Sunday, April 12, 2009

Back home

We made it home and I still have a whole week off! I plan to work on school work tomorrow and then not think of work again until next Monday.

Our trip to see relatives was fun – at least for me, and Nick and Mollie were good sports. I saw my aunt, 96, twice and wrote notes to communicate. She can’t hear but she can still read and answer my question. Then I saw my two first cousins – aren’t cousins supposed to be close to your age? Not these! All 7 of there kids are older than me. They are 79 and 81 but I still get a real kick out of them.

We drove out to my grandfather’s old farm. The house burnt when my mom was 6 years old, around 1925. A very nice young couple has it now; they have 2 kids, cats, dogs, goats, donkeys, guineas, chickens, and horses. I want to live there! We were able to give them a picture of my great-grandfather’s house that was taken standing on where their deck is now. The house is gone but the foundation is still there.

I didn’t have much time on the computer this weekend. Just checked a few emails but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t blogging. I have several stories I am working on in my head. A few post I want to write and some emails I want to send. The car is a good place for mind blogging. Actually anywhere is good for mind blogging and I am usually doing it. Too bad I can’t mentally type; I sure would have more to show for my time.

But I am back at the keyboard now and enjoying typing as fast as I can.


  1. Good to have you back. I wish I could mind type too. I would get so much more done. LOL

  2. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Enjoy your week off!!!

  3. Ahhhhhh good old 'mind blogging'. There's so many postings that work themselves out in my mind when I'm nowhere near a keyboard!!

    Glad you had a great weekend.

    love and hugs xxx

  4. Hi PK, welcome back, glad you had a lovely weekend.

    Enjoyed your post.

    Problems with email, wont get fixed until Tuesday/Wednesday.


  5. Hey Yaya,
    It's good to be home. Now if we can invent mind typing we could make a fortune!

    That's the plan!

    I guess 'mind blogging' is sometimes the only things that get me to the gym.

    Hey Ronnie,
    I plan to stay home for a while now. Hope your email come back soon.

  6. Glad you had such a nice visit...hope you are enjoying your vacation week... :-)
