Saturday, July 05, 2008

Playing and the GAD

There is a great Fantasy Friday story up this week and I think you will find not only a good read but also interesting choices when you go to vote. Please go here and check it out!

I had a good wake up call this Saturday morning. A few weeks ago I found a variety of wooden spoons and spatulas for a very inexpensive price. Saturday morning I woke up with two of them beating a gently tune on my behind. It began gently but got pretty stingy before all was said and done and our attention was diverted to other activities.

Mollie is headed off to camp for a week. So Nick and I will be on our own. We are headed up in the mountains one day and I have a doctor’s appointment but I have two big plans for the week. One is to get in as much play time as we can! The other is the ‘Great Archeological Dig’ (GAD).

I am going in and if I am not out in a week I just hope Nick sends in a search party. I am cleaning Mollie’s room! I know – I don’t clean. But sometime you just have to take the plunge. I have done this before when she goes to camp. It is actually with Mollie’s blessing. I don’t think she could ever get it done herself and I could never do it with her here. If she had been here the last time I did this I would have strangled her. The kid definitely got her cleaning skills from me.

I don’t throw her things out I just bag up the stuff I know she really doesn’t need or want anymore and she can go through it when she gets home. Since I am a bit of a sentimental pack rat myself she usually does not mind my choices of what to keep and what to get rid of.

So next week should be a full week. And should I find that I only have time for either play or cleaning. Take a wild guess which will get my attention!


  1. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Don't forget us little people out here!! I'll miss you, Twin but I do understand that a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!!


  2. PK, dear girl, I guess your tail and Mollie's room will have your attention, which one has more is up to Nick.
    Love and warm hugs,

  3. When your thru with Mollie's room I will drive down and get you and you can do the Demon's room for us. It was last cleaned Oct. 2006 when we moved here. I will have all the toys ready to edge you along.

    Mthc said she will remove his python so it won't get you.

    *hugs and grins*

  4. If I had to make a guess on which one would win, I'd say the cleaning.

    I only say that because I know what kind of mother you are, and if you told you daughter you were doing her room for her, you wouldn't let her down.

    Am I right?

    In reality, you will find time for both...of this I'm sure!

    Can't wait to see you!


  5. Twin,
    You seem to think that the GAD would keep me form the computer - oh come now!

    I sure hope he decides on my tail!!

    I really don't mind the python, it can keep me company. Of course I hope Nick read you idea of encouraging me to get it done! That sure would be good encouragement!

    I did not promise Mollie, I just left it up in the air but it really needs to be done and this is really the only chance.

    I can't wait to see you either!

  6. You should be really proud of the fact that your 15 year old daughter has nothing to hide from you. When I was her age, had my mother said she was going to excavate my room, I would have found every means available to me to keep her out! I was a teenager full of secrets.

    I really need to comment on David's comment. This is my second time here today and I have to say the image he conjured in my head needs to be exorcised.


    Is the python house broken? Gawd, I sure hope so.

