Sunday, May 11, 2008

Fantasy Friday - the reveal

Fantasy Friday! I do enjoy it so. I love the stories, I love knowing who wrote each one, I love to watch the voting! There is not much about FF I don’t like (except having to browbeat everyone for stories!). This week we had one of our wonderful men send us a story. That’s fun. Blog land is ‘dominated’, so to speak, by women but the men who do participate add so very much.

The voting this week went as follows

Marcus 17%
David 0%
Spanky 25%
Nick 58%

I am always impressed when you guys figure it out, but it is even more fun when you are all fooled and this time boy, were you fooled!! This story was written by David!! Yes, it was Mthc very own wild man wrote this one! Thank you David we enjoyed this one. Please keep writing!

As always anyone and everyone out there is welcomed to send in a story. Please send them to


  1. PK, I really thought that I had it this time, I could have sworn it was written by your own Nick.
    Well done David, a gem of a story, thank you.
    Hope that you had a great Mother's day PK.
    Love and warm hugs,

  2. Thank-you for sharing your story, David! It was very fun! :-) And thanks, PK... :-) Have a great Monday!

  3. What a perfect way to start a marriage! I only wish I had had the guts to tell my man what I wanted on my wedding day.

    Oh well, at least I finally got the guts!

    Great story David! I loved it!


  4. Glad everyone liked it. I couldn't have done it without Pk. Thank's Pk for Fantasy Friday.

    *hugs and grins*

  5. David I love your story! You need to write more and I still wish you and Mthc could do your own blog. I understand that you can, but I would love it!

    PK thank you for FF! I do enjoy it!

