Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Reunion

We had a great reunion but I am tired! We had folks coming in from all over, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ohio and California. We had about 27 total I think. I cooked on Sunday. I made a banana pudding first, evidently not everyone knows about banana pudding – we once had some of the kids from CA call it banana yogurt. Here in the south it’s a staple.

Next I worked on my death by chocolate. Here’s a picture of that. It’s one of my favorites!

And then I got started on the chicken pot pies. Now Theresa I don’t really think of it as a recipe because I know how to do it but here goes.

Mix together:

1 can cream of chicken soup
1 ¼ cup chicken broth
2 cups cut up cooked chicken
1 can drained Veg-all (or your own leftover veggies if you have such things)

It looks like this –

Then for the crust mix:

1 cup self-rising flour
1 stick butter
1 cup milk
pour this over the other ingredients then bake at 375 for an hour and it looks like this –

So here is the whole meal.

Everyone seemed to get enough to eat. People ate and talked and ate and swam and ate and talked some more. Just great for the old diet!

I also had two great pieces of new this weekend. I will tell you about one and if the other actually comes true you will here about it later. Mollie is going to be traveling again. A friend has asked her to go to NYC for a week with her family. Although it is LJ who is the one dying to move there, Mollie seems pretty excited too. Of course that will give Nick and I another week alone. Nick pretty much leaves these decision (to let her go or not) to me. When I told her I thought it would be okay Nick whispered to me “I guess we better take our vitamins.” This is turning out to be my best summer yet!


  1. The Hornbirds are going to be busy again!

    What kind of vitamins are these exactly? I was wondering if any of them started with a "V"?

    Not that Nick would need them, I'm just curious!

    Glad the reunion went well! And just so you know, I would NEVER call banana pudding yogurt!


  2. So glad you had a nice reunion. banana pudding sounds yummy! :-) so time to yourselves again, hmmm??? ;-)

  3. Sounds like a fun weekend and another week of spankings and fun in the near fuyure.

    *hugs and grina*

  4. The Hornbirds..too funny....I'm kind of wondering about those vitamins too...All right..i can cook and apparently pretty well!

    Kids gone for a week..i've forgotten how that feels..!

  5. PK, glad the reunion when so well, still I bet it's a relief that it's over, do you do it every year or do you chop and change.
    I would suggest that you both pace yourselves so you can last the week out. Chuckles!!!
    Love and warm hugs,

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM

    pk, sounds like a great reunion. The dishes looked yummy. Now the death by chocolate is what? banana pudding is good, and it is healthy since it has bananas and milk in it. MM I like to make chicken pie.
    Have a great week to yourselves!/you will have more time to try out what u bought

  7. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Sheesh.. we can barely get an occasional evening to ourselves and you're getting weeks at a time!!!! I'm coming to your house!!!!

    Have fun...


  8. Grace,
    I think we are doing pretty well for our age. But Nick has commented more that once that he wished I had come out when he was in his 30's instead of his 50's!

    It was pretty good. I just wish I hadn't eaten so much of it!

    You're right! I am looking forward to it.

    I can cook I suppose but I really don't like it much.

    The reunion was held at my grandparent’s house back in the 40' and 50's and it dwindled away. I was able to get to know all my cousins because we lived near grandmother and I saw everyone. When we got married I realized I wasn't getting to know my cousin's children. My sister and I along with one other cousin began it again. This was our 24 year and it has been at my house all but one year.

    Death by chocolate is easy as pie!
    Bake a 2 layer devil's food cake. Crumble one layer in a 9 x 13 dish. Press firmly, then a layer of chocolate pudding, last a layer of cool whip then repeat. I grate a chocolate bar for the top. Some people add nuts or even chopped up Reece’s cup but I don't like nuts or peanut butter.

    Eva, come on down! I'll let you and Adam have some time to yourself as long as you promise to cook for me and give more computer lessons.

  9. I confess, the Hornbirds came from Adam!

    But still very fitting, don't you think?


  10. Anonymous9:07 PM

    We are talking Centrum Silver, of course.

  11. Anonymous11:34 PM


    Thanks for the "Death by Chocolate" recipe, I always bring the banana pudding to family events, my sisters insist. I can't wait to take this to the next BBQ.



  12. Grace,
    Adam is nuts! Hornbirds - ROFLMAO!

    You sure got that right!

    I hope you all like it!

  13. Thanks for the chicken pot pie recipe. Now I am a southern girl so I know how to make banana pudding. The death by chocolate certainly sounds deadly. What a way to go!

    I am so happy for Mollie. I know she is going to love NY. How did we raise such adventurous children.


  14. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Ok.. so I never, ever comment on these and this is probably a time my comment will make me look stupid!

    I am trying to start cooking more this summer and I am totally clueless when it comes to cooking! But, your recipe for chicken pot pie looked easy enough. I just have a very silly question, I know all of ya'll will think she is a nut! The chicken broth is that amount 1 cup and 1/4 cup or just a 1/4 cup of chicken broth? Ok, ok I told ya I haven't cooked much other than hamburger helper or some other box configuration! Thanks for the help! Oh, and I love your blog :)

  15. Anon,
    As a very novice cook myself no question sounds stupid to me. I use one and one fourth cup of broth. Often I use just a little bit more than that. I just use the broth I have from boiling the chicken. I usually boil 3 breast and cut it up for one pot pie.

    Thanks for commenting and you are welcomed to come by and visit any time.

