Monday, June 30, 2008

Fantasy Friday - the reveal

I told you that this story would touch a lot of you. Speaking for chubby girls everywhere we don’t often don’t like our bodies. The idea of someone loving us enough to make us see that we are loveable not in spite of our curves but because of them!

The voting was as close as possible Hermione with 30%, Olivia with 25%, Eliane had 20% and Mina had 25%. Close enough for you? Once again that actual author the least votes. Eliane is our writer, she is new around here so let me introduce her. Eliane is from the UK. She is 31 and single at the moment. You know one of her interest, of course, is spanking! The other is the theatre (as you would spell it in the UK). This is her first story and I for one think she did a fantastic job. I hope she will take the little spare time she has to comment some our here so that we can get to know her better. If you would like to write to her personally you can use this address

You all know I want stories from everyone but I have to tell you it is really exciting to get one from a reader who has not written a spanking story before or had no place to post it if they did. I had spanking stories in my head for decades before I finally had the nerve to write any down. I hope everyone who had the desire to type ‘spanking’ on a search line and finds all of us will give writing their own story a try. Send all stories to

Eliane thanks again and I hope we will hear more from you.


  1. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Well done Elaine and welcome! Thanks for the fun story.

  2. Great work Elaine! Welcome to club1

  3. A really nice story Elaine. Welcome to spanko land.

    *hugs and grins*

  4. PK, thanks for posting this great story.
    Elaine, welcome to the family, thanks for your story, it was great. Please visit more often.
    Love and warm hugs,

  5. This story is PERFECT and I loved it!

    Thanks for the great work Elaine. Please join us, we can always use another opinion on this "thing we do".


  6. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Thank you all so much for the lovely comments. I'm blushing!
    I still can't quite believe I wrote an actual story!

  7. Great story, Elaine! Welcome and please write more stories!

  8. thank-you for the great story :-)

  9. A story a lot of us can identify with..Keep writing..

  10. Thanks, everyone, for all the votes. I guess this means I really must write a story for you.

    Well done, Elaine! I loved it.


  11. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Great story! Thanks for sharing it Elaine!

  12. Great story Elaine! Welcome to the group!!! :-) Thank you for giving us a wonderful start to our weekend!

