Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I have so much to be grateful for today! I have had such a special few days I hardly know where to begin.

I am enormously grateful for the internet for bring such wonderful friends into my life. In particular my twin Eva and for continuing to visit (or let me visit her), eleven visit in the past two years. And to another sister CeeCi for coming to join us. I have never had anyone willing to fly across the country to see me! Well, me and Eva – but it’s still an amazing feeling!

I am also grateful for three special men, Nick, Adam and Mr. Smith. If not for these understand men the friendships could never have developed in the ways that they have. I love all these men. Adam is like a brother – he LOVES to pick on me for some strange reason. I have no idea why I am always an angel to him! I love CeeCi’s Mr. Smith too! He is so easy to talk to. He is one of those special men who not only talks about interesting things he actually listens to what other people have to say. And Nick, my wonderful Nick, well none of this would have been possible with out him.

And I am grateful that there is more than a good chance there will be another visit in the future– this time including Grace and Bossman (as it should) – once they get all settled in their new house! They were truly missed!!

Now on to the diet update.

The what? I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t wish to discuss it. Stop hounding me! I tell you I don’t know anything about it. Leave me alone!!!!!!


  1. I'm incredibly jealous and extremely happy that you all got together. You don't know how much I wish I could have been there.

    Give Ceeci and Mr. Smith a hug for me!


  2. So happy you all had a wonderful time PK.


  3. Sounds like a wonderful visit! Hmm, diet? Never heard of it, never think about it, never ever mention it! Meow

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    WHat is this diet you speak of? And the visit was awesome. I love seeing you guys... but it was especially fun having CeeCi and Mr. Smith there.

  5. PK, glad that you had such a good time.
    Funny, I could have sworn I heard something, no, must have been my imagination.
    Love and warm hugs,

  6. so happy for you all...hugs

  7. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. And maybe if you ignore the diet, it'll go away. LOL. Is it time for a diet spanking?

  8. Grace,
    We'll all get together again. No doubt! We sure did miss you.

    Visiting is always fun!

    That D-word is just something I don't want to hear.

    Yep it was great! And having the left coast here was super!

    Hmmm... thought you heard something did you. Probably just a mistake.

    Thanks Terps!

    Florida Dom,
    Hush!! For the first time I have no problem with Nick letting things go!!

  9. Diet? What diet? Diets consist of M&M's, chips, Sun Drops, and BoJangles, right?

    And you're oh, so correct, Mr. Smith listens as well as he converses. There are lots of other things he does even better, but since you still have guests.....

    Miss you, madly!

