Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gradituesday and a trip update

A short graditude Tuesday this week

Trip, Travel, Twin, all the wonderful thing I'm experiencing this week.

So for a quick update:
The grandbaby is the most beautiful grandchild I have ever seen! She smiles, she coos, she sings, she plays with her toys, she is nearly turning over. She is amazing!! Mollie is in 7th heaven playing with her as often as her parents will allow. She love her grammy and pappy and watches every move they make. I can promise you this child will NEVER lack for attention!!

We had lunch with Kaylynn today. Now that was a blast! She is beautiful, funny, interesting... fits right in with the rest of us out here in blogland! LOL! We really, really enjoyed talking with her and I don't think we even scared her once we actually met. Although I would imagine she had to be a little nervous on her way to meet us. I mean we aren't we the 'strangers on the internet' you are always warned about?? We talked of kids, husbands, blogs, spanking and sex (just a little really), Fantasy Friday, our blogger friends, how Eva and I met, how we all met our husbands, Cassie, menopause, religion, how our husbands felt about us all meeting, vacations, how and why Eva and I started blogging and just about anything else that crossed our minds. It was quite a day and I really hope we can get together again sometime.

Now for the diet update, let me put it this way...

Sunday night - ribs, pasta salad, baked beans fruit, slaw, peanut butter delight, and lemon/rasberry pie.

Monday breakfast - bagles, creamcheese, banana bread
Monday lunch - Ate out with Kaylynn with no husbands to watch what we ordered
Monday supper - shrimp scampi, spinach and strawberry salad, carmel/mocca coffee and more deserts and chips.

On the menu:

Tuesday breakfast - waffles and fruit
Tuesday lunch - Quesadillas, chips and salsa
Tuesday supper - hobos and corn

Wednesday breakfast - Blueberry pancakes and sausage
Wednesday lunch - fruit, cheese and crackers
Wednesday supper - fish, potatoes, veggies (not sure why) slaw and biscuits

need I say more?


  1. Hey PK, happy to hear your having a wonderful time and you had a fun lunch with KayLynn.

    Eva's food sounds yummy - what's hobos though? and please if the banana bread is home made you must pinch Eva'a recipe, pleassssssss :)


  2. PK, so glad that you are having such a good time.
    I'm sure that Nick will help with the diet when you get back home. WEG
    Love and warm hugs,

  3. ohhhhhhhhhh it's always so great to meet people who you know you will like and get along with and then see them real life...

    just wish I could plan a trip to the USA and meet you all...

    love, Lessa

  4. It sounds wonderful! Have fun, travel safely! Meow

  5. PK: Glad to hear you're enjoying the journey while meeting old friends and new friends.

    And, hey, you don't have to diet when you're on vacation, do you?

  6. PK glad your enjoying yourself. Its ok enjoy the food, but i did see fruit and vegies pop up a couple times. =-) HUGS KAY

  7. Ronnie,
    It's really fun being here with Eva and Adam! It was hobo stew with carrots, green beans, cabbage, potatoes and sausage. And it was good (despite all the veggies). I'll see about that recipe.

    I think you're right and that's what has me worried!

    That would be fun - please let me know when you get a trip planned.

    It has been wonderful - and the grandbaby it so much fun!

    Florida Dom,
    I have been surrounded by the best folks around. Meeting Kaylynn was so much fun! About the diet, I'm not sure Nick agrees with you on this.

    Don't worry YaYa - they were easy to pick around! LOL!
