Wednesday, April 08, 2009

This and That

I feel like we just got back from our visit with Eva and Adam and Mthc and David and now we are off again. Friday we are headed out to see some family, two cousins in their 80’s and an aunt that is 95. This may not sound so exciting to most of you but I really like all these folks so I’m pretty happy. Mollie is going with Nick and me and we will be able to stop by for a short visit with LJ on our way home on Easter Sunday. And another great thing – beginning Friday I have 10 straight days off!!

Work has been a bear lately. I won’t go into it or I will depress myself and this is my ‘happy place’ so I won’t go there but Nick know how stressed I’ve been. And today, bless his heart, he took care of thing. I guided him to Hermione’s site but he took the hint right away and this afternoon I got some wonderful stress relief. He even mentioned that I have not been doing my assignments lately. I didn’t think he had noticed or was very interested anymore so that made me feel better. We both know how much TTWD has improve our marriage and even though everyone have lulls I don’t want to let ourselves drift too far. It was a good afternoon.

Be sure to come by for Fantasy Friday this week. The story began last week and I’m sure you will like the continuation. And although I don’t usually find a new blog without someone else telling me about it I have found one I want to ask you to check out. Spank and Love is a very new site by a lovely young woman. She is from a culture very different from ours. There are no sex shops or places to buy spanking toys. English is her second language (and I think she is very good at this second language). But as we have learned out here spankos are everywhere. I am glad she has started a blog because she needs a place to explore her interest in spanking. She is looking for other to talk with and compare experiences. I know she is happy to have found other blogs so that she knows this interest is normal.

She has posted a meme that she found at Cassie’s Space (and yes she knows all about who Cassie is) so this might be a good time to pop in and learn a little about my new friend. If you can, leave a comment and say hello. I think she would be very happy to be able to talk to a few of us.

I’ll have Nick’s computer on the trip this weekend – you know I don’t want to be with out one! Stay in touch.


  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    I'm very happy,nearly thrilled when I read this post. Thank you so much for introducing me and my blog. I'm not good at writing,so maybe you can't find any interesting post in my blog yet,but I really want to make friends. Thank you again,PK.
    I wonder if you can online while visiting your folks? And I can see you will have a lot of happiness this weekend. Be sure to tell us!

  2. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. One thing I've been noticing lately is how I both mentally and physically slow down during the time I spend with my gm....I'm rediscovering how good that is.

    love and hugs xxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. PK - I'm glad Nick took my hint!


  5. Na,
    I hope a few folks drop by over the next few days and check on your blog. I will have my computer with me on our trip.

    It's a different pace but I really like it.

    I am too!!!!

  6. Hey PK, have a good trip and thanks for the link to a new blog, will pop over and say hello.

    Happy Easter.
