice it but feeling the aftermath of a spanking the next day sure makes it easier to turn down a cookie or head to the gym.

Last week I got an email from a good friend. Someone who is doing all the right things for weight loss but is not losing. She is improving her health a great deal but the model body is not coming with it. She did make a great point however, saying ‘we are both having more fun that I expected to have at this stage of life.’ Now girls, skinny or not, I have to ask you ain’t that the truth!!!!!


  1. I agree, I'd never trade places with the young and skinny! I relish the knowledge and wisdom (?) that come with age and I'm having a great time right now!! Meow

  2. I think we are also harder on ourselves at times, being our own worst critics. We have men that adore us just the way we are. I have a free trainer a few days a week, and he kills me, but I love when my husband trains with me, because I get those little swats of encouragement. :)

  3. PK, you've never said what age kids you teach.
    Getting old is easy, staying positive is harder.
    Love and warm hugs,

  4. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I love PK that Nick wants you to report to him the results - Yikes what butterflies must abound. Have a wonderful week. I hope the kids go easy on ya!! Hugs KayLynn

  5. Hey PK, sorry it has taken me so long to get you linked on my blog - do forgive me!

    Lovely things to be greatful for, it must be especially nice to feel comfortable in your job!

    As for your dieting, it sounds like you are doing wonderfully - I just wish you'd stop sending your lost pounds my way lol ;-)

    Mrs M

  6. Fessin' up Friday... is that going to be in addition to the Fantasy Friday posts?

    Leave it to Nick (the skinny, spry 50-something guy I got to spend some time with earlier this month) to come up with accountability. Way to go, Nick!!! You know, we should all be taking a page from Nick's book. I watched him hop a fence like a 20 year old. He bounded over it like it was a tiny speed bump... boy, was I impressed. Whatever he's doing, he needs to bottle it, then you could retire early.

    Have oodles of fun with your kids this year. Age and experience go a long way.


  7. PK: that was such a great comment that the key is having so much fun at this stage in your life. Don't worry about a few pounds.


  8. Katia,
    I've never had that experience. It sounds wonderful. Nick will occasionally walk with me but I like to go to the gym - well I don't LIKE to go but you know.

    Like I said staying positive is my goal this year. I teach mostly 11 and 12 year olds. I really love that age.

    Yikes is right. I've always just kept my mouth shut and waited for him to ask. And often in the beginning I got my feelings hurt when he didn't ask when I thought he should. You hope and hope and then they actually do something dommy and you're thinking - hey wait a minute!! LOL!

    Great to hear from you Mrs. M. I do love my job but I am teaching a new subject this year and it is taking more prep time.

    As for the pounds don't worry! They seem content to stay with me these days!

    I'm worried that Fess up Fridays will lead to more spanking than Fantasy Friday!!

    I would give anything to be thin like Nick and in half as good shape. Then again it's even nicer that he has that beautiful body... is it getting warm in here? I need to head to bed soon...

    That is the biggest truth! I am going to keep enjoying!

  9. Hey PK,

    Hope your day with the kids went well PK.

    I love that Nick has said you have to report to him on Friday's and I hope you report that report to us :)

