Monday, February 04, 2008

The Reveal - The Game

This was one of the best FF stories!! I love the ideas with it and hopefully Nick will want to play this game someday. Truly a good tradition for any holiday – keep it in mind gentlemen!

So who wrote it? Well the voting leaned heavily toward Jessica. She received 50 % of the votes but that means 50 % of those voting didn’t think it was Jessica. This time the top vote getter was indeed the brilliant author of ‘The Game’! Great job!! Jessica please take a bow!! And please keep writing, hopefully we will have another FF from you in the future!

I am especially happy that Jess sent me a story. I really want to everyone to feel welcomed to send in stories to FF! You do not have to have a blog!! Most of us spanko bloggers had a story in us long before we started our blogs. So please try your hand!

I make this special pitch because once again the cupboard is bare and I have a full week coming up. Come on everyone – send in those stories!!

And Jess, thanks again!!! I look forward to reading more of your work!!


  1. PK - Thank you for the opportunity to share my story! I guess I am a bit transparent in my style! :-)

    Todd & Suzy - I thought my comment was innocent enough sounding...

    Thanks you all for the feedback!

    Take care,

  2. Jessica, Your story will go down as a FF classic. Thank's for writing it and to share with us.

    *hugs and grins*

  3. Great story Jessica..keep writing!

  4. One more think Pk..Hope everything goes well tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you..

  5. PK, you do us all a service thank you.
    Jess what an excellent story, we each have our own style, don't change, I guessed you, I don't do that very often, thank you dear girl.
    Love and warm hugs,

  6. Jessica,
    Great story, very hot! Thanks for sharing, love the game hoping to play on the next holiday!

    PK, Best wishes that all goes well for tomorrow.

    Hugs, Sally

  7. Great story Jessica! I don't think my husband is ready for games yet...but I will have to remember that one for when the time is right... :-)

  8. Thanks Jess for that great story and thanks to everyone for your well wishes! I will be back on as soon as possible!

  9. Anonymous2:44 AM

    A great story Jessica, thank you for sharing it with us.

    All the best PK, will be thinking of you.

