Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Gratitude Tuesday

Friends – My friends mean so much to me.
I can’t really express how much.

Food – I love it and I love eating and
I’ll finish this in the diet up date below.

Feelings – Well let’s say good feelings.
I still hate feeling the bad ones,
almost to the point wanting my walls back.

Fantasy – I have had fantasies since before they were sexual fantasies for me.
I started at 5 or 6.
They have always been a part of my life
and have all ways felt safe in them.

Fridays – I love finishing up the week
and having the weekend for myself, Nick and Mollie.

Fantasy Friday – I do love it. I love reading it
and I love getting to know the people that write it for us.

Fingers – For feeling, touching, scratching,
flipping someone off, typing!! Gotta have our fingers.

Fun – The news in the world is serious these days.
We can’t forget fun and if you work on it
you can have a barrel of fun without spending a dime.

Fools – If there weren't some fools in the world
I wouldn’t ever have those rare moments of feeling intelligent!

Fall – I know every one had spring on the brain right now
but we can forget the amazing beauty of fall with the
leaves, and that deep blue sky
and the first nip in the air. Now that special!

Okay on to the diet update. I’ve got good news and maybe some not so good. I lost 1.6 pounds this week but I cheated. I went to the doctor for some diet pills. They really do kill your appetite but they can cause your blood pressure to rise. Mine went up pretty high so I am playing with the dose to see if it will still work and not mess with my BP.

I’m not sure this is the best way to go but I’ve been working to lose weight for almost 3 year. First year I lose 20 pounds, second year I lost 20 pounds. Then this last year – nada! I played with the same 4 or 5 pounds all year long! I understand a lengthy plateau but good grief – a year!!?? I just need something to jump start the weight loss again.

I work at the gym, elliptical machine for 15 minutes to get my heart rate up. I work out on different weight machines for about 20 minutes, not the same ones every day. Then I walk the track for about 15 minutes. And that is 4 days every week and often 5 days. I gave up my beloved soft drinks except on rare occasions and I eat very light. I didn’t know what else to try! I still feel like I’m cheating. But I want to try for a month I feel like if I can just get a few more pounds off I can maintain there.

If you have any other suggestions I will be glad to hear them.


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    I'm a bad dieter.. let me go through my weight watcher things and see if I can find something to suggest to help kick your weight loss into gear...


  2. mmmmmmmmm.. I am a slow dieter... but the last year I lost about 12 pounds... a pound a month...

    I love your gratitude F's...

    hugs, lessa

  3. Hey PK, loved your F's list. I actually managed one today :)

    I've put 2 pounds on this week, need to get it off by the weekend. I find running helps me. Will take a look to see if I can find anything that could be of help to you.
    PS - be careful with those pills.

  4. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I took Meridia for about 6 months. It did curb my appetite but as soon as I came off the pills i gained all the weight back I lost plus about twenty pounds. Good luck and be careful with them.

  5. PK
    love your GT list!!!

    i am not good at all with diets... i think i am the less indicated to give an advice on this topic lol :)



  6. i'm grateful for you...

  7. I know you've been having a hard time with this weight loss stuff, but I'm still proud of you!

    Love your list! Thanks for joining in. I love reading all the different things that people come up with. I'm so grateful for Tuesday!


  8. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Hi PK:
    I admire you so much...for so many reasons..you work so hard on your diet and staying focused on working out with so much consistency..I wish I had your perseverence.
    I love your gratitude list.
    How about if I sent you some Diet Hugs they might work u never know :)
    Take care

  9. Kitten,
    I tried WW but I just couldn't handle the meetings - the leaders were too perky for so late in the day. But if you find any suggestions I will be glad to try them.

    Twelve pounds is wonderful!! Mostly what comes off slowly will more likely stay off.

    I will be careful with the pills. I can walk but my knees don't think much of running. I miss my old knees!

    Another friend told me they had the same experience of the loss and regaining. I just don't know what is best.

    Glad you came by. I don't think anyone is real good at dieting. If we were we would never need to!

    I sure feel the same way about you.

    I'll get this weight thing worked out somehow. Could I borrow Sven?

    I know one thing that keep me trying on the diet is that it is all tied up in coming out to Nick and that is still important to me.

  10. love the grateful list...as for the weight loss...I have no advice only support :-) You are doing great and all the right things by watching what you eat and exercising... :-)
